Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 732 Love and Family - My Story

Hearing Tailan's counterattack, a chilling gleam flashed in Isenlien's eyes, and the staff in his hand hit the ground heavily,

"Enough! Tylan Fording, you are the great lord of the Scarlet Crusade, and you shoulder the expectations and hopes of this land. How can you abandon your duties so casually? Come back with me! And this messenger, Humph, a counterfeit, arrest him and judge him!"

The four tall, blood-colored officers who followed Isenlien surrounded me with their weapons in their hands. I moved my fingers, and the two daggers danced in my palm like fish.

These are the spoils of my adventures in the Burning Plains, the magical weapons I got from the Blackstone orcs who succumbed to the rule of the black dragon, er, a little exaggerated, but these two daggers are real magic weapons, although I always use them Come knock my opponents out, but that doesn't mean they haven't tasted blood.

Frankly speaking, I'm not afraid of these four guys, as long as I want to go, no one can stop me, but Tyran, I can't keep him here, especially when I'm only one step away from meeting his father When I was away, I couldn't.

Everything I have worked hard for is now, even though I have become a rich man, but... at least for now, I am still an assassin.

The best gift for those who underestimate assassins is...


The bloody officer who raised his weapon first wanted to pounce on him. As a result of his reckless action, a wound appeared on his neck, a wound that completely severed the throat. From the jump of the shadow, I easily It came to his back, just like what it has done countless times on the battlefield, with a light swipe, a life is ended.

yes, death.

The guy who underestimated the assassin, the best gift he got was death.


The guy knelt down on the ground clutching his bloody throat, he was at a loss trying to grab something, maybe he wanted to grab life, or he wanted to grab his own confession, but there was no hope.

I looked indifferently at this guy who fell at my feet. He was not the first life I killed, nor would he be the last. He is just a phantom that I may forget at any time, and it is not even worth staying for too long for him. .

Ten fingers danced, two sharp snake-shaped daggers danced at my fingertips, I looked at the three people around me, I used my advantage to kill one, but the remaining three would not give me another chance to disappear, so , the next time we have to really fight.

On the other side, the negotiations between Tyran and Isenlien have also broken down. The paladins are wielding weapons mixed with scorching holy light, and fighting with Isenlien, who is manipulating holy spells. I am not optimistic about Tailan. Because he is too young, his combat experience is not even as rich as mine, and his opponent is a hero who survived the orc war and has passed the test of the undead war.

It is very difficult for him to win, and even if Esenlien is more vicious, it will be difficult for Tailan to keep his life.

But old Fording... Old Fording didn't know all of this. He was still anxiously waiting for his son to return, and he didn't even know that his son was in danger.

Shit! This is really the most disgusting thing!

Why do things like this happen to me every time!

It's true in the Burning Steppes, it's true in Stormwind, it's true in Felwood, it's true in Winterspring, it's true again!

I've had enough, I can no longer watch another life that I think is precious die in front of me, this shouldn't be his fate!


"Go away!"

I yelled at the bloody officer who blocked me in front of me, and I threw the dagger in my hand, and flew to the guy on the left side of my body with precision, knocking him back, and the only remaining dagger was held by me. In my hand, I used my arm to block the war hammer he smashed over.


Shit! This hurts so much! My arm might be broken, I heard that bone breaking, but that's okay, I got close to him.

The dagger in his left hand stabbed three times in his heart, his strong body seemed to lose all his strength, and he fell to the ground, but the guy who came from behind swung a hammer and hit me on the back .


The war hammer mixed with holy light made me feel like I was hit by a red-hot iron block, and a fishy and sweet feeling escaped from the corner of my mouth. It should be blood, but it doesn't matter.

With the help of the thrust from behind, I quickly rushed towards Tailan. The poor guy's weapon had already been blown away by Iselion's magic. The healing power also has a violent side. The moment I pushed Tailan out, the white light of Isenlien's spell gathered into a ray hammer and hit my chest precisely.


The blood can no longer be blocked by the teeth, I feel something warm sprayed on my face, I feel like a torn doll, I can't feel my body, I can't even feel the pain.

I flew in the air, and then fell to the ground. I opened my eyes with difficulty, and saw Tyran, the Tyran who fell on the ground, and Isenlien who was walking towards him.

"Tailan... I thought you would be my best disciple, but I didn't expect that you would also embark on the path of betrayal. If your beliefs are not pure enough, then it's useless to keep you. Let's go and accompany your father." , the traitor who betrayed the Holy Light."

"No! My father is not dead! You lied to me, Isenlien, you hypocritical liar, you are only dreaming of ruling this land, and you will never succeed!"

"Not dead? Tirion Fordring? Stupid!"

Isenlien is holding his staff high, the dazzling light has converged on the top of his staff, I struggled to climb towards Tyran, I wanted to save him, but...

There's nothing I can do, I'm already too weak.

I still can't defeat an existence like Yisenlien, he is too strong.

"Traitors deserve no pity, Tyran, die with your last vision of madness, and after I purify this land, you will be spurned forever as a traitor, just like your poor father. "

"I'm going to win, I never doubted that."

I closed my eyes and prayed to Elune, the moon god, for a miracle to happen, Tyran shouldn't die here, he shouldn't...

"Get your dirty hands... off my son!"


A shout and the sound of a weapon colliding made me open my eyes suddenly, and I saw a dazzling golden light rush out from the forest, and precisely hit Isenlien's magic shield, knocking this powerful The unshakable priest flew out in embarrassment.

It was a warhammer.

A warhammer with the emblem of Lordaeron engraved on it, I recognize it, it's sitting among a pile of shovels and pickaxes, yes, that warhammer.

Old Fording is here!

Thank Elune, he is here.

My last persistence paid off, I felt extremely weak, and I saw old Fording appearing like a hero, wearing a set of worn silver armor, just like when he was fighting on the battlefield.

I saw Tai Lan's excited affection, the tears on his face, and the reunion of the father and son.

I saw Isenlien's horrified gaze, and saw him stand up staggeringly while leaning on his staff, but was smashed to the ground by the angry old Fording with his hammer.

I saw... I saw what I wanted to see, the ultimate beauty.

Ah, I'm so tired...I need to take a break.

Tiredness surges up, I seem to see the warm lights of the Black Seashore, under the quiet darkness, the beauty and tranquility that makes people drowsy, the sea breeze of the sea of ​​mist, the sea breeze with fishy sweetness blowing, I will fall asleep.

Yes, that is where my mind is at peace.

I should go to bed.

Tai Lan shook my body, I saw his painful and anxious face, saw his mouth opening and closing, but what did he want to say? I can not hear.

Maybe thanks, no, no need.

This wonderful story is enough.

Happy National day! ! ! ! I wish you all!

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