Almighty Alchemist

Chapter Eight Void Slash

Time passed quickly, and it was almost the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

As the end of the year approaches, Fragrant Leaf City is entering a carnival atmosphere.

With Xiu Yi's "sponsorship", the girls of the song and dance troupe no longer need to live in a small hotel, but can move to a decent medium-sized hotel. At the same time, the song and dance troupe can also rent a decent venue for rehearsals.

Clarice was actively rehearsing a new opera, and the girls were enthusiastic about it, as was the boy.

The newly issued rewards satisfied everyone.

The plot of Turandot is actually a very simple love story.

Turandot, a princess in the Yuan Dynasty, once ordered that if a man could guess her three riddles, she would marry him; if she guessed wrong, she would be executed. Over the past three years, many unlucky people have lost their lives. Calaf, the Tatar prince in exile in China, reunited with his father Timur and his maid Liuer in Beijing, and immediately saw the Persian prince who was executed for failing to guess the riddle and Turandot who was personally beheaded. Prince Calaf was attracted by Princess Turandot's beauty, and he accepted the marriage regardless of the objections of his father, Liu Er and the three ministers. He answered all the questions correctly, but Turandot refused to admit defeat and lied to his father, unwilling to marry Prince Calaf. The princess captured the prince's father Timur and the maid Liuer, and tortured them to extract a confession. Liu Er committed suicide to keep a secret. Calaf uses this to accuse Turandot of being ruthless. At dawn, the princess didn't know the prince's name yet, but the prince's strong kiss melted her ice-cold heart, and the prince also told the princess his real name. The princess did not announce the real name of the prince, but announced that the prince was married to the world, and the prince's name was "Amora".

In the whole opera, the most famous pieces are "Turandot", "Nessun Dorma" and "Jasmine".

"Okay, girls, today we are rehearsing the second act of Turandot. Daisy, pay attention to your image! Turandot is a arrogant and domineering princess. She is willful, arrogant, selfish, and arrogant, but deep in her heart, there is still a ray of tenderness! You must grasp this propriety!"

"And Lanti, it's your turn to play, hurry up."

"Oh, Bart, Bart, what are you doing? Do you think you are playing the Rose Lord? No, the Prince of Tartar is not a military general, he is a wise and pursuing person. What you want to show is his persistence in love and the pursuit of hope. Karaf believes in love, and he believes that love can affect everything! But look at you, what do you look like? You are not like a messenger and pursuer of love, but more like a brainless fool who is desperate for women. Oh no, the two look very different Close, but they're completely different!"

Clarice almost growled.

At the outermost edge of the venue, Huey folded her arms and watched with a smile as Clarice taught the girls how to perform and how to sing.

"Master, listen to me, I can't bear it, my heart is pierced like a knife! On the road of exile, your name is hope, your name is strength, and it resides in my heart. But tomorrow will decide our life and death, and we will die on the road of exile! How sad it is for him to lose his beloved son, and I am heartbroken to see your smile. Ah, no matter how hard the task is, how sad it is..." Liu Er, played by Lanti, learned that the prince was going to pursue the terrifying and terrible Turan after reuniting with her Tatar master The sad request sent by Princess Duo, asking his prince not to ask for a kiss.

"Lanty!" Clarice's voice cried out again: "Be sad! Be sad! This is a sad aria, and you want to express the poor heart of a weak and affectionate girl. But listen to the song, my God, you are like a magpie in heat, full of joy, as if you are going to be married tomorrow!"

Randy adjusted her skirt helplessly, then twisted her body to reveal a section of white arm: "Is the bracelet I just bought beautiful? I think it fits my arm very well."

"Oh, my God!" Clarice hit her forehead with the back of her hand helplessly: "I really regret giving you a raise. You know, it makes me owe a whole lot of debt!"

Randy looked at Xiu Yi not far away with pretty eyes: "I just bought it for him."

"You little slut, if you don't do your best, I'll kick you off the stage. God knows I have to teach other girls in the song and dance troupe to rehearse. You better save me some time!"

Clarice said and ran to Xiu Yi angrily: "You better get out of here quickly, my girls don't have the time to rehearse with you here!"

Xiu Yi smiled and said, "I'm glad you didn't blame me for the boys' performance."

"Know that we're running out of time, Christmas is coming and I have to get everything ready before then. It's going to be our big day!"

"If you want to say: I'm sorry to spend all your money all at once. The reason is that girls are more enthusiastic about spending than I imagined, so I can only pay you back at Christmas. Then you can just say that there is no need to be so aggressive and find a lot of reasons. Maybe I stand here watching you rehearse and make you feel a little uneasy?"

The expression on Clarice's face immediately collapsed, and she whispered embarrassingly: "I was your creditor just over ten days ago, but now you are my creditor. I just don't adapt to this change."

Xiu Yi laughed.

Clarice glared at Xiu Yi in dissatisfaction. After thinking for a while, she felt that she seemed a bit too much. She suddenly leaned over and kissed Xiu Yi on the face, and then said softly, "Thank you very much for your help. This is my gratitude."

There was a huge booing from the stage.

Clarice hurried back to the stage, ready to continue to fuck her girls, and looked back at Xiu, only to find that he had disappeared at some point, and felt a little sad for a moment.

That young man really touched my heart.


In a wilderness on the outskirts of Xiangye City, Xiu Yi stood quietly alone.

He seemed to be contemplating something with his eyes closed, motionless, but murmured in his mouth.

"The intersection of time and space, the closeness of the giant wheel and the lock and key, the vertical and vertical windows of time and space, the ethereal and indeterminate door, the world of nothingness and reality, open it for the summoner..."

One of his left hands drew a strange symbol out of thin air, which was a six-pointed star magic circle. Through this magic circle, more and more magic power gathered on his body, forming a dense area of ​​concentrated magic elements.

An invisible channel opens.

The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already on a boulder not far away.

The epee that was originally carried on his back suddenly appeared in his right hand, and the epee swept across, splitting a nearby big tree in two.

Xiu Yi returned to the place where she was standing just now.

Standing in the wilderness, with long black hair blowing in the wind, he seems to have never moved...

"Huh!" Xiu Yi let out a long breath, then took out a bottle of potion and took a sip, the magic power in his body began to recover quickly.

This set of attack methods is the self-created ability invented by Xiu Yi that combines magic and martial arts. First, concentrate a large amount of magic power to open a space barrier, then teleport yourself there, and quickly use the two basic skills of the warrior skills "Crosscut" and "Power Slash" to deal a fatal blow to the target enemy, and then use the channel maintenance effect formed by the energy cycle to quickly send yourself back to the original point, making the enemy who could counterattack lose the target again. Once the enemy attacks the original point, he can teleport himself to the enemy's back to attack again, repeating the cycle, exhausting the enemy to death.

Although the set of attack moves just now was simple, it was deadly and effective, and it was like flowing water when it was used. It was obvious that Xiu Yi had basically mastered the tricks of this tactic.

This was the first time that Xiu Yi really created his own magic and fighting style. He followed a strange and light route, giving full play to his strengths in both magic and martial arts, while avoiding his weakness of not having enough foundation and not suitable for a frontal decisive battle.

Xiu Yi named this tactic "Void Slash".

The main feature of Void Slash is to use the characteristics of energy circulation to create a space channel that belongs only to oneself, so as to complete the rapid teleportation between two points. Once used, the attack caused is like a sword suddenly emerging from the void and slashing at oneself. The victim may fall down without even seeing the shadow of the opponent.

It's just that the magic power needed to break through the space barrier is too high, and it's simply not something he, a junior mage, can bear. Fortunately, although Xiu Yi's magic power is not high, he has quite a lot of magic power recovery potions, magic power boost potions and magic power stimulation potions. Through these potions, he can raise himself to the level of magic power of a fourth-level space mage in a short period of time, thus possessing the energy needed to break through the space barrier.

The reason why magicians pay so much attention to talent lies in the magic power. People who lack the talent for elemental resonance will generate and accumulate magic power much slower than those with the talent. And even with excellent talent, it is impossible for a magician to use magic without restriction. Once the mana is exhausted, no powerful mage can release magic. So more often they need to meditate to increase their magic power and recovery speed. Therefore, there will never be a magician who can use magic and practice magic uninterrupted every day.

But for Xiu Yi who has a large amount of top-level magic potion, this is really not a problem.

In just fifteen days, Xiu Yi had already consumed about a hundred bottles of potions. If these potions were sold, the money in exchange would be enough to make him a rich man immediately. If it continued like this, it would probably take less than a month for Xiu Yi to spend enough money to become an astronomical figure.

It is estimated that there will be no magician who is more extravagant in practicing magic than him in the world.

The big investment also brought rich rewards. Only fifteen days of practice was enough to match other sorcerers' one thousand days of practice. At the same time, Xiuyi's energy circulation theory in space magic gradually took shape, and he officially completed the creation of Void Slash today, and his magic power also greatly increased.

To be able to complete such a rapid upgrade without the talent of space magic, I am afraid that few people in the world can do it except Xiu Yi.

And the creation of Void Slash greatly enhanced his combat effectiveness.

Perhaps the only thing restricting him is the problem of magic power.

It seems that whether it is to create multiple channels or increase the magic power in one's body, one needs to meditate a lot in the future. Nothing can be separated from the basic support, and skills alone are still not enough.

Xiu Yi thought with a wry smile.

But no matter what, in the face of the imminent pursuit of the empire, Xiu Yi, who possessed the ability of teleportation, was more confident of escape, and the hundred bottles of top-level magic power recovery potion were not wasted in vain.

The little dragon not far away was running towards him, and it seemed that it was very interested in Xiu Yi's newly invented teleportation ability.

After reaching adulthood, the magic dragon will have the ability to use a certain degree of magic power, including space spells. It's just different from human beings, since the power of magic dragons does not need to be cultivated, so they don't understand the nature of power. So for Xu, it was quite curious to see Xiu Yi using space spells.

At this moment, it was circling around Xiuyi non-stop, and a pair of small claws started grabbing randomly out of thin air.

Xiu Yi looked amusing at first, like all the little ones, and loved to learn the master's movement habits, but after watching it, it obviously felt wrong.

Xu actually imitated the magic circle he had painstakingly created just now.

It would be fine if it was just a simple imitation, but to Xiu Yi's surprise, Xu disappeared out of thin air at the next moment, and when he reappeared, he was on the big rock that Xiu Yi stood on just now.

It squatted on the big rock, screaming "Wow" to itself excitedly.

Then, it teleported back to Xiu Yi's side, with a smug look in its eyes.

"How is this possible?!" Xiu Yi yelled, and he hugged Xu: "How could you little guy learn my tricks? How is your mana consumption?"

"Woof! Wang Wang!" Xu called out loudly.

Xiu Yi hurriedly felt the consumption of magic power in its body. He was shocked to find that this little thing didn't need much magical power to complete this void slash.

Demon dragons are born with sufficient magic power in their bodies. Since they are innate abilities and do not require acquired training, the magic power reserves of juvenile dragons are not much different from adult dragons. The main difference lies in their understanding of the use of magic and the degree of physical strength.

For Xu, a little magic dragon whose real age is only one year old, its physical strength is actually limited, but its magic power is far stronger than that of ordinary magicians, but it has not yet understood the method to use it.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xu Xu would comprehend the mystery of instant teleportation from Xiu Yi, which made Xiu Yi extremely surprised.

Just how the hell does it do it?

The dragon Rita said that the dragon has the ability to learn, but not the ability to create. They can only learn and use natural magic, and it is absolutely impossible to learn spells created by humans. Even if it also has the ability to use space magic, it can also tear the space, the means used by the magic dragon are completely different from the magician. Then why can Xu learn his own spells? And can it be done so easily?

The long-term alchemy career has taught Xiu Yi how to face some strange and complicated problems. The right way of thinking is sometimes the biggest key to solving puzzles. If you want to know why Xu can do things that other magic dragons can't, maybe you can only find the answer from its birth environment.

Unlike other dragons, Xu was born in Fengming Continent. Compared with the harsh natural environment of the abyss, Fengming Continent's growth conditions are obviously better, and it is also more conducive to the development of its wisdom. Secondly, Xu devoured a demon spirit when he was young. Although it was a coincidence, it was obviously an adventure. Finally, Xu may be the only dragon that was born without eating its own host, and when it was parasitic in Xiu Yi's body, it has always had the ability to communicate with Xiu Yi. Since its parasite is the most intelligent human being among all creatures, and it continues to maintain a spiritual connection with Xiuyi after being separated, and can sense each other's thoughts and feel each other's thinking habits, which means that its wisdom has been further influenced and developed.

The combination of these three reasons is likely to greatly improve Xu's wisdom, allowing it to break through its own limitations and learn human spells, and its innate talent for powerful magic power allows it to use it immediately after learning...

Anyway, it looked like it could use this trick better than Huey, at least it didn't need to drink magic potions to replenish itself, or even use spells.

Thinking of this, Xiu Yi looked at Xu helplessly.

When others travel through time, there are always adventures and good things happen again and again. How come it is my turn, but I have been a prisoner for nearly four years without encountering any good things?

The fate is so unfair that Xiu Yi smiles bitterly.

Perhaps because he sensed Xiu Yi's thoughts, the little guy snorted twice, and then desperately burrowed into Xiu Yi's arms. Doesn't that mean that if I'm good, it's because you're good?

"Your mother said that you will become the greatest dragon, and now I begin to believe that this statement is not only because of maternal love, but also because she has seen the future." Xiuyi praised sincerely.

Gently stroking Xu's head, Xiu Yi said: "From today on, I will teach you magic. I believe that you in the future will surprise everyone."


At the same time, in the far south of the empire, in the small town of Southwell.

Chakle gritted his teeth: "I have checked all the outsiders, and there is no sign that Hugh Igleser has arrived here. He left Lianhe Island a month before us. If he wanted to come here, he would have arrived long ago! Raschel, you son of a bitch. You made a big mistake!"

Raschel shrugged: "It looks like I was tricked by this kid. People always make mistakes, don't they?"

"Oh, really? Hugh Igles played you like a monkey. You made a wrong judgment from the beginning, but now you want to dismiss me with the sentence that people always make mistakes?" Chakle's attitude was full of sarcasm.

"That's because you don't know how to hunt. For an agent, it's normal to chase in the wrong direction. You must know that a prisoner may win the agent many times in his life, but he can't afford to lose even once. And even if an agent fails countless times, he can come back again and again. Unless the fugitive prisoner dies, the agent will always have the hope of becoming the final winner." Raschel sneered and replied to Chakle: "So don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, if Hugh Iglesel is so easy to deal with, then he is not worthy of me Going all out."

"The question now is where are we going to find him!" Chakle roared.

"Back to Versa, he must still stay there. One thing that can't go wrong is that his teleportation location is there! Since his destination is not Southwell Town, then he must have another goal in the Versa group. I dare to use my head to ensure that he will definitely make a big move in the near future!" Raschel replied seriously.

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