
With a fierce kick, Steve kicked the German soldier who was about to pick up the gun away, and violently threw the shield in his hand to the side of the man who was getting on the motorcycle and wanted to escape from here.

The German noncommissioned officer flew backwards instantly, vomiting blood, and looked like he was about to die. However, Steve didn't care about this. After taking back the shield, he quickly stepped onto the cross-country.

Just when he was about to gallop away, a rocket emitting tail flames rushed straight towards him. With no choice but to react quickly, he jumped off the motorcycle.

Seeing the motorcycle he had just snatched explode and burst into flames, Steve looked eagerly at the Hydra spies running past.


He was extremely confused. In Steve's memory, this guy had obviously run to the front a long time ago, so why did he appear from behind him again?

Ignoring these strange and strange places, he strode towards the figure of the Hydra spy.

As the U.S. forces at the rear broke through the numerous encirclements, gunshots shot up one after another in an instant and resounded throughout this huge underground base.

Thanks to the friendly firepower, Steve quickly jumped over one obstacle after another, chasing the figure of the Hydra spy.

At this time, the Hydra spy's eyes darkened slightly, feeling the pain in a certain part of his body, and looked at Steve who was chasing after him from time to time.

Soon, his eyes lit up. On the huge open road in front of him, a fighter jet started to move slowly and headed forward along the passage.

Three steps turned into two steps. The Hydra spy suddenly stepped on the ground. When the plane was about to jump, he successfully jumped to the tail of the plane. With the help of the German soldiers, he quickly got into the plane from the rear cabin.

Steve ran with long strides, looking at the plane that was beginning to take off. The urgency in his heart made him constantly look around, but there was no usable vehicle around.

Just when he was a little depressed, with a violent roar, an extremely cool chariot rushed out from the chaotic explosion of flames in the rear passage.

Steve caught sight of Colonel Chester and Carter in the driver's seat, and his eyes paused on the face of the other person in the rear driver's seat.

"Colonel Lin Jue!!!"

He subconsciously stopped as the chariot sped towards him. Captain America reacted quickly and quickly and accurately jumped into the passenger seat.


Steve stared blankly at Lin Jue, who was smiling.

Slowly patted Steve's shoulder.

"During this period, I have been lurking in Hydra's territory, exploring their plans. I have also heard about what happened on the front line. You did a great job, Steve!"

Steve fisted with Lin Jue with a face full of joy, and looked at Carter who was watching from the side, and then the two kissed quietly.

Looking at this classic scene, Lin Jue turned his head away.

Fuck, I'm such a big light bulb and you turn a blind eye.

Steve looked at Chester who was looking away.

"I don't want to kiss you!"

Chester screamed subconsciously.

Looking at this funny scene, Lin Jue couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Chester also laughed to himself. At this moment, the four people in the car felt like the weather had cleared up after the rain.

With the blessing of this cool chariot, they quickly caught up with the plane that had left the runway.

"Colonel, I'm going first!"

Steve shouted in a deep voice, and then jumped up high from the sound of the chariot. He jumped almost 2 to 3 meters into the air, and instantly grabbed the edge of the plane.

Watching Steve enter the plane, Lin Jue jumped to the top of the plane with ease and pleasure under the gazes of the two Chesters.

"Why does this guy feel more like a super soldier than a super soldier?"

Chester said with some shock, and even Carter nodded silently. The two of them did not have the physical fitness of Lin Jue and Steve. They could only watch the high-speed plane rush out of the tunnel and fly into the air.

"Hope them all goes well..."

Carter said with a complicated expression.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be no big problem with that guy Lin. He is the first combat hero in the history of our United States!"

Chester looked excited and spoke very fast. He put his hand in his pocket and touched a bottle that was not there before.


The sky was covered with dark clouds, with lightning and thunder, and the originally dark cabin was illuminated by streaks of lightning, flashing white and then dark, and the atmosphere became solemn.

Steve slowly got in from the back cabin, holding a shield in front of him with one hand, and slowly groped forward.


There was a slight sound, and in an instant, accompanied by the dazzling and harsh gunfire and thunder, the bullet hit the shield instantly as the fire and thunder intertwined.

The next moment, Steve suddenly flew out the shield in his hand, directly knocking the German soldiers who suddenly appeared and flew backwards.

At the same time, more and more German soldiers began to gather in the direction of the rear cabin. With the sound of gunfire, Steve's figure was interspersed among the crowd, using the cover of darkness to directly engage them at close range.

Bang bang bang!

Punch after punch, a gun was pulled from the hand of a German soldier and fired. Within a few moments, all the German squadrons of more than a dozen people were killed.

Steve strode towards the middle of the plane without taking a breath.

Just when he opened the door, a heavy and powerful blow hit his shield. In an instant, his body slammed into the side of the plane.

He looked at the Hydra spy with astonishment at this moment, holding a black shield and staring at him.

"I didn't expect you to catch up with me?"

The Hydra spy shouted in a Chen Sheng. His eyes quickly glanced at the darkness behind Steve. He didn't see the figure. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was not afraid of Steve alone!

Soon, the two of them were fighting each other quickly. Steve, with anger in his heart, tried his best with every punch. However, the man in front of him was also a super soldier. After a fight, it was difficult for the two of them to fight. Up and down.

Steve, who relied on his superb fighting skills to dodge the attack, finally hit the Hydra spy's chin first with a punch.


With a curse, the Hydra spy suddenly pulled out his gun, and as bullets flew past, Steve quickly hid aside, set up his shield, and while blocking the bullets, he also took out his gun and shot at the same time. The two of them were three meters apart. Quickly shoot from a distance of meters.

Just when the battle was getting tense, with a clicking sound, the two men's pistols ran out of bullets almost simultaneously. Steve reacted even faster, and instantly threw the pistol with the empty magazine towards Hydra.

With a crisp muffled sound, he instantly hit the Hydra spy on the head. Taking advantage of his brief daze, Steve rushed forward and launched a set of extremely sharp combination punches, which instantly hit the Hydra spy without being able to parry. force, just when he was about to raise his shield and hit the Hydra spy on the head.

A fist shadow instantly shot out from the bunker on one side and hit him hard on the lower back.


Please recommend me to continue reading, thank you all (ω)

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