American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 164: Mysterious Smith

"Vampires and werewolves have many similarities. Groups of vampires will become more brutal and bloodthirsty. The destructive power of a group of vampires will far exceed their ability to act alone."

Greak began to pick up vampires at Benekop.

"In countless legends, vampires are elegant images, polite, full of emotions, but in fact, we have experienced countless years of baptism, emotions have long been spent in time.

In order to catch the emotions that slip away quietly, we will do many things that are very unreasonable to humans. There are two parts of human emotions that are the most intense and exciting. Benny, do you know which two parts are? "

"Love and hate?" Benny asked tentatively.

Grek shook his head.

"No. It's the pleasure of **** and the pleasure of destruction."

"So, vampires are always inseparable from **** and killing."

"But the time to leave will leave sooner or later, no matter how you stay, after the crazy **** and killing or short stimulation, all that is left is endless emptiness.

In the face of this emptiness, the more we become afraid, the more we want to keep it, even for a few moments. "

Benny was silent for a long while, then raised his head and drove to Greak, "Are you trying to make me sympathize with you?"

"Sympathy, yes, sympathy. According to my observations, the emotion of compassion is unique to humans. Except for humans, no creatures have the emotion of compassion. Benny, can you tell me what it feels like to be compassionate? "

Greak asked slightly confused.

"I have read your human books and artworks. Most of them are praising love and loyalty, loyalty and bravery, and praising God or nature, but few praising mercy and sympathy, and even many humans believe that they are sympathetic. And compassion is useless. It's weird, isn't it?

What other creatures are eager to grasp is worthless in front of humans, and humans have desperately tried to eliminate this unique feature that other creatures do not have for a long time. "

Benny looked up at the time, got up and said

"Sorry, Greck, I have something else, I'm afraid I will have to discuss this philosophical question with you next time.

Greak, if you want to know what sympathy is, when your compatriots arrive at Hawkins to carry out the massacre, you can sit aside and take a look. I believe you will gain something. "

After speaking, Benny nodded at Grek and pushed the door to leave.

His time is a bit tight, and he doesn't have much effort wasted on a combat power that may not be persuasive.

Leaving Bill's house, Benny visited John and Hope successively. After confirming that John had started contacting the hunter, Benny came to his last stop.

This is a house that looks perfectly integrated with Hawkins’ rustic style. The owner of the house is Hawkins’ mayor.

The door opened and Benny was invited into the house, the owner of the house was eating breakfast.

Two teenage boys were a little bit furious under the care of a slightly older woman. The capable old gentleman was holding the newspaper, sitting at the dining table with no distractions, looking at the newspaper while eating.

Seeing Benny's arrival, the old man put down the newspaper and got up warmly to greet him.

"Ben, haha, I guess you should be coming soon."

John Smith spoke enthusiastically, got up and poured John a cup of coffee.

"Jane, I'm afraid you have to send these two cute little guys off today. I have something to discuss with Benny."

The woman had changed her clothes, led a child in one hand, and shouted dissatisfiedly as she walked outside.

"It's your turn today!"

John smiled and coaxed a few words and watched the woman drive away. Only then did he look back.

"Ben, I already know something, what do you need me to do for you?"

"Mr. Smith, I am sorry to bring such a big crisis to Hawkins."

Although Benny is a little curious about where Smith got the news, time is running out. It is less than half an hour before the FBI agent arrives at Hawkins. According to his estimation, the FBI may have entered Indiana now.

"It's okay, Ben." Smith waved his hand repeatedly, "Trust me, if it was me, I would do the same."

"Do you have a way to get out of Washington? I heard that you have something to do there."

Benny nodded, "It should be fine. Mr. Smith, I need a week or so to calm down the problems in Washington, I am very worried that vampires will take advantage of this gap."

Smith chuckled after hearing Benny's words.

"Ben, you don't understand politics. They can't come to Hawkins blatantly unless they want to cause war."

"Besides, Ben, Hawkins is everyone's home, not just you."

"At best, they secretly send vampires to launch a sneak attack."

Speaking of this, Smith chin up.

"It seems that our conversation is about to end, Ben, they are acting faster than I expected."

Benny looked in Smith's direction. Outside Smith's yard, several FBI police cars had stopped. Teams of heavily armed detectives filed out and quickly dispersed, enclosing the entire Smith house.

"During your absence, your daughter can come to my house to stay temporarily."

Smith turned around and said with a smile

"You don't have to worry about safety."

Before the words were over, a bang broke out in the courtyard, and a large piece of mud was sprayed into the sky, and the FBI agents who were surrounded by the house stopped one after another.

"Because of the habits when you were young, everyone in our family has some delusions of persecution, which makes you laugh."

Benny came back to his senses and looked at Smith with a smile on his face, not knowing what to say.

Which mayor will plant booby mines on the lawn of his yard?

He has only seen this habit in Terry who suffers from PTSD. But Terry buried only traps and alarm devices. His Beverly Fort had no mines.


Benny was still in a daze. Smith had already got up and opened the window, facing dozens of gunpoints aimed at him, Smith did not change his face, still with a polite smile on his face.

"Please don't move around randomly. Retreat outside and wait for a while. Mr. Hammond will come out soon."


The leader in charge glanced at Smith, waved at the team members, and slowly withdrew out.

"Well, Ben, it's time for you to perform."

Smith turned around and saluted Benny with a big smile.

Benny got up, nodded at Smith, and opened the door.

Benny feels a bit heavy now, and walks slowly at every step. The distance of less than fifty meters forced him to walk for ten minutes.

He didn't want to be bombed into the sky because he was in a hurry, anyway, it was not himself who was in a hurry.

Now think about it, isn't it a bit sloppy to just break in like this?

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