"Use your best for me! Let me see your value!"

Lin Jue shouted in a deep voice, looking at the recruits who were crouching on the ground and quickly climbing over the obstacles. Although his eyes were scanning all the recruits, in fact, his attention was always focused on a thin guy. body.

It's Steve!

Lin Jue, who took over the training camp, has been here for almost more than a month. Under his supervision this month, Steve has made rapid progress, but due to innate factors in physical fitness, Steve still lags behind others.

"Colonel Lin Jue!"

Suddenly, a soldier from the side quickly ran over, slowly leaned into Lin Jue's ear, and began to speak some words.

Frowning slightly, Lin Jue followed the soldier slowly to the command camp of the recruit camp.

At this time, Colonel Chester was talking on the phone, and when he noticed Lin Jue, he hung up the phone.

"Lin! You have been in charge of recruit training for such a long time, I should tell you the above plan."

As expected, Lin Jue acted like he was all ears.

"The German army has mastered extraordinary technology, and the superiors decided to launch the super soldier project to deal with this crisis!"

"Super soldier plan?"

Lin Jue pretended to be confused.

Chester quickly described the plan in detail to Lin Jue.

"So, the military now needs an absolutely loyal soldier to participate in the so-called super soldier transformation program?"

"That's right! And the opinions I gave above prove that the candidate is..."


Lin Jue said in a cross voice without hesitation. He felt that if he didn't say the name, something unexpected might happen.

Sure enough, Chester smiled bitterly: "Actually, I think you are more suitable!"

Lin Jue waved his hand, and his voice was full of no doubt: "Steve is the most suitable candidate, and he is also the loyal soldier who needs the transformation of a super soldier the most!"

"Lin... do you know what a super soldier means? For the first time, I admire a person so much. I would like to formally invite you to join our newly established Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."


Lin Jue's face was stunned.


On the other side, after receiving the latest news, Carter couldn't wait to come to the rookie training camp and found Steve, who was still sweating.

Looking at the admiring figure, Steve felt a little confused. The soldiers around him kept joking and praising Carter's beauty.

Carter nodded to the soldiers one by one, and then came to Steve who was trying not to look at her.

"Steve, come with me!"


Under everyone's confused expressions, Carter slowly led Steve to the front of the truck and took him to sit in the back seat of the car.

Steve, who was still a little confused about the situation, looked at Carter blankly.

"Colonel Lin Jue recommended you to participate in this plan... I hope you will not disappoint him!"

"What, Colonel Lin Jue?"

Steve's expression, which was still a little awkward at first, suddenly turned serious: "Promise to complete the mission!"

Although he didn't know what the mission was, he knew that Lin Jue would not harm him, because he was the person he admired most and the first person who made him feel the presence of light.

Carter looked at the thin man in front of her with a complicated expression. There was an indescribable meaning in her heart. Worry, happiness, and doubt were all mixed together.

"Have you ever danced?"

"Dancing? I didn't dance...maybe I didn't dance well!" Steve looked a little depressed.

"No girl wants to dance with me..."

"Would you like to have a dance with me after this war?"

The crisp words instantly cut through Steve's somewhat depressed heart.

Looking at Carter's cunning big eyes, Steve's heart was beating crazily, and then he nodded fiercely. For a long time, the two looked at each other and smiled.

As the truck drove to an extremely strictly guarded military factory, Carter returned to his serious expression again and led Steve quickly through the underground factory.

Until he arrived at the experimental area located in the core security area of ​​the factory, Steve immediately spotted Lin Jue, who had an outstanding temperament among the crowd.


Lin Jue walked forward slowly with a smile on his face and patted Steve on the shoulder: "Steve, you wouldn't mind if I recommended you to participate in this experiment, would you?"

"It would be my pleasure, Colonel!"

Steve looked excited, and he didn't understand the importance of this experiment. On the way, Carter explained to him what this experiment meant. The original candidate for the experiment was Colonel Lin Jue, the only combat hero in the United States!

"You can do it for sure!"

Giving the young man in front of him an affirmative look, Lin Jue turned around to face Professor Erskine, who was leading the experiment.

"What a pity, Colonel, I really look forward to you participating in this experiment!" Erskine looked at Lin Jue with burning eyes.

The super soldier reagent he invented was used on America's only fighting hero, and even he couldn't help bragging to his old friends!

"Haha, the person I recommended must be more suitable than me!"

Lin Jue quickly pulled the somewhat bewildered Steve to him. Steve looked at the people who were looking at him at the moment, and gave a standard military salute with a firm expression on his face.

"See you again, Steve!"

Abraham Erskine looked at his original candidate with soft eyes. The candidate in his mind before was Steve because he was upright, kind and brave. Later, Lin Jue, who was too dazzling, also came into his sight. With the advice of a member of the House of Representatives and an army officer, he selected Lin Jue.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jue actually recommended Steve, and in a roundabout way, he returned to his original plan!

Steve looked at the middle-aged man who sent him into the army, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He never thought that the person in front of him who had met him once was the person in charge of this experiment.

Erskine patted Steve's shoulder gently.

Soon, Steve, with the help of the experimenters on the side, slowly came to a huge copper airtight container.

Lin Jue looked at this familiar scene and couldn't help but feel a little excited. The main plot line had finally begun!

His eyes paused slightly on a certain figure in the crowd, and a smile appeared on Lin Jue's face.

Soon, a familiar picture came into view. As Steve was injected with the super soldier serum and subjected to high-intensity voltage, he finally couldn't hold back and let out a scream. Just when everyone was about to suspend the voltage, Steve screamed. Roaring: "I can still do it, please increase the battery to the maximum!"

He looked at Lin Jue, Carter, Chester and others through the glass display window. At this moment, he didn't want to disappoint anyone who valued him!

Under Professor Erskine's shocked eyes, the power was increased to the maximum, but Stef, who originally screamed from time to time, did not groan in pain again.

"Okay, okay!"

Erskine couldn't help but praise him repeatedly. After Carter opened the instrument in a panic, everyone looked at the scene in front of them with their mouths open.

The originally scrawny little man had disappeared, and a tall, muscular man lay quietly inside.

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