Alien Knights

Chapter 34 The Price

Todd couldn't say clearly about the way men courted in the previous life, but he knew a thing or two. But Huggins' routine of throwing money and running away while the woman is not at home is unheard of.

But at this time, the person in the most depressed mood was the client.

Just when he thought he had done everything in secret, humming a little tune and heading home, Huggins looked like a ghost, watching one familiar face after another, slowly rising from the side of the stone, the bushes, and behind the fence.


The man was a little confused, not knowing what to say next.

Todd walked up to him and gave him a complicated look.

The man instantly understood that he was thinking too much: "That's my wife and daughter."

Todd's eyes widened.

Huggins took the first step and left a sentence: "We talk as we walk."

A group of people embarked on a journey back to the monastery.

The man slowly told Todd his story.

Hudgens's family originated in the northern swamps of the Fallen Star Mountains, and his ancestors lived by hunting rats. This strange disease has been inherited from generation to generation in the family. No matter whether it is a man or a woman, after adults, the hands and feet will emit black miasma, which can poison living things.

In Hudgens' generation, the situation got worse and worse. Hands gradually turned black and withered, muscles lost vitality, nerves gradually became paralyzed, and poisonous gas even penetrated thick gloves and was released into the air.

Soon after the man got married, he had a daughter, who was regarded as a bright pearl. It was supposed to be a beautiful family, but when the daughter was one year old, she fell into a coma due to high fever. Huggins took her daughter to seek medical treatment everywhere, but she didn't get better at all.

The desperate man had no choice but to step into the monastery of San Sidro and ask for the blessing of the Father.

At that time, he met Master Myris.

The other party examined the patient and told him an unbearable truth. The daughter's real illness came from the curse of his family, and the only way to make the child grow up healthily was to keep Huggins as far away from her as possible.

This is a painful choice.

Huggins created the illusion of death through an accident, watched his coffin sink into the ground from afar, and listened to the heart-piercing wailing of his wife and daughter, the man chose to turn around and walk into his own "purgatory".

It's just that occasionally, like this, secretly giving the money saved from food and frugality to his wife and daughter...

After hearing the story, Todd looked at Huggins' profile and fell into thought. Most people only see the power and beauty of supernatural beings, but rarely pay attention to what they lost and what they paid.

Everyone wants to gain power, but very few people are ready to bear the possible consequences.

Todd touched his eyes, and asked softly, "Hagins, if I tell you that you may live with your wife and daughter like a normal person, but you will take great risks, would you be willing?"

The man stopped in his tracks, put his hands on Todd's shoulders, and said in a serious tone, "If I can hold my daughter again, I will give everything I have, even my life..."

"God bless you happy, my daughter"

"Let everything be hopeful, and nothing scare you"

"Recalling the golden years"

"From babbling to thriving"

"My daughter, in a beautiful wedding dress"

"O God-sent Gospel, bring comfort and joy"

"My daughter has grown up and is going to get married today"

Huggins' singing sounded in Todd's ears again, only this time, the latter didn't speak again.


"You mean Muxi Harbor?" Huggins marked a cross on the map with a pencil: "At the beginning of spring every year, the pirates of the northern archipelago will paddle their fur boats, bring axes and torches, cross the sea of ​​mist, pass through the Torrent Strait, land at Muxi Harbor, and plunder every village in sight."

With the harbor as the center, the man drew a circle with a radius of about 15 kilometers on the map: "The attack range of the pirates after landing is about this wide. If you run this distance, you can control it to about 45 minutes. You can avoid the army's pursuit and return to the ship in time."

Putting the pen on the table, Huggins glanced at Todd who was listening carefully, touched his chin, and said uncertainly: "I know a person who lives in a seaside village, maybe I can learn more from him."

Todd nodded: "All information is invaluable to us. Let's split up, you will be responsible for contacting the insider, and I will prepare what we need next."

Returning to the laboratory, Todd put the necessary materials into his bag, and after a simple meal with Karin, he rushed to the smelting field at the foot of the mountain.

He ordered the craftsmen to vacate a furnace for himself, and then cleared away all the people around the furnace, and set up thick curtains around it to block everyone's sight.

Todd did it himself, and Karin was the only assistant. The thing to be made this time is still glass, but the last time I made optical glass, this time I made craft glass.

The materials are similar, but the process is different.

The previous steps will not be repeated, let's start from the blowing stage.

First, the square iron pipe (made of hammered wrought iron) is stretched into a high-temperature furnace to bring out glass raw materials. The main component is quartz sand, but no photosensitive material needs to be added. Knead the raw materials twice in the red clay powder to color first. The colored material is then stretched into a rod shape and bent to make a handle.

Next, a ball of glass material is taken out with an iron pipe and blown to expand it. The most test of manual skills is the next thing, to shape the glass with a wet wipe while blowing air. During this period, once the glass has cooled slowly, it needs to be returned to the furnace to heat up and shape it. People with good craftsmanship can usually blow out the perfect shape after two or three times of reheating, while those who are unfamiliar with it may have to reheat seven or eight times.

Next, connect the colored glass outer parts to the main body and melt them at high temperature.

Finally, put it in a cooling place and let it dry for a day.

The steps sound simple, but there are many and complicated links to test the craftsmanship of the craftsman in the middle. If you don't pay attention, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Originally, it was the best choice for craftsmen to do this kind of thing, but Todd wanted to protect this technology and did not involve craftsmen and apprentices.

The result is that the glass products he blows are crooked and bumpy; fortunately, Karin is much better than him in this respect, and the finished products are decent.

If it wasn't for Todd's emergency stop, the girl who blows the glass and blows the head can even do it for a whole day.

Watching all the glass fire embryos put into the ventilation box, Todd repeatedly emphasized to Jerry, who was in charge of the guard, that no one was allowed to approach here.

At the same time, Huggins also returned with news of Muxi Harbor.

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