A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 13: Insipid (4)

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I sat silently. After class, the cornucopia called everyone to play volleyball, and divided the groups, except for my name. The classmates all left talking and laughing, leaving me alone in the classroom. I looked at the empty classroom. Suddenly, the hypocritical strength collapsed, and the tears fell uncontrollably. I did n’t know what I was crying, whether I regretted offending the head teacher, or fearing the nightmare of the future.

I have n’t been crying for a long time, but this time, I was lying on the table, crying more and more sad. I just felt that I was standing in a corner of isolation again and again. It seemed that the nightmare of my childhood was about to repeat itself.

Unconsciously, I have forgotten to suppress my cry, and cried out.

Suddenly, a nice voice asked me: "What's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

I looked up, and a tall boy stood in front of me, looking at me with concern, turned out to be Shen Yuanzhe!

He was wearing black pants, a white knitted turtleneck sweater, black curly hair, gold-colored glasses, and gentle and kind eyes. Looking up from my angle, the sunlight reflected on him from the large glass window in the classroom. The whole body is silver-plated, and it is completely Prince Charming who just walked out of the comic book, but I am not a beautiful princess.

I stared blankly at him for a moment, lowered my head, and then cried.

He dragged a stool and sat in front of my desk, and said patiently and patiently: "No matter what, say it, there may be a solution."

I still just cried with tears in his eyes, he stopped sitting and patiently sat with me quietly. Finally, maybe because of his tenderness and patience, I feel that he can understand everything, maybe because the sunlight that afternoon shone on him makes him look very warm, and my world just lacks warmth. I started crying and talking. I was sad and unable to speak for several times, but he seemed to have infinite patience and listened very carefully.

After talking, I felt much better. Although I was still whimpering and crying, the fear was gone.

He kept comforting me and coaxed me patiently until I stopped crying at all. He stood up and said, "It's almost time for class, I'm leaving. Don't worry, the teacher's anger will die in a few days, it will definitely Bring you back to the front. "

When he walked to the door, I remembered that I didn't say thank you. I called him: "Hey!"

He stopped and looked back at me. I said, "Thank you."

He put his hands on his glasses lightly and said with a smile: "You're welcome, I can't help with anything."

After he left, the classmates came back one after another. The classroom was noisy and lively, but it was hindered by the class teacher ’s anger. No one answered me, but I could n’t take it anymore. ? In the eyes of the girl, did the unexpectedly white horse prince Shen Yuanzhe really appear? Too much like a dream, seems to be my own fantasy to comfort myself.

It was because it was too untrue, so I did n’t even say Xiao Fei, only told her that I was rushed to the end to sit by the teacher. When I said that, with a grinning face, Xiaofei had excellent grades since childhood, never really experienced the pain of being tortured by the teacher, so she did n’t care about me, she did n’t take it seriously, and she was kidding People are as free as they can sit back and do whatever they want.

The cornucopia drove me to the end of the classroom and often criticized me by name. I tried to use the majesty of my teacher to bow my head. But I belong to someone who respects me. , I bowed my head, but stubbornly came up, more frustrated and more courageous, completely ignored him, his English class, I did not listen at all, chewing bubble gum while reading Qiong Yao's novels.

The cornucopia, as soon as he started working, was assigned to the province ’s key teachers, and he was given the important task of the class leader by the school ’s leadership committee. If all students are compared to horses and horses, he is a horse trainer, then I am the first wild horse he met in his horse training career. For him, can I be tamed, not only does he mean that he can Keeping the dignity in front of the classmates also means that he has a deep sense of professional accomplishment in his heart, so we both are on the bar.

The method he started to take was still very simple and ordinary, nothing more than reprimand, sanitation, sanitation, and punishment, but I found that I was standing behind the classroom, and it seemed more comfortable than sitting, and he began to understand the way to deal with ordinary girls Doesn't work for me.

On one occasion, because I ran to school to play as soon as I had dinner at noon, I was hit by him. Unfortunately that day, I broke a window glass in the classroom. He was furious and ordered me to ask my parents. I was very nervous and went home and told my mother that the head teacher wanted to see her.

My mother went to meet the cornucopia, and the cornucopia told my mother of all my bad behaviors. I hope my parents can cooperate with my teacher to educate me. When my mother returns, I will tell my father all the words of the teacher.

Probably because there was a thief fight in my elementary school for comparison, my class didn't listen to the lectures and destroyed the public property. It was too fragile. My dad didn't care too much. Maybe he felt that the cornucopia was a big problem in the heart. Although my mother was a little worried, she couldn't help it. The alienation between me and them was indifferent. She knew it in her heart, so she didn't dare to say anything seriously, for fear that it would force me to turn indifference into a rebellion, and could only persuade me rightly. Teachers should respect.

Cornucopia did n’t know the specifics of our family. He looked at my mother ’s knowledge and thought that he finally found a way to cure me. Unexpectedly, just two days later, he found that I was still doing my own thing, and even started to improve, except language The teacher Zeng Hong ’s class, I am quite honest, the rest of the teachers all said that I did not listen to the class, saying that putting students at the end of the classroom is not a good way.

The cornucopia changed the seat for me because of the suggestions of the teachers in various subjects. From one extreme to the other, I was placed in the middle of the first row. The desk was close to the podium, just under his eyelids. His expression was conceited, a look of "see what else you can do under my eyelids".

It turned out that in less than a week, teachers from various subjects went to see him again. The math teacher told me to do physics in his class. The physics teacher told me to do geography in her class. The geography teacher told me to do it in his class. Math homework, cornucopia has a headache. I asked me to talk to me and asked me why I did it. I honestly said: "Because I have to play after class, I don't have time to do homework. I have to finish my homework before school. "" The cornucopia was so angry that it was full of fire in his small eyes. In order to prevent me from doing homework in the classroom, I was punished to stand outside the classroom.

The punishment stations outside the classroom and in the classroom seem to be punishment stations. The actual meaning is very different. In the classroom, just like your own business, whether it is good or bad, is inside the door. Outside the classroom, it is like showing the scandal to others. At the beginning, I was really uncomfortable. I was too ashamed to raise my head. The students around me looked at me when I passed by. I wish I could find a place to sew and drill, but I am ashamed and want to give in. no way!

So when the cornucopia punishes me when standing, I can't get rid of it like an eggplant beaten by frost. It's like a heavy sign hanging on my neck, and my head is so low that I can't wait to get into the collar. But once he put me in the classroom, I did physics homework in math class, geography homework in physics class, math homework in geography class, reading novels in English class, he was not vague at all, he could n’t be angry, he could only continue to fight me .

In the hectic way of fighting with the cornucopia, in the final exam, I and the cornucopia battle returned, but the overall score was not affected by a little, but advanced a few. The only worries of my father and mother have disappeared. Their thoughts are very simple. I feel that as long as I do n’t skip school, hand in homework, and pass the grades, it proves that my heart is still studying. Then everything else, whether it ’s broken glass, Naughty in class, even talking back to the teacher, is normal, especially my dad. He even thinks that naughtiness is active and something like a child. He has always been worried about the reticence and sullenness of my elementary school. Of course, they dare not dare Let Cornucopia know that they think so.

Xiao Fei not only did not feel embarrassed, but admired me for the things I was fined on the corridor. She thought I was cool and dared to face the teacher. Although the students of the first grade did not worship the teacher like the primary school students, they could talk to the teacher. Not many people dare to face it, especially girls.

I can only smile bitterly at her thoughts. Where do I want to be cool? I was forced!

After the winter vacation, my life is very comfortable, without class, homework, and cornucopia, I can read the novels I like to read all day long. On the third day of New Year's Day, I went to New Year's greetings with Teacher Gao. Teacher Gao asked me about my study. I reported truthfully. She smiled and asked me, "How hard did you do your best?"

After seriously thinking about it, I told her: "Alright, it's not fun to study."

Teacher Gao couldn't laugh: "How come you and Zhang Jun still have a child's heart? Remember to play all day."

I asked quietly, "Zhang Jun is here too?"

Teacher Gao said: "Yes! He came to give me a New Year's greetings yesterday. I asked him if he studied seriously. He didn't laugh and talk, but just play, don't be too backward. Anyway, you are still young and you leave university. Still early!"

Teacher Gao really likes me and Zhang Jun. The two of us are naughty and gloomy in the eyes of other teachers. But in her eyes, they are just naughty and unreasonable, but she does n’t know that in fact, both me and Zhang Jun More complex and precocious than their peers.

Teacher Gao peeled off the orange petals and put them in my hand. He said with a smile: "You and Zhang Jun can come and see me together, and everyone can chat together."

I smiled and ate oranges without saying a word.

After coming out of Teacher Gao's house, he regretted while walking, he should have come to visit New Year yesterday. Feeling down, I suddenly heard a song from the Xiaohu team in an audio shop.

String your heart and my heart

Bunch of clover

Strung a concentric circle

Let all the calls that look forward to the future take advantage of youth

Don't let the younger one grow up, the more lonely

Lin Zhiying has already become popular now. The girls in the class are all sticking to Lin Zhiying's stickers on the stationery box. This tape seller is still putting the Xiaohu team?

I stood outside staring and listening for a while, and left in a stride.

The winter vacation life is plain and ordinary, except for a few days of the Spring Festival, I followed my parents to feast, I spent almost every day in the K song hall of Xiaobo, nestled on the sofa to read books borrowed from the school library, one after another, squid often made fun of me : "You still don't think the bottom of the glass bottle on your bridge is thick enough?"

I'm too lazy to care about him. He is very proud now. After all, Xiaobo is very young. It is inconvenient to come out on many occasions. He has to deal with squid in front. Many people who do n’t know think that squid is the owner of the karaoke hall. , And there are voluptuous women in her arms, which is a double harvest in the shopping mall.

The business of K-Singing Hall is at night, and Bo wave is very careful, and he must be hands-on. He is always so busy that he can't sleep at two or three in the middle of the night. During the daytime, he often sleeps on the sofa. I read on another sofa. Sometimes I wake up. He will ask me to pour water, drink a few sips, turn over and sleep, and I will continue reading.

When he is not sleeping, he also reads books, but the books he read are very different from mine. I like to read novels, and most of the books he read are biographies of war heroes, successful people, or purely corporate management, market economy, Will take notes seriously.

Because it was winter vacation, borrowing books from the school library was not convenient. He took me to the city library. The library manager saw him and said hello: "Come back to the book? A few days ago I just entered the library A batch of marketing books, the bibliography is here. "

Only then did I know that he was a regular visitor to the library. I also got a borrowing card from the city library and started borrowing books from the city library to read.

The two of us are often together all day long. It seems that there is me where there is him, and where there is him there is me. In fact, although we are together, we read each book and do our own things without affecting each other.

It was rumored outside that I was Xiaobo's girlfriend. We asked him in person. Of course we denied it, but we wouldn't grab people around to explain that we weren't, and I think Xiaobo was quite happy that I made his shield.

The Bobo people are handsome and gentle, they are polite to girls, never swear, they are an alternative among people who are outside, many girls like him, and the girls in this circle are fierce and fierce. I dare to use any method to catch up with the boys. From public confession to wrist cutting and suicide, Xiaobo is troubled. There is one that I block, which is slightly better.

Zhang Jun often sings in the karaoke hall. I gradually knew that the person he followed was nicknamed "Xiao Liu", but no one dared to call him "Xiao Liu" in person. It looks obviously smaller than Brother Li. According to the squid, Xiao Liu is a very ruthless person. He is regarded as one of the triad bosses in this city. He has been detained several times, but he is lucky that he can come out safely every time he enters the Public Security Bureau.

I can't understand why Zhang Jun got mixed up with people like Xiao Liu, but it is estimated that he couldn't understand how I got mixed up with Brother Li and Xiaobo.

I was in the same karaoke hall with him. I had occasional encounters, but I didn't seem to know each other. Even if I passed by, I didn't say hello and completely ignored each other. But I know, in fact, my eyes are watching him all the time.

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