Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 182 No Gentlemen on the Court

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"First-class tickets! All on the top floor! Arthur, the top!"

The witch of the Ministry of Magic who checked the tickets looked at their tickets and said.

The stairs leading to the stadium were covered with a fuchsia carpet, and people were bustling up, slowly diverting into the stands on the left and right.

Everyone came to the box, although it was said to be a box, but there was only a railing between the box and the box. There was only a box number, and there was no fixed seat number. Except for the better environment, it was also open-air, and the Quidditch in the school. The odd stand is about the same, very spacious, and you can move around at will.

What's interesting is that Jemini's box is right next to Harry's box, and there is only a railing in the middle. When a few people came, the girls from the Hobby team had already arrived, and their whole team's tickets were from the Charlotte Gang. got it together.

"The minister originally meant to share a box with you, but I said that you were with the Harpies. The box was full of girls, which was inconvenient. He looked regretful." Charlotte chuckled softly.

"Nice job." Jemini nodded.

"But the relationship between the Weasleys is really..." Charlotte said, and glanced at the next box in surprise: "I heard that Bagman helped to get their tickets, and I don't know what he did. Here, a dozen first-class tickets..."

"Good popularity is also an ability." Jemini took out a bottle of whisky from his arms: "It's not bad? Eleven girls accompany me to watch the game alone, who wants to drink?"


Fred and George jumped from their box, followed by Harry and Ron.

"Okay..." Jemini raised an eyebrow.

Hundreds of thousands of wizards were sitting in the field one after another, and everyone looked down at the field below. The field looked smooth and smooth like velvet.

"Look! The Firebolt ad!" George shouted, pointing to a large blackboard in the distance. "Have you put an ad here?"

"I don't know, it might be a gift, or it might be the location where those boutiques bought it." Jemini said nonchalantly.

It took a long time for the flashing text on the blackboard to disappear, as if it was wiped off by an invisible hand, and another advertisement appeared on the blackboard.

'Cornflower: A broom for the whole family - safe, reliable, with a built-in anti-theft buzzer. ’

"Okay..." Fred muttered, "safe and secure... I remember they were made for children's toy brooms?"

Ron pulled out his panoramic binoculars and started tuning, looking out at the crowd on the other side of the stadium.

"That's awesome..." He fiddled with the playback knob on the side of the telescope: "I can make that old guy over there pick his nose again... again... again..."

The girls from the Hobby team next to him distanced themselves from him with a look of disgust.

"The purpose of this telescope... Huh?" Jemini couldn't help laughing. Shirley, who was beside him, shook her head helplessly. She could see at a glance what Jemini was thinking.

Hermione eagerly looked at the game manual with the fringed velvet cover: "There is a performance of the team mascot before the game. Do you know what the mascot of the Irish team is?"

"It's an Irish goblin."

"What about the Bulgarian team?"

Fred shrugged. "Victor Krum?"

Harry laughed: "Probably some rare species from them? And those who use fire dragons as mascots."

The time a few people were talking, the surrounding boxes were already full of people.

Because the top floors are all first-class seats, the people who come and go look very well-identified, and Charlotte also shakes hands and talks with the wizards who come and go from time to time. What annoys Jemini is that almost everyone who knows him All wizards would flatter him and shake hands with him, as if he were a pet dog.

Fudge also came, and to Jemini's surprise, Mr. Weasley shared a box with Fudge.

After a few words with Mr. Weasley, he looked like an old friend, then came to Jemini's box, greeted Jemini and Harry, and shook hands with Charlotte. West's red eyes stared at several people, he looked very envious.

Just as Fudge was introducing Harry to the Bulgarian officials next to him, the Malfoys also came up, and Draco followed behind Lucius and ran over when he saw everyone.

"Damn it, my dad has to come over before the game starts." Draco muttered depressedly.

Jemini nodded. He could understand Lucius' thoughts. After all, there are many people here, and there are still dark wizards who want to do things after the game. If it wasn't for the necessary entertainment, he should stay at home. right.

Lucius walked over to Fudge, and the two were chatting familiarly, and then he dragged Draco over and introduced Fudge to his son and wife.

Judging by the glances he and Mr Weasley collided with from time to time, the relationship between the two did not seem to be improving.

Anyway, two years have passed, and Jemini thought the two of them could relax a little.

Fortunately, Lucius didn't speak sarcastically. After all, Jemini and the Minister of Magic were both here, and he even greeted Hermione kindly.

No way, Jemini was still wrapping her arms around Hermione's waist.

After that, a group of them returned to the box next door, and the venue was already overcrowded by this time.

"Is everyone ready?" Ludo Bagman burst into their box and asked loudly.

"Get started, Ludo." Fudge nodded.

Ludo pulled out his wand and pressed it to his throat: "Sound loud!"

Immediately afterwards, his voice resounded throughout the stadium, echoing above people's heads.

"Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome! Welcome to the 422nd Quidditch World Cup!"

Deafening cheers rang through the stadium, thousands of flags were waved at the same time, and there was a riot of singing, including the national anthem and songs famous around the world.

Jemini's powerful five senses also captured 'Be a good man' in the stands across the field, and 'Katyusha standing on a steep bank' next to them.

On the huge blackboard where the advertisements were still advertised, the last line of the advertisement for Bibi Duoweidou was erased, and a line of words was displayed: Bulgaria: 0, Ireland: 0.

"Okay, without further ado, allow me to introduce... the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!"

Loud cheers erupted from the bright red square on the right side of the stands.

"Don't know what they brought?" said Hermione.

"Bulgaria, of course it's Veela!" behind Jemini, the Harpy captain Gwenog said of course.

"What is a veela?" Harry asked.

Before waiting for an answer, over the arena, a hundred veelas had already slid into the arena.

"If I had to describe a Veela in terms of appearance, I could only tell you... a woman! A beautiful woman!"

As Jemini said, he took off his suit jacket and threw it aside, then he tore off his tie, stepped on his shiny leather shoes on the railing of the stands, put two fingers in his mouth, and whistled loudly, his posture was extremely dissolute. .

Although he has always been a gentleman in the past, I am sorry, there are only hooligans and no gentlemen on the court.

This, whether it is players or spectators, is no exception.

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