Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 47 Christmas Presents

Hogwarts in December is snowy.

The heavy snow like goose feathers and the ancient towering castle look like a beautiful winter picture from a distance.

Jemini's life has also fallen into peace again, without triggering any messy and bloody plots, so he lives a peaceful and peaceful campus life in such a safe and stable manner.

On the last Saturday before Christmas, Jemini came to Hogsmeade.

The snow on the ground was below his knees, and Jemini ate a cup of hot and sour noodles, wandering back and forth on the streets of Hogsmeade.

Today's lunch at Hogwarts is toast bread, beetroot salad, milk tea as a drink, all sweets...

Even Jemini, who is accustomed to British eating habits, is a bit unacceptable this time. In his last life, he was a firm spicy party, and being able to eat bland British food is the limit he can bear.

In fact, British food is not as outrageous as rumored. There are many traditional British dishes that actually taste very good. For example, Jemini’s favorite baked potato is called Jack Potato in the UK. Although it is a baked potato, it is actually baked. Very particular, and there are many ways to eat.

However, there are not many kinds of British food, and eating it over and over again will also be boring. Unlike China, one Chongqing will not be tired of eating for a lifetime.

So today, I can't blame Jemini for being hypocritical. A staunch spicy party has eaten British food for so many years, but this time he simply fed sweets directly. No one else can stand it.

Fortunately, there are still some things like chili pepper black pepper mustard in the UK. Although it is not spicy, it can be eaten. Otherwise, Jemini might have to consider immigrating to France...


After drinking the last sip of soup, Jemini threw the cup noodle bucket into the trash can beside him. Snape at the door of the Deves \u0026 Bans store next to him seemed to be blind, completely ignoring the fact that he did not go out. Permit also ran to Hogsmeade stumbling first-year students.

Students in grades 1 and 2 are not allowed to go out during school. Even students in grades 3 and above need a guardian's signature to play in Hogsmeade on weekends.

Therefore, Jemini's behavior can be said to be very rampant...

Two figures, one tall and one short, passed by, and neither Jemini and Snape greeted each other.

Snape turned a blind eye to him. If he came forward to say hello, it would be too arrogant. Basically, it was no different from provocation...

In fact, it's not just Snape. Jemini happened to meet Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout just now. Professor Flitwick looked up at the sky on the spot: "Today's snow is really beautiful—"

Professor Sprout raised his head cheerfully: "Yes, yes..."

Then the two just walked past Jemini...

After spending time at Hogwarts, you will find that it is a very warm place.

For example, Professor Flitwick always likes to buy candy to distribute to the students, and every time he gives Jemini a few more pieces, so Jemini never told him that he actually didn't like candy.

For example, almost all of the new dishes released by the Hogwarts kitchen were researched by Professor Sprout. She also invited Jemini to her small tea party several times on weekends. I heard that most of the people who went there were girls. There are many delicious...

The professors' tolerance towards Jemini is not without reason, because in the morning, they saw Jemini applying with Professor McGonagall to come to Hogsmeade to buy some Christmas presents.

Then he was righteously rejected by Professor McGonagall. In the end, Professor McGonagall warned Jemini again and again, saying that she was very busy recently and would be in the office today to correct her homework. Jemini was not allowed to run around. If he didn't see Jemini, he would feel better.

But in fact, Professor McGonagall, who was supposed to be correcting homework in the office, was sitting in the box on the second floor of the Three Broom Bar.

Leisurely drinking afternoon tea.

She had already seen Jemini outside through the window...

As the Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall has always been a very serious person, because in her capacity, she must treat all students equally, and if she agrees to let Jemini come out, it means that she will not It is not good for her management to refuse the requests of other students.

But if it was Jemini's own behavior, it would be fine. Anyway, there is no need to worry about the child's safety. She noticed it when she checked the troll and the three-headed dog's body before, and he kicked Jemini. Monster brain! The head of the troll corpse is also printed with Jemini's heel and shoe print...

"How do you sell the speculum?"

Inside the DeVos \u0026 Bans store, Jemini surveys the beautifully packaged looking glasses on the shelf.

This is a shop specializing in the sale of magic equipment. All kinds of magic equipment can be bought here, celestial models, Defense Against the Dark Arts equipment, and even Quidditch maintenance supplies.

"12 Galleons." The bearded boss said gruffly: "If it's a Christmas gift, I can help you wrap it and send it out for free."

Although the speculum in the weapon store only sells for 10 Galleons, Jemini still did not buy it from the weapon store. It is best to buy a gift like a gift from the store. It has a sense of ritual. Anyway, he is not that bad. two money.

Jemini paid for the looking glass.

"To which child?"

"Hogwarts, Severus Snape."

"Did you buy it for your dean?" The bearded boss glanced at Jemini's green scarf: "Although it's a bit talkative, even if you give him a gift, he won't have a good face."

"'re right." Jemini spread his hands helplessly.

It didn't matter Snape's attitude to him or anything, but he had to be grateful for the fact that he had been on the stove for so long.

He took a copper crucible from the shelf next to him and handed it to the bearded boss: "Let's add another crucible."

"Thanks to your patronage, a total of 15 Galleons and 5 Xikes." The bearded store manager smiled brightly: "Do you want anything else? The famous Mr. Fox?"

"Wand maintenance kit, if you want the latest model, can you send me two more bottles of maintenance liquid?"

"Ah! Of course children!" The bearded store manager took out a beautiful gift box from the shelf beside him, took out two more bottles of maintenance liquid and put it in.

The so-called maintenance liquid is actually a lubricant-like substance made from pine and cypress oil, which can polish the wand. For those dueling experts, the wand maintenance gift box is their favorite thing.

"This is also a Christmas present. Please help me deliver it to Professor Flitwick."

"As you wish." The bearded store manager smiled more and more brightly: "Are you going to give each of the four deans a Christmas present?"

"Well." Jemini nodded: "The deans took great care of me."

"The teacher is a righteous child to take care of the students. You have already spent a lot of money." The bearded store manager suggested: "Maybe you can buy something cheap, but generally no students come to me to buy things..."

Jemini shook his head: "I don't take other people's kindness as a matter of course, I have nothing to do with them, so no matter what the purpose is, it is their duty to take care of me, and it is their duty not to take care of me, they can take it seriously, But I can't, because I'm the one who is being cared for, and that's what I do as a human being."

"Ha!" The bearded boss laughed: "Principles of being a human being! That's right! I knew that Rita Skeeter, that stinky bitch, had no good intentions every day. You are not at all the same as what the newspaper said, I appreciate you."

"Can you give me a 50% discount then?"

"But the newspapers will definitely not come out of nowhere."

Jemini: "..."

Sincerity between people?

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