Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 633 Sea Demon Flower

Throw the deep-sea squid's body into the beast-controlling space, and then it's time to find the treasure it protects.

"Xiao Ke!" Xiao Yao looked at Warwick.

Warwick nodded, his nose twitched, and he quickly swam in the direction the deep-sea squid came from.

Ten minutes later, Warwick stopped, raised his head and looked up at a huge coral reef in front of him.

"Wow, what a high coral reef~"

Xiao Yao raised his head and opened his eyes slightly.

The coral reef in front of him was hundreds of meters high, just like a real mountain. The coral reef was covered with bug eyes, but he couldn't even feel the breath of a living creature. He must have been scared away by the deep-sea squid or wiped them all out. .

There is a strong magic wave permeating the top of the coral reef. If nothing else, the treasure guarded by the deep-sea squid is on top.

"Hey, let me see what kind of treasure you are~" Xiao Yao's eyes were full of expectation, his knees were slightly bent, and then he kicked hard and moved his hands downwards. Under the buoyancy of the sea water, his whole body was like a cannon shooting into the sky. Quickly lift off.


He stood firmly on the top of the coral reef. The first thing that caught his eye were two delicate blue flowers. The surging magic power was ready to come out, as if he was in a sea of ​​magic.

"This is……"

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Yao's eyes: "Sea Demon Flower!!!"

The Sea Devil Flower is a magical flower recorded in the Poseidon Treasure Book. After taking it for the first time, the magic power can be greatly increased. It can basically double the increase if it is below the diamond level. However, if it is taken subsequently, the effect will be far less than the first time. times, but the growth is still considerable.

In addition to these two blooming Sea Devil Flowers, there are seven flower bones and one Sea Devil Flower with only its stamens left.

"No wonder the magic power of the deep-sea squid is so amazing. It turns out that it is guarding ten sea devil flowers."

Xiao Yao smacked his mouth and couldn't help but marveled at the "richness" of the mysterious sea world again.

He turned to look at the Sea Devil Flower with only its stamens left. This one should have been taken not long after the Deep Sea Squid had just eaten it. It hadn't had time to digest the magic power in it, so there were only two intact Sea Devil Flowers left. .

"It just gives me an advantage~"

Xiao Yao turned his head and looked at Yumi who was lying on the magic book, sticking out her little tongue and looking eager, and couldn't help but smile: "Hey, I'll give you the one on the left, eat it~"

"Thank you, Master~"

Youmi jumped up excitedly, controlled the magic book, and rushed to the side of the Sea Demon Flower. Her white claws danced like a phantom, and she pulled off the petals and stuffed them into her mouth.

Bah, bah, bah~

The little guy's mouth was bulging and his chubby face looked even cuter, so Xiao Yao couldn't help but rub it with his hands.

"Uh, uh~"

Yuumi made a vague whimpering sound in her mouth. She chewed hard with her baby teeth, and then swallowed all the petals into her stomach like a gulp.

With a beep, an astonishing magic wave burst out from Youmi's body. Xiao Yao took a few steps back, watching the changes in Youmi's body, and at the same time focusing part of his attention on Youmi's system panel.

In just a few seconds, Yuumi's experience bar broke through Platinum Level 4 and quickly headed towards Platinum Level 5. The surging magic power beat around like waves, making this cute little kitten become majestic.

After a moment, the tide of magic ceased. Feeling that the amount of magic in her body had nearly doubled, Yuumi rolled around on the grimoire excitedly.

"Wow, I've become so powerful!!!"

"Master, do you feel it?"

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "I feel it~"

No need for Yumi to say anything, he could guess just how terrifying the increase in Yuumi's magic power was just based on the amount of magic power that skyrocketed after the battle beast fed him back.

Nowadays, even if the total magic power of him and the other four war beasts combined is less than half of Yumi's.

Of course, Xiaoke and his four brothers are AD warriors and shooters, and they are not very dependent on magic power. Yumi is a pure mage, and magic power is her ammunition depot. Naturally, the more abundant the better.

A sea devil flower greatly increases Yuumi's experience value. Now it is infinitely close to platinum level 5. Killing a few more diamond-level monsters will basically level up.

"There is one left, let me eat it!" Xiao Yao rubbed his hands and walked towards the last sea devil flower step by step.

Since he knew that the Sea Demon Flower could nearly double his magic power, he would naturally choose to let Yumi take it first. After feeding back from the battle beast, his own magic power would greatly increase, and then he would take the last Sea Demon Flower for super doubling.

Puff puff puff~

He plucked off the petals one by one and stuffed them into his mouth.

There is a mint fragrance in the petals of the Sea Devil Flower. When you chew it, the sweet juice will overflow. It tastes better than a drink and is endlessly memorable.


After taking the Sea Demon Flower, the chaotic magic power in his body immediately began to boil, like boiling water, emitting fiery and manic energy.

Xiao Yao closed his eyes and carefully felt the rapidly growing chaotic magic power in his body. While the magic power continued to flow through his meridians, it also strengthened the toughness of his meridians.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Sure enough, the magic power doubled!

The doubling of magic power means that his skills have become more powerful, and his combat durability has also become more amazing. Coupled with the stamina orb obtained earlier, it can be said that in just half a day, his combat effectiveness has increased significantly. Two percent.

"The mysterious land of the sea is indeed my treasure~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something and said quickly: "Bah, bah, I take back what I just said, but I can't raise the flag anymore."

After taking the last Sea Devil Flower, there were only seven flower bones and three lonely stamens left in front of me. The Sea Devil Flower will not play any role if it is immature, so these flower bones will be left to those who are destined to come~


At this time, there was a sudden earth-shaking roar from the horizon, and a blue light shield was seen rising from the ground, covering the entire secret realm like a pot lid.

For a time, everyone in the mysterious sea world noticed this amazing change.

At the same time, a thought came into Xiao Yao's mind, telling him to go in a certain direction, that is where the Evolution Hall is.

"Has the mysterious sea world begun to shrink?"

Xiao Yao murmured, and then his eyes became sharp.

The mysterious sea world is shrinking, which means that the decisive battle between them and the Demon Shark Clan is getting closer.

However, with his strength, even 20 demon sharks combined would still be far from his opponent, so he hoped to encounter them sooner.

The Demon Sharks don't have the space to control beasts like humans. After killing them, those inedible treasures will naturally fall into his hands.

"Then let's get started~"

Xiao Yao looked into the distance, which was the direction he was pointed to just now.

"Hey, there seems to be something?"

He squinted his eyes and seemed to see a small golden dot in the distance, but it was too far away and he couldn't see it clearly.

"Just right, let's go there~"

He kicked off his legs, like an underwater speedboat, quickly heading towards the target.

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