Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 175 Are you going to watch?

"The Arms Dealer from Hogwarts ()"

Grey Castle is extraordinarily quiet tonight.

After the party, Harry followed the Weasleys back to the Burrow, Draco and Greengrass were also driven home by Rum, and the members of the Harpies also left. Jemini made an appointment to see you in the World Cup final sometime later.

Only Hermione remained in the castle...

At the dinner table, Adria sullenly puffed her face, Shirley looked at her nose and nose, and Hermione thought about the day's affairs and ate with her head down.

Jemini has nothing to do with himself, the attitude of a scumbag.

Only Charlotte had the same gentle smile on her face as she always did, adding some dishes to Hermione from time to time, which made Hermione a little flattered.

With a crisp snap, Rum suddenly appeared in the dining room. He bowed deeply to Jemini, and then said respectfully, "Master Fox, Lucius Malfoy is here to see you."

"Oh thank goodness he's here at the right time—" Jemini jumped up from his seat, and he couldn't stand the atmosphere in the restaurant: "Please invite him over for a quick meal."

Soon, Lucius came to the restaurant under the leadership of Rum.

He looked a little panicked, perhaps because he was too anxious, his hair was a little messy, and in the past, his blond hair was always meticulously groomed.

"Oh... good evening, Mr. Malfoy," Jemini said with a mild smile.

"Good evening, Jemini." Lucius looked anxious: "I have something to tell you."

"Let's talk while you eat, I think you need to calm down now, why don't you have something to eat first and think about it?" Jemini laughed.

"I'm not too hungry... Well, let's have a little thanks." Lucius found a seat and sat down, and several plates of sumptuous dishes appeared in front of him.

After eating a few bites of rice to warm his stomach, Lucius looked calmer. He looked at Jemini and said, "Actually, I often meet some old friends recently..."

"Death Eaters?" Jemini smiled: "After all, they are old friends, I won't stop you from interacting with them."

"No, I'm actually working hard to get rid of them recently, but because I'm worried about retribution, I haven't shown it too clearly..." Lucius said worriedly.

"But I recently got a piece of news that they seem to be planning to do something after the Quidditch final..."

Lucius said, looking at Jemini.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Jemini shrugged: "So what?"

Lucius froze for a while, then pursed his lips: "That's why I came to tell you in advance."

"Those old people of yours want to pull you along?" Jemini raised his eyebrows.

"Well... that's right." Lucius nodded.

"Isn't it good?" Jemini casually inserted a piece of beef into his mouth: "As long as you leave as soon as the World Cup is over... Then you can get rid of your relationship with them."

Lucius shook his face and said nothing.

He understands what Jemini means, this guy wants to take advantage of this kung fu to kill all the people...

"But I need your help with one thing." Jemini said, raising his head: "I need you to help me get someone out of Azkaban."


"Peter Pettigrew." Jemini said lightly: "If it's really hard to let him out, then... um... Bellatrix, it's okay to let her out."

"Bella?!" Lucius was startled: "That crazy woman... Jemini, listen to me, that woman is a lunatic and a diehard loyalist of the Dark Lord."

"What I want is a loyalist. Someone must find Voldemort and find his whereabouts. Others will not try to find him, only Peter Pettigrew, who is cornered, or Bellatrix, who is a loyal Voldemort." Jemini said lightly: "You know, he has to be resurrected once."

"Wait... I heard right? Jemini..." Hermione looked at Jemini in horror: "You want to resurrect the mysterious man?"

"shut your mouth,

Sir, he has his own plans. Adria frowned, interrupting Hermione.

Hermione opened her mouth angrily, as if she wanted to say something, but after hesitating, she closed her mouth.

Jemini ignored the bickering two people, but continued to warn Lucius: "There is another person who may be able to help you."


"Jr. Barty Crouch." Jemini said lightly.

"Little Barty? Isn't that guy dead?" Lucius was surprised.

"I didn't die. I was controlled by Old Barty with the Imperius Curse. Every day I squatted at home wearing an invisibility cloak and was looked after by a house elf."

"This is... incredible..." Lucius looked at Jemini in astonishment: "I heard that he died many years ago."

"That guy is still Voldemort's die-hard, and if it's the Quidditch World Cup, he'll be taken there. I want you to let him go while that's the time."

Jemini continued, "And then I'm going to need you to bring them all to me..."

"Bring it to you?"

Lucius was puzzled.

"That's right, or stabilize them first and send me a message." Jemini urged: "Anyway, Peter Pettigrew or Bellatrix, you must let one out, as well as the minibus. Teclaw, you don't need to bring them to me, as long as you notify me at the critical moment."

"I see..." Lucius nodded.

"Another way to release people... catch a sick dark wizard, you must be unforgivable, put the Imperius Curse on him, and then replace the person. All troubles in the middle are solved with Imperius Curse, what's the matter? I'll take care of the problem for you."

"Thanks a lot then." Lucius' face relaxed, he was still thinking about how to let people out, and if he had Jemini's bottom line, he would be able to do it with confidence.

After dinner, Lucius left Castle Grey.

Hermione couldn't wait to look at Jemini: "What the hell is going on? Jemini?"

"That's what you see, resurrecting Voldemort." Jemini shrugged.

"Why?" Hermione was puzzled, but she still wasn't too aggressive, she believed that Jemini would give him an explanation.

"Um..." Jemini pondered for two seconds: "It's a long story, but Harry knows it, let's go back to the room first, I'll tell you everything, Rum, prepare some snacks and Sherry."

"Yes, Master Fox..." Rum bowed and stepped back.

The anxious Hermione didn't think too much, and quickly followed Jemini back to the room. Adria couldn't help sneering at the dining table behind her.

"Are we going to watch?"

"Will it be bad?" Shirley hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Adria sneered, not knowing where to take out a camera.

Shelly: "..."

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