Alliance God-level Summoner

Chapter 138 Hero Gift Card Twisted Tree Spirit

"It turns out that this is what the power of the Dark Demon is used for."

Xiao Yao clenched his fists excitedly.

The system just explained to him the meaning of this (transformable).

100 points of Dark Demon Power can be converted into a Hero Gift Card.

The host can grant the hero gift card to other people. Then after this person advances, the new beast will be the hero on the gift card.

After getting the news, the first thing Xiao Yao thought of was his father.

But then I thought about it, my dad had just been promoted to platinum level, and he didn’t know how long it would take to get promoted to diamond level.

And he doesn't know whether the heroes in the alliance only have 5 skills after being summoned. If this is the case, then this hero gift card will be even less suitable for dad.

Later, Xiao Yao thought of two more people, one was his best friend Xu Xingliang, and the other was the girl he liked Bai Lingxiao.

Between the two people, Xiao Yao chose his best friend without hesitation.

After all, he and Xu Xingliang have known each other for seven years, while Bai Lingxiao has only known each other for less than a month. Although they have a good relationship, they are just friends at the moment, and Xu Xingliang is obviously more important.

In addition, Xu Xingliang is from an ordinary family. Without his help, the gap between them will become wider and wider.

But Bai Lingxiao is different. First of all, her father is a diamond-level boss with abundant resources. Secondly, she is very talented. Even without her own help, her growth will not be slow.

"Then let's decide."

Xiao Yao murmured.

The first hero gift card is given to Liangliang. After getting new gift cards, others will be considered.

Now that the power of the Dark Demon can be converted into a hero gift card, the people of the Shadow Society cannot be let go in the future.

He hasn't figured out what's going on with the power of the dark devil in the dark lurking lizard, but the Shadow Society must have the power of the dark devil. He should pay more attention to news about the shadow society in the future.

After coming back to his senses, Xiao Yao focused on the system panel and quickly clicked the (convertible) button.


In an instant, his consciousness was brought into the familiar bright starry sky.

Dozens of cards were switched as quickly as before. Xiao Yao's eyes flashed and he shouted:



Card cutting stops and the first card on the deck is slowly revealed.

Against the dim and gloomy background, a huge tree man opened his big hands. His eyes and mouth were glowing with green light, and several small spherical trees grinned strangely.

Twisted Dryad - Maokai.


Xiao Yao opened his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

There is an extra line of information on the system panel.

Hero Gift Card: Twisted Dryad—Maokai

He didn't expect that the hero Maokai would be drawn.

Maokai is also a big tree among Alliance players. He is the most classic tank and one of the three fantasy gods in the top lane.

This hero has extremely strong control ability and is very fleshy. It is estimated that when summoned, the defense power will not be inferior to that of Lao Niu who has not turned it on.

And this hero is also very suitable for Liangliang.

The bright shadow cat is positioned as an assassin. Its skills are rapid burst and shadow flicker. Although it has good lethality, its body is relatively fragile.

But with the addition of Maokai, the situation is different. Maokai can provide sufficient control, and the preserved eggs cause damage. The two attack and defend, and the combat effectiveness is not as simple as 1+1.

The system stipulates that if you want to grant a hero gift card to another person, there must be physical contact.

So I have to go back to school tomorrow.

For such a long time, Xiao Yao still missed his group of friends.


In the evening, both Xiao Li and Liu Hui returned home.

As before, Xiao Yao shared his experiences and gains over the past few days, but he and Xiao Li hid the last thrilling encounter in a tacit understanding.

"It seems that you have learned a lot these days." Xiao Li said.


Xiao Yao nodded: "Some knowledge and experience can only be learned by going to the wild in person."

"As long as it's rewarding. Do you want to go again next time?"

Xiao Li asked.


Xiao Yao said decisively: "Uncle Ren and I made an agreement that next time we take action, he will let me join his team."

Xiao Li laughed: "It seems that Xiaoke's performance has completely conquered them. Okay, go ahead, but be more careful."

Since his son wants to go, he will naturally not stop him.

Xiao Li knew that a top genius like his son must have a very clear plan in mind, and what he had to do was to support him unconditionally and ensure his safety.

"By the way, Dad, I have to go back to school tomorrow." Xiao Yao said.

Xiao Li said doubtfully: "I remember Lao Zhou allowed you not to go to school, right?"

Xiao Yao said: "I want to go back and see my friends."

"That's it~"

Xiao Li smiled and said: "Okay, you can make your own arrangements."


The next day, Xiao Yao came to school early in the morning.

"Wow, Xiao Yao is back."

"Xiao Yao, which school were you admitted to?"

"Xiao Yao, is the joint entrance examination interesting?"

As soon as they saw Xiao Yao, many people gathered around him and asked all kinds of questions.

Seeing so many familiar faces, Xiao Yao felt cordial and told about his experiences in Kyoto with a smile.

After chatting with everyone, Xiao Yao called the members of the Gossip Team together.

"How are you guys doing lately?"

Xiao Yao smiled.

Liu Lei shrugged and said: "That's it, it's still the same, physical training, combat training and fighting beast training."

Hearing these familiar words, Xiao Yao felt in a trance.

In fact, more than two months ago, he, like everyone else, received training in these projects.

But he had experienced so many things in the past two months, so after hearing these words, he felt as if a long time had passed.

He noticed that except for Liangliang, the other few good friends were still at level 3 of Black Iron.

If there is no progress before the college entrance examination, it will be more difficult for them to enter a top university.

Looks like he's going to help them out.

"Xiao Yao, you were admitted to Beijing University, right? How is Beijing University? Is the environment good?"

Xu Xingliang asked curiously.

Xiao Yao hugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I wonder if you can pass the exam."

Suddenly, Xu Xingliang felt as if something had penetrated his body, but this feeling only lasted for less than a second, so he didn't think much about it.

"Then I have to work hard and strive to be your schoolmate." Xu Xingliang said with a smile.

The others looked at Xu Xingliang with envy. They knew that Xu Xingliang was the only one among them who could be admitted to Kyoto University.

His preserved beast performed extremely well in the battle beast sparring during this period of time. It can be said that the god can kill the god when he blocks it, and the Buddha can kill the Buddha when he blocks it. Except for Zhou Hongyu's iron-skinned rhinoceros, which can fight, other battle beasts can't last more than half a minute.

Coach Zhou also said privately that even if Xu Xingliang did not reach Black Iron Level 5 before the college entrance examination, as long as he can perform normally, he has a great chance of being admitted to Kyoto University.

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