Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 61 The Animagus Perspective

Late at night, Hogwarts.

The fiery red little fox wandered quietly in the ancient castle.

It was the first time for Jemini to travel at night from this perspective, and it felt a little subtle.

Animagus is a kind of magic that completely converts people into animals. Although the wizard who becomes Animagus has a complete memory, because the brain structure will also change, it will not produce too much. Too rich in emotion, which is why the Dementors couldn't catch Sirius.

And what makes Jemini feel helpless is that after turning into a fox, a large part of the effect of his spider serum ability lost, except for strong power, there is no other ability.

Fortunately, the weapon store is still available.

The store seemed to appear in front of him no matter what form Jemini was in.


There was a cat meow in the quiet corridor, Jemini shook his ears and looked forward, a cat raccoon blocking his way.

It was a black cat with pointed ears, slender limbs, and big round eyes staring at Jemini without blinking.

Jemini recognizes it, it's called Barut, and it's Adria's pet.

Barut leaned over to Jemini and sniffed around him curiously, then it turned to Jemini again and fell to the ground with its belly exposed.

This is what animals mean by surrendering.

Cat raccoon is a very intelligent animal, they can easily distinguish Animagus, for example, Crookshanks, which Hermione later raised, has a part of cat raccoon blood.

Apparently, the cat raccoon recognized Jemini.

With a whimper, the Jemini stood up, turned back into a human, and stepped forward and rubbed Balut's belly.



There were footsteps in the corridor, and Jemini quickly turned into a fire fox again. When Filch, with a gloomy face, came with an oil lamp, he only saw a fire fox and a cat raccoon. Lying there, staring at him curiously.

"Has anyone been here, darlings?" Filch asked with a smile.

Jemini shook his head.

It was the first time he had come face-to-face with Filch at night, and he didn't expect this guy to be so friendly when faced with animals.

However, when facing the students, it is the kind of twisted and jealous psychology. Human beings are really weird.

Mrs. Norris flicked her long tail and leaned to Jemini's side, circling around Jemini, tilting her little head in doubt.

It can't understand Jemini's existence a bit, but it can't tell Animagus at a glance like Barut.

It's interesting to see humans from the perspective of animals. Jemini thinks that with the way he is now, he should be able to see the other side of people, which makes him feel very interesting.

the next day.

It's Saturday, and after eating, Jemini turns into a Firefox and wanders around.

In the Slytherin common room, the students gathered in twos and threes, and the atmosphere was quite lively.

Usually when Jemini is in the common room, this group of people is not so relaxed. One of them counts as one, and they are all adults and polite.

Adria and Shirley were lying on the sofa in their pajamas, discussing something in a low voice. Balut lay in Adria's arms, snoring lazily.

"What do you have there?" Adria asked in a low voice.

"The most precious thing is a set of pajamas." Shirley had a ruddy look on her face. Compared with the fanatical Adria, her temperament was cooler.

"And you?"

"I have two pairs of underwear." Adria's eyes were hot.

Are you talking about girls' private topics?

Jemini shook his ears, turned his head away in embarrassment, and turned to leave.

"One Galleon, rent it to me, and I will return it when the time comes."

"Don't even think about it, I won't rent Lord Fox's panties to other women, not even you."


Jemini froze in place.

"I have the bath towel he used."

"make a deal!"

Jemini: "???"

From the very first day he observed others from the perspective of Animagus, Jemini saw the ugliness that lurks beneath the surface of people.

Strolling through the castle, Jemini was soon surrounded by a group of Ravenclaw girls.

"Are there any foxes in the castle?"

"I don't know, but it's so cute!"

Jemini was hugged by a girl and adjusted his posture, enjoying the softness under him lazily.

"Is it laughing?"

"Eyes narrowed into slits."

After a long time, Jemini reluctantly bid farewell to the group of girls and started hanging out again.

"Are we going to the potions office to practice spells today?"

Ron's voice sounded at the end of the corridor, and around the corner, Harry and Ron were striding towards the Potions Office.

"Come on, Ron, Jemini should be gone," Harry said hastily.

"I don't want to see that old bat..."

"But we did learn a lot of spells this time, and I have learned the disarming spell." Harry vowed: "Today I will disarm Jemini by surprise!"

Jemini squinted his eyes, it doesn't work if he says it secretly~

"And what Jemini said before is right, I hate Snape, and Snape hates me too." Harry said calmly: "Since everyone hates each other, it is also a torment for him to see me, Let's hurt each other."

Jemini: "..."

Good boy, does it turn out to be black when you cut it?

But miscalculation, I didn't plan to go to the potions office today, it looks like these two are going to spend the morning with Snape...

"Huh? This fox..." Ron looked at Fox who was walking in the hallway in surprise: "Does anyone own a fox? This hair is redder than mine, so pretty."

"I don't know why, but I always feel that its eyes look familiar." Harry glanced at the Firefox in front of him, and said with some doubts.

Jemini nodded, this guy's intuition is not bad.

"Kind of like a catgirl?" Harry thought for a while.

Take back the foreword, this guy is blind! Jemini thought silently and passed the two of them.

The novel day flew by quickly, at night, in the Slytherin boys' dormitory.

Jemini leaned on the sofa with his arms crossed, his legs crossed leisurely.

Beside the coffee table in front of him, Draco shivered on the ground, his face pale and frightened.

"Don't be so afraid, I don't eat people." Jemini sighed helplessly and waved his hand: "I just want to ask you where my changed clothes have gone, and the other thing is, when I was just washing, I found me I lost my toothbrush too…”

Draco shivered even more...

"But since you rent my things to make money, you always have to give me an explanation, otherwise I can't stand losing my toothbrush every three days in the future."

"Don't kill me..." Draco looked horrified: "I will never dare again. It's all Adria's idea. She insists on washing your clothes by herself."

"You really don't listen to anyone..." Jemini sighed, picked up a piece of chocolate from the table and handed it to Draco: "I said I don't care, eat a piece of chocolate to calm down."

Draco ate the chocolate tremblingly, and it took a long time for his mood to stabilize.

"Why are you so timid, I didn't say anything." Jemini waved his hand: "I won't do anything to you, but you make money from my things..."

"I don't dare any more!" Draco paled.

"I will share 80% of the money I earn."

Draco: "..."

------off topic-----

Today's second update, I actually made it up! Wow ha ha ha ha! Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation, ask for a collection, ahhhhhhh~

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