Lawyer Kang Tae-hoon Episode 036

He was, on average, between the ages of 19 and 21 when he entered the semiconductor industry.

This is because, in the case of vocational high schools, practical training is usually conducted in the third year of high school.

In addition, Inseong's semiconductor company was a dream job that anyone would envy if viewed from the bright side rather than the dark side.

Bonuses between 600% and 1,000%.

But people did not know that what was hidden behind that high bonus was indeed a dreadful thing.

“Really, lawyer. I have something I want to do if I get better.”


Taehoon smiled brightly as her face lit up.

“It was my dream to be a writer. novelist.”

“Hey. really?"

Taehyung laughed exaggeratedly. It means amazing.

"Yes. That's why I'm still writing these days. swimming."

She smiled and pointed to her laptop. She solved the reason why the laptop was always in front of her.

“You know the novel ‘Daughter Like a Prince’?”

"uh? Isn't it Lee Hyun-ji, a novelist?"

“You are friends with me.”

Taehyung laughed triumphantly. I don't know if I can actually call them friendly.

"uh? really!?"

"Huh. Really, then get well soon and finish it up. I'll put the manuscript in. Did you know that Lee Hyeon-ji is the CEO of the first publishing company?”


Her face lit up with great vigor. It was the sweetest laugh I've ever seen.

"I won't help you until you get well and finish it-"

Taehoon smiled brightly.

She looked like her dream just to have a woman named ‘Lee Hyun-ji’ read to her.

“Oh, that’s right, lawyer.”

she handed something It was a notebook.

"what's this?"

“This is a diary that I wrote while working for Inseong Corporation’s semiconductor company. I thought it might be of some help.”

Tae-hoon, who received what she offered, held her chin.

Just as she was about to open one page, her anger fell.

“Don’t look here. I'm ashamed."

In fact, the diary also contained his personal life. Taehoon smiled shyly.

Then his cell phone rang.

It was a broadcasting station.

“I just have to go.”


“Yeah, I’ll be back next time.”

She had a look of regret. Tae-hoon took off his robe, showing a sorry expression, and went outside.

He called back to the number that was cut off.

“Yes, hello.”

-Hello, lawyer Kang Tae-hoon. This is the truth or false team Lee Ji-hye.

"Yes Yes."

Taehoon waited for a good answer.

-I'm sorry, but I don't think we can cover what lawyer Kang Tae-hoon asked for.

However, the response that came back was not very pleasant.


- It's a sensitive matter.

“I don’t know what’s sensitive.”

Taehyung asked curiously.

Soon after, someone handed me the phone.

- This is Lee Deok-soo, the PD in charge. You know, it's a little bit like that. Isn't the competitor no other than a personality company?

His voice was heavy and the sense of sari was great.

“I want to hear more specifics. I will go there.”

He was about to become the clearest number he had ever thought of.

He once thought he had to convince his PD Lee Duk-soo.

* * *

Taehoon arrived at the cafe near the broadcasting station first. He checked the time. He had about ten minutes left to schedule an appointment with him.

He used the rest of his time to open her notebook.

The diary was very full.

[Passed the dream company semiconductor company! All my classmates envy me. On the one hand, it is frustrating I also wanted to learn Korean literature at university... … Still, I can't help it when I think of my father who raised me alone. You can write novels when you have free time-!]

Taehoon turned a few more pages. The more I read, the more I laughed.

[First payday! Paru, the friendly cow with daddy! My dad's wallet is old, so I bought the Daktu wallet!!! Pop! My dad put it under the pillow saying he couldn't use it because it was a waste... … haha. I didn't buy it for that... … dad.]

Attached to this diary was a photo of him and his father holding a wallet that he tenderly gave them as a gift.

[I decided to put a savings account. Because I am a proud office worker with an annual salary of 40 million won! I got a call saying my dad was sick. heh... … Every time this happens, I worry about my father, who is at home alone. Don't be sick, Dad... … .]

Taehoon's hand was quickly reading through.

At one point, his face hardened.

[Strangely, I have no energy these days. I feel like I'm going to fall with a pick. She is a woman like me. slender woman. Is it because I can't date, Bonga? My dad and I decided to go to the big hospital next week.

Daddy's expression is bad. I cried outside for a long time. I never dreamed that I would experience something like this. leukemia… … I don't want to die... … There are still so many things I want to do... … .

Friends came to visit. My friends with schoolbags looked at me with a very sad expression on their faces. Don't make that face! I wanted to say, but I couldn't. My dad said the reason I was sick was because of the semiconductor company... … I did a search on my laptop. I found out that there are quite a few victims like me.

Every day is painful I want to go outside. This hospital room is like a prison. But more difficult than that is my father's crying.]

Taehoon continued flipping through his diary with his hardened face. It was tough to pass.

But if this could be presented as evidence and could lead to victory, it should be read.

After she was diagnosed with leukemia, a story related to her personality business was also told.

In spite of dealing with 100 kinds of harmful substances, it was also described in the diary that Inseong Enterprise did not give much notice about carcinogens or harmful substances.

Because of that, it was also written that Inseong Enterprise was resentful.

Another thing written was, 'She heard that her older sister, who worked on the same line, recently passed away from a brain tumor.'

Eventually, the diary came to an end.

[A lawyer came from a place called Hanmaeum Law Firm. His name is Tae-Hoon Kang. He is also tall. My ideal type with a handsome face too! We are also young Now he is said to be turning 31 soon. You seem to be talking to your father. You seem to be a very good lawyer. He often comes and listens to me. I will give this diary to the lawyer. I always want to say thank you.]

After reading all of his diary, Tae-hoon was heartbroken.

He sighed and looked back at his watch. By now, more than an hour had passed.

“Why don’t you come?”

I was distracted by the diary. Still, the PD in charge frowned upon him because he had not yet arrived.

Just in time, a man in his late thirties with a red padding on his neck with an employee ID 'MBS' came in while opening the cafe door and holding his cell phone to his ear.

Taehyung's cell phone rang.

“Here it is.”

I could tell that he was the PD Lee Deok-soo.

“Ah, sorry. I’m busy with work.”

"no. I didn’t even notice the time passing and I was doing something.”

Taehyung shook his head.

“Would you like to order a cup of coffee?”

"no. I am very busy.”

He looked busy. On the other hand, looking at it differently, he seemed to avoid talking with Taehoon.

“Then I’ll just go straight to the point. This case has never been dealt with before. Isn't that what broadcasting stations want?"

“What we want is the ratings. It’s nice because it’s straightforward.”

Lee Deok-soo nodded his head at Tae-hoon's reckless remarks.

“But I don’t think this is a little bit.”

“I know what you’re talking about, but the truth or false team has dealt with the crucible in that area… … .”

"Hey. No matter how great he was, he was at best the headmaster of a school.”

Producer Lee Deok-soo cut off Tae-hoon's words.“I will tell you straight-forward. class is different. If we cover this case, we are turning Sungsung Enterprises as an enemy. company image and whatnot. And decisively, the director also told me not to deal with the Inseong Enterprise case.”

It wasn't that Taehyung didn't understand either. No matter where I went in Korea, there was no place that Inseong Enterprises did not reach.

I could see it just by turning my eyes in this cafe. Laptops, TVs, mobile phones used by people. There was nowhere to seep into.

“When I investigated again, there was no victory. I know. There is no precedent recognized by the court, and there is no concrete evidence. But if it airs something like that, I'm not sure. I don’t know.”

“But once again… … .”

“How do I proceed with what the director told me not to do? Sorry. I just need to get up.”

PD Lee Deok-soo was adamant.

Of course he felt sorry for himself. In addition, if we look at the correlations so far, there were more people who fell ill at Inseong Semiconductor than expected.

No one knows for sure that it could have an impact.

However, there was no concrete evidence, and he must protect his mother-in-law.

PD Lee Deok-soo, who got up, came back with a sigh as he tried to step out.

Taehoon stood out, but that wasn't what he meant.

“I found out that the lawyer was a better person than I thought. Off topic, but I have a piece of advice. Lawyer. This is a battle that cannot but be lost. I can't win. Phew. It’s just so frustrating.”

With those words, PD Lee Deok-soo went outside.

Taehyung looked tired.

He covered his face with both hands and rubbed it hard.

"after… … Where is the battle that cannot but be lost?”

He sighed heavily as he watched PD Lee Deok-soo's seat.

* * *

A cigarette was burning non-stop from Taehoon's fingers when he came out of the smoking area outside the law firm.

The unshaven cigarette ashes eventually fell to the floor by themselves.

He came not long ago when he put up an administrative lawsuit.

And he sent a lawyer as an assistant to the Korea Workers' Compensation and Welfare Service from Inseong Enterprises.

That lawyer was none other than Han Seong-ho, a lawyer at Korea Law Firm.

Attorney Han Seong-ho was not an easy-going opponent. He is at least one of the top lawyers in Korea.

In addition, 'Inseong Enterprise' and 'Daehan Law Firm' had a long-standing contractual relationship.

They were going to jump in for an unconditional victory.

“I didn’t even take a few sips.”

Investigation of the data continued, but no clear evidence was obtained. Of course, there is still plenty of time until the trial, but the fact that he has never won was enough to put Kang Tae-hoon under strong pressure.

He rubbed the cigarette into the ashtray, put it out, took out another value, and, realizing that it was empty, crumpled it up and threw it in the ashtray.

“Can I get you a cigarette?”

As he turned around and entered the law firm, he heard a familiar but unwelcome voice.

Taehyung turned his head and frowned.

He was none other than Lee Baek-ho.

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