"Complete side missions."

"Task reward: Zanpakutō, Kyōka Suigetsu."

At this moment, Aizen was reborn, and not only did the long-lost Kyōka Suigetsu power return to his body. Even Shinigami's basic abilities have been mastered again, and he seems to have found the kind of pleasure that he had practiced at the Mao Academy of Spirituality.

"Although it is the first fifteenth kind of garbage Kidō, it also gives me the ability to protect myself."

If it was the previous Aizen, he would definitely dismiss the first 15 Kidō. Only Kidō above the 90th is worthy of his strength.

However, after the loss of strength, Aizen's mentality has also changed. He understood that he was no longer the master of the supreme Xuye Palace, but was reduced to a weak young man.

Aizen realized that he had not yet cultivated Chakra and had no ability to protect himself. Only the basic Kidō technique could save his life.

"Hinata, take him to the empty room in the north of the village. From now on, he will settle there."

Third Hokage is scheming and arranges a house full of surveillance for Aizen. He is not assured that Aizen's identity may be an undercover agent in other countries.

Because, the appearance of a young man with a mysterious origin is likely to be an undercover agent in another country. This kind of time is not uncommon in the world of Hokage.

"I don't want to thank Grandpa Third Generation. From now on, you will also have a peaceful home."

Hinata saw Aizen's still-faced expression, and hurriedly pulled his sleeves.

"Thank you, Grandpa Third Generation."

Aizen solemnly thanked her, her eyes full of gratitude, with a bit of youthful innocence

"Well, don't thank you, this is what the old man can do. Tomorrow I will arrange for you to go to the ninja school to practice. I hope you can have a good rest and adjust your state tonight."

A kind smile appeared on Third Hokage's wrinkled face, like a kind old grandpa.

"Then let's go first, Grandpa Third Generation."

Hinata bowed her head timidly, pulling Aizen's sleeve to lead him out of Hokage's office.

Just after the two disappeared, the kind smile on Third Hokage's face stopped for an instant, replaced by a cold look.

"Stop, Yu, come out."

Third Hokage slowly turned around, his words full of solemnity.

call out!

Two dark shadows fell from the sky. They were both Konoha's Anbu members and were responsible for monitoring the safety of the village.

"You watch him secretly, a little guy of unknown origin, most likely an undercover agent sent by another country. I hope you don't destroy Konoha's rare peace, otherwise..."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

When it came to the last sentence, Third Hokage's eyes shot cold stars, which made people shudder like Ten Thousand Years.

"Yes, Lord Third Hokage."

The two Anbu looked at each other, then used the Body Flicker Technique to leave the place, as if nothing had happened.

In the north of Konoha Village, in front of an ordinary house. Hinata pointed to the spacious and bright house and whispered, "This is where you will live in the future."


Aizen responded calmly. He didn't care about the external conditions. What Aizen really cares about is the power he has lost.

"Then I will leave first."

Hinata glanced at Aizen last. She couldn't understand this weird person, and she was so cold from beginning to end that she was far away.

"Boy, what's your name?"

When Hinata turned around, Aizen finally spoke.

"Hinata, Hyūga Hinata, I am the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family.

Hinata clasped her hands and introduced herself shyly. She is timid and introverted and rarely introduces herself to strangers.

"Well, you go."

Aizen didn't say too much.

Hinata looked at him deeply, and finally left.

"A house full of surveillance? It seems that the old man is full of guard against me."

When Aizen stepped into the door of the house, he keenly perceives that there are monitors hidden in every corner of the house. Although his spiritual power has been lost, the innate keen ability to detect still exists.

"However, even if it is surveillance, what can you tell?"

Aizen smiled slightly, he was not afraid of Third Hokage's surveillance, because he was not from this world at all.

More importantly, in front of Kyōka Suigetsu who can dominate the five senses, everything is a cloud.

At will, Aizen steps into the room, and the feeling of being peeped is even stronger. Aizen's peripheral light scanned several corners of the room imperceptibly, looking for the presence of the detector.

Surveilling this little trick in secret is a joke in front of the former dominion of the virtual circle.

Aizen walked into one of the rooms and sat cross-legged on a cushion. His purpose is only one, to refine spiritual power seeds and obtain pure spiritual power.

With Aizen's thoughts, Kyōka Suigetsu's power flowed through every corner of his body, nourishing the internal organs. Affected by this force. The spiritual seeds in the body began to germinate, emitting a pale white light.


The seed of spiritual power shoots a beam of light, which then turns into a stream of pure energy, spiritual power!

"It's a familiar feeling, spiritual power is back."

Aizen closed his eyes, felt the familiar power carefully, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. Suddenly, Aizen's face suddenly changed.

He discovered that besides spiritual power, there was another mysterious power in his body. This power was completely different from spiritual power, yet it was full of power.

"This is, Chakra?"

Aizen was stunned. Through the introduction of the system, he understood that he had cultivated Chakra.

"Why does Chakra appear suddenly? Could it be that... the spiritual power seed in my body has mutated?"

Aizen was overjoyed and quickly refined his spiritual power again. This time he saw Chakra hidden in spiritual power.

Aizen understands that the Chakra problem that has plagued him has been solved. As long as he continues to refine spiritual power, he can obtain Chakra, and the two powers complement each other.

"Unexpectedly, it seized my power, but gave me even more powerful potential. In time, I, with two powers, will surely climb to the top of the sky again."

Aizen laughed loudly, his eyes full of arrogance and domineering looking down on the sky, the man above the palace of the night is back!

Seeking collection, seeking collection, seeking collection, new books are in need of collection. I hope that you can click on the collection when you see it. It would be even better if there were flowers and rewards...

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