"Chen Mo, with your professional level, forget about difficult tasks.

The teacher suggests that you still choose the F-level difficulty assessment. You just got so much experience, it’s okay to deduct double experience. "

After Fang Datong and the others left, Su Tianxin looked at Chen Mo and said.

"Well, let me take another look."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Well, if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask the teacher or the principal. You should stay near the principal first, so as not to have any accidents. The teacher has to protect Datong and the others, so you can't accompany them here. is you."


After watching the teacher enter the forest, Chen Mo continued to focus on the translucent floating window in front of him that only he could see.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to check which assessment difficulty task to choose. He first checked the title he had accidentally obtained when he had just participated in the killing of the celebrity.

[S-rank title—Enforcer]

[Title Level]: LV1

[Title experience]: 0/10 (Each person who participates in killing a red name will increase the experience value by 1 point.)

[Title effect]: All attributes are increased by 10 points, and when attacking a red-named person, the damage caused to the red-named person is increased by 10%.

[Title introduction]: The famous person is the sinner who manifests the way of heaven. Killing the famous person is to enforce the law on behalf of the sky. As a junior law enforcement officer, you have just started on the road. Please continue to eliminate the evil, and you will get better rewards.

"It's such a strong title, and it's still growable. It only provides a full 10 points of all attributes at level 1!"

Chen Mo couldn't help being a little surprised after reading the title.

After all, on weekdays, seeing other people bursting out excitedly and obtaining the title of a certain attribute enhancement effect is basically a single attribute improvement of one or two points, and has never seen such a generous increase of all attributes.

It is not surprising that Chen Mo is so surprised. Law enforcers are the easiest ones to obtain among all the benefits of greatly improving attributes.

It is basically difficult to obtain other benefits that require a large amount of attribute improvement.

But it's easier said than done.

After all, one cannot be resurrected after being killed by a famous person, and most of the famous people are desperadoes with multiple lives in their hands. Dealing with these people is extremely dangerous.

Not everyone can easily get such a title.

After seeing the effect of the title, Chen Mo assigned his attribute points again.

Just upgraded to level 5 in one breath, the seven-star profession can get 70 attribute points per level, and instantly gained a full 280 points of freely assignable attributes. Chen Mo added the attribute points one by one according to the previous division method.

Chen Mo's attributes at this time.

【Name】: Chen Mo

【Star】: Seven stars (two stars + five stars are hidden)

[Occupation]: Skeleton Mage (initial occupation), infinite fusion master (hidden initial occupation)

[Level]: Level 5

[Experience]: 71880/5500 (first-order bottleneck)


Constitution 70=life 2100, physical defense 350, life recovery 70 points/10 seconds

Strength 20 = physical attack 60

Dexterity 20 = Explosive Damage + 20%

Intelligence 205 = Law Attack 895

Spirit 205=energy 10250, magic defense 1025, energy recovery 345 points/10 seconds

With this attribute, other two-star professionals may be able to upgrade to level 10 and wear a full set of level 10 equipment.

With the more than 76,000 experience points just obtained, it only took 5,000 points to upgrade from level 1 to level 5. Now there are more than 70,000 points left, which is enough for Chen Mo to choose any one of the breakthrough assessments.

After all, the entry fee for the most difficult SSS-level assessment only needs to consume 10 times the experience points from level 5 to level 6, which is 55,000 experience points.

After adding the attribute points, Chen Mo focused on the difference between different assessment difficulties.

Don't look at the F-level assessment difficulty, just skip it.

Chen Mo doesn't believe that he has a dignified seven-star professional attribute, and with two fifth-level means of gold weapons and yellow skills, he can't even pass a low difficulty.

He doesn't care much about E-level, D-level and so on.

He looked directly at the introduction of the difficulty level of the C-level assessment.

[Calculating the corresponding difficulty tasks based on your current occupation.

After the calculation is complete, if you choose this assessment difficulty, you need to kill a BOSS above level 5 alone within 30 minutes. If the participation rate of killing is lower than 100%, it will be considered invalid. 】

Since a BOSS is called a BOSS, it is naturally because of its powerful strength. Generally, when encountering a BOSS, it is necessary to gather a team of good people and cooperate in an orderly manner. It takes an hour or even several hours to be able to Safe kill.

Casualties may occur if one is not careful during this period.

And this is still in the case of a team, if one person kills a boss of the same level or higher, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg!

Not to mention whether you will be killed by the BOSS, even if the BOSS can't kill you, he will stand up and let you kill. According to the 30-minute task time limit, it is difficult for you to kill a BOSS of the same level alone.

"It's just a C-level assessment difficulty, and you have already asked for such a pervert. Is this assessment task for people?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking to himself that it's no wonder that almost no one has heard of anyone choosing a difficult assessment task.

This breakthrough test is really abnormal!

He continued to look at the B-level difficulty.

Good guy B-level difficulty is even more outrageous, you have to kill two bosses within 1 hour.

"What a mess! Killing two alone? One hour? I'm afraid one hour is not enough to find two bosses, but I'll see if you can get even more outrageous!"

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing at the difficulty of the task.

As expected, the more difficult task did not disappoint him. The A-level difficulty task allowed him to solo kill a mutant master!

I said before that the Mutant Lord is even more perverted than ordinary bosses, not to mention single kills, team kills are easy to be wiped out by the group!

"Sure enough, there is no most exaggerated, only more exaggerated."

Chen Mo directly skipped the S and SS levels, and looked at the final SSS level difficulty.

"I want to see what flowers can be played on the highest difficulty."

[Calculating the corresponding difficulty tasks based on your current occupation.

After the calculation is complete, warn that the assessment task is extremely difficult. If you choose this assessment difficulty, you need to enter the assessment space alone. The challenge is limited to the god-level boss at level 5. You can challenge it directly, or you can pass related tasks in the task space Quests to learn about some of the god-level boss's weaknesses or weaken its attributes.

The assessment time is 24 hours. When entering the assessment space, the time flow rate of the assessment space is independent. No matter how long it exists in it, only one minute of external time will pass when it comes out.

Note that during the assessment period, once a battle is triggered, you will not be able to leave the assessment space immediately. This assessment difficulty has a high risk of death, so please choose carefully! 】

"At level 5, there will be a god-level boss. It's against the sky. This assessment task is really daring!"

The biggest difference between god-level characters and ordinary characters is that ordinary characters only have special effects, while god-level characters have divine effects, which are very powerful!

For example, the ordinary strong characteristic can reduce the physical damage received by 5%, while the strong divinity can reduce the physical damage by a full 50% by ten times the effect!

So even if everyone seems to be at the same level, the effect of their divinity alone will overwhelm you by how many heads!

After reading the introduction to the difficulty of the SSS-level assessment, Chen Mo was about to give up such a difficult assessment, but he suddenly saw a pass probability calculation in the lower right corner.

This kind of free test opportunity, if you don't try it, don't try it, Chen Mo immediately clicked it.

[Simulating customs clearance based on your current comprehensive combat power, the number of simulations is 100, please wait a moment...]

"Tiandao is really considerate, it's interesting to be able to simulate customs clearance.

If the success rate exceeds 50%, I will give it a try. Anyway, I have the ability to share fate. I should not die if I die. At most, I will fail. "Chen Mo waited for the simulation result with some anticipation.

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