Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 62 Market Turbulence

Deep night, bright stars.

In the sky above the Black Lake, surging flames are flying.

The bright flames swirled, and in mid-air, fierce monsters evolved.

Fire dragons, chimeras, and all kinds of fierce beasts made deafening roars, spreading far and wide in the quiet night sky.

If someone gets close at this time, they can find that in the center of this extremely violent flame vortex, there are two figures, one tall and one short.

It was Dumbledore and Jemini.

Finally, with a flick of Jemini's wand, an invisible energy spread far and wide, and the raging flame suddenly contracted into a huge fireball under his command. Then, the fireball slowly disappeared from the wand. tip of the stick.

"Very good." Dumbledore clapped his hands and smiled gently: "You can make the irritable Lihuo so docile. Sure enough, your talent in black magic is far higher than I imagined."

Jemini put one hand on his chest, and the gentleman bowed: "It's all well taught by you."

"Don't be so humble, if the students are not talented or unwilling to learn, no matter how good the teacher is, it won't make much difference." Dumbledore said cheerfully: "Promise me, don't use it on innocent people. "

"I assure you, Professor." Jemini nodded.

"Also, until you can't guarantee full mastery—"

"I won't use it easily." Jemini said gently.

"Very good." Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction: "So... Your Excellency Fox, is there anything else you want to learn?"

"I want to learn to Apparate, you see—"

"I'm just being polite to you." Dumbledore smiled: "But, it's okay, at least it's not black magic this time. But tonight I think we'd better take a break and go to the kitchen to get some supper something is better."

"Listen to you." Jemini nodded.

"Any plans for this holiday, Jemini?" Dumbledore asked as he walked.

"I plan to..." Jemini thought for a while: "I plan to go out for a walk. I made an appointment with Professor McGonagall to watch this year's Quidditch League Cup final. If possible, I want to go to Greece, Brazil, and the West Coast of the United States. Where to go for a vacation, look at me as white as a vampire."

"You want to get a tan?"

"Actually, I want to see a bikini."

"What an outspoken kid." Dumbledore nodded. "So, you're not going to sell your fun gadgets?"

"You really are investigating me!" Jemini stared at him.

"Calm down, Jemini." Dumbledore said gently: "I don't mean to target you. In fact, I pay attention to every student."

"Then don't ask..." Jemini pouted: "It's rude, right?"

"Can I buy something from you too?" Dumbledore asked cheerfully.

"Tell me, what do you want to buy?"

"Magic stone?"

"I know a man named Run Tu. Like you, he likes to find fault." Jemini was expressionless.

"Okay, I want to buy something protective." Dumbledore blinked.

"You mean Hogwarts, or..."

"I think I need both."

Dumbledore nodded: "Maybe you don't know, more than a hundred years ago, Peeves used a Muggle firearm and a cannon to suppress the entire Hogwarts. , even the then-principal Placia had to pinch her nose and sign an unequal treaty—"

"Is there such a thing?" Jemini's eyes widened.

"Of course, the whole of Hogwarts was suspended for three days at that time." Dumbledore nodded: "Until you appeared, I realized the possibility of Muggle weapons again."

"A lot of wizards don't take that seriously,

They feel that disarming or transfiguration will eliminate the threat, but in fact, as long as you get hit by a spell, the result is the same whether you are holding a gun or a wand, although the wand is more versatile, but I don't Admittedly, the speed of the bullet flying is much faster than that of the spell. "

Jemini opened his mouth in astonishment, looking at Dumbledore's eyes full of weirdness: "I thought the wizards insisted on not using firearms because of the wizard's pride or something..."

"Of course, there are also reasons for this." Dumbledore said cheerfully: "So do you have any small objects that are suitable for Hogwarts?"

"This...let's talk about it later." Jemini spread his hands, turned into a Firefox and ran away.

There are many weapons suitable for the defense of Hogwarts Castle, but Dumbledore can't afford any of them, and Jeminiy's words are just embarrassing.

Defensive weapons are different from ordinary weapons. If you want to protect such a huge castle, you need at least four Ghat cannons.

This thing comes from Buddhism, and there is an individual called the Great Mercy and Great Compassion Gatling Bodhisattva, which is specially used to send people to the West.

Not to mention the price, there is no one that can't be bought by hundreds of thousands, and this is just the price of one.

When Jemini wrote to Reid before, I also learned that in the past few months after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the AK47 was sold at the price of cabbage in the international market. During the same time period, the prices of some weapons in the weapons store also fell sharply. .

But this is only one of the types of arms. For objects like Gatling, the price has basically not changed, and it has even increased a little because of the replacement.

According to Jemini's idea, he wanted to set up an arms company in the Muggle society, but this kind of thing was still a bit troublesome for him now.

Gun bans in the UK!

It feels so outrageous to say such a thing, but in fact, guns are banned in the UK.

The just-promulgated gun ban, except for pistols and shotguns, is almost extinct in the UK, such as rifles.

Even in order to ban guns, the British government even used the power of capital - the purchase of guns.

The vampires have cut their wrists, which shows how determined the UK is to ban guns...

The most terrible thing is, according to Reid, there is even a rumor that even handguns should be banned. Although there is resistance, it seems that there are not many objections.

Jemini knew that they succeeded.

He vaguely remembered some anecdotes he read when he was online in his previous life, saying that in order to ban guns in the United Kingdom, the shooters participating in the Olympic Games practiced abroad...

So, if Jemini wants to start a company, he can only go abroad, to any country where guns are not allowed.

Like Free America, shootout every day.

For example, in Happy Afghanistan, if you carry a gun, you will do it.

For example, in peace in Syria, landmines are bombed all over the place.

For example, in romantic France, white flags are hung on the front.

Huh? Seems like something weird got in there?

The other trouble is that Jemini is only twelve now and doesn't even have a guardian.

Not to mention starting a company, he just wants to get medical insurance and can't do it...

And now that the price of arms is falling, it is a good time to stock up. If possible, Jemini would like to seize this opportunity.

If only I could have a legitimate and legitimate identity...

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