Zombie Evolution

Chapter 98: Unexpected gains (Mon./Thu.)

At the end of the field of vision, on the ground level, a gorgeous and extreme big bird is rising, with white feathers and gold wings, as if it were a new born sun. Brilliant golden, as bright as the Buddha's light, illuminates the entire dark world.


There was another howl.

Boom—the sound of bō shocked, Zhang Yang ’s **** hún shook for a moment, and his eyes became red instantly.

A bloodthirsty and violent breath rose from my heart, and now Zhang Yang had an impulse to destroy everything in the surrounding world, including himself.

However, a hint of coolness in his heart made him retain the last reason.

This gorgeous bird is completely different from the holiness on its surface, and it conveys a breath of rage and destruction.


The gorgeous bird has a long neck, and its huge wings are like a cloud in the sky.


Light and shadow flashed, Zhang Yang didn't even see anything clearly, and felt a huge force hit.

嘭 ——In a bang, the gorgeous big bird dissipated instantly and became a light cluster of gold and white.

It seems that in addition to these gold and white light groups, there are some black light groups around him.

Vaguely, Zhang Yang recalled what happened between the flashes just now. It seemed that when the big bird hit, the "Yi nian refining" in the sea suddenly appeared, wrapping itself up and blocking That hit hard.

Then, Huamei Big Bird collided with Taiyin Refining, and both sides instantly turned into powder, each scattered into light spots ... into powder?

Zhang Yang's eyes widened!

"Tai yīn Refining" is the foundation of his foothold in this world. It is precisely because of this mysterious cheat book that he can be promoted quickly, and he has repeatedly saved his life.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the priests sent by Laoshan will take them away just after crossing.

Without "Tai yīn Refining", Zhang Yang's future promotion will have no advantage. There is no Shimen backing, no excellent cultivation resources ... It won't be long before they will be drowned in the same practitioners like Wang Yang.

Even survival in this weak and strong world of cultivation will become a problem.

Thinking of this terrible consequence, Zhang Yang could not help but be nervous.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't worry about it for a long time, and saw that those black light clusters began to condense slowly, and gradually regained the appearance of cheats, but the image was nothing and almost invisible.

The words "Tai yīn Lian Xing" were also extremely dim, apparently not damaged lightly, and soon dived into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge and disappeared completely.

While Zhang Yang was sighing, he felt scared for a while.

The big bird hit just now at such a high speed that he didn't even have time to react, let alone dodge.

The powerful force that can even be disintegrated in Taiyin Forming, if it acts on oneself, what effect will it have?

Needless to say, hún Fei Mo San is sure.

This big bird is able to break up "Too yīn Refining", who can guarantee that there is no other stronger thing in this world of cultivation?

It seems that the protection of the spirit hún in Tai yīn Refining is not foolproof.

While Zhang Yang has a little more awe of the world, he also has a stronger belief in the pursuit of great strength.

... Hei Sè light spots converged and dived into Zhang Yang to understand the sea. Then, something wonderful happened.

I saw the yellow and white spots of the surrounding big bird, which originally showed signs of converging.

However, some light spots closer to Zhang Yang did not converge in the past. Instead, they began to spin up and down around Zhang Yang's body, dancing happily, as if it were the most beautiful paradise.

Zhang Yang looked at all this helplessly. For better or worse, he could only choose to accept passively.

In this dark space, Zhang Yang felt like he was just a spirit hún, without any offensive ability and autonomous defense ability. This made him cried and laughed.

More and more light spots came together.

The light spots gradually began to be dissatisfied with rotating around the body, but bumped into it at once, and immediately penetrated into the skin and merged into Zhang Yang's body.

Boom-a very comfortable feeling rising from the bottom of my heart, this light spot is like a tonic to Zhang Yang, he can't wait for more of these light spots, more ... It seems as if I understood Zhang Yang's voice , More and more light-point moths flutter fires towards Zhang Yang, and then merge ... cool!

It's so cool!

Zhang Yang straightly wanted to shout loudly. Moreover, he was pleasantly surprised to find that with the integration of these light spots, the power of his own spirit hún was obviously stronger and stronger!

In a short time, the surrounding light spots were almost exhausted, leaving only a very small part of the distance to escape, spilling into the dark space, no trace was found.

For a moment, only Zhang Yang was left in the entire space.

There was darkness and nothingness around, and it was boundless, and I felt panic in my heart.

Om-Suddenly, a bō movement started to spread out, centering on Zhang Yang itself.

In an instant, Zhang Yangzhi felt as if he had become the main force in this space. A sense of control was born from the heart.

With a break of his mind, his eyes brightened, and he had emerged from that dark space.

When I saw it, the huge bone wings floating in front of me on the 1st day, I sat on the stone couch cross-legged on the 1st, as if nothing had happened.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Yang's mouth.

Looking back on the experience just now, Zhang Yang knew that there seemed to be a ghost hún remnant of the monster in this pair of bone wings. And myself, racing to devour most of the residual hún!

Only a very small part of it penetrates into the depths of the dark space, it is estimated that it will not become a climate, and even the shape of the monster bird may not be condensed out; but it is a hidden danger, and it is not known whether there is any harm.

The benefits of this unexpected devour were unimaginable.

And this residual hún is the biggest obstacle to refining the bone wings.

If it is an ordinary monk, it will be destroyed by the moment when the spirit hún invades.

Don't say that the bone wings have been refined, I am afraid they are all insurmountable.

The power of the spirit hún, which can be severely damaged by Tai yīn Refining Shape, is how terrible it is to think about it.

However, Zhang Yang's smile quickly solidified.

A violent atmosphere rose in my heart, and the feeling of bloodthirsty was stronger than ever.

This demon bird looks gorgeous, but it is the embodiment of violent and bloodthirsty. While its remnant hún merges into Zhang Yangling hún, it also brings this violent and bloodthirsty xìng.

Zombies have bloodthirsty days, plus the influence of this force, if one is not careful, Zhang Yang may be reduced to a bloodthirsty demon. It is also possible to lose blood and become a bloodthirsty machine.

There is a divine **** on Zhang Yang's face.

This will be a great test for your own heart.

Want to understand these reasons, close your eyes tightly, suppress the bloodthirsty.


When I opened my eyes again, Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much calmer.

Reaching out to touch mō's bone-like bone wings in front of mō's eyes, a familiar feeling emerged, as if this was part of his body.

It is also normal to think about it. When Yang Yangdi in the first-line gorge obtained this bone wing, Zhang Yang once absorbed a small amount of essence and blood from the thousand corpses of the unknown monster.

After the essence and blood were incorporated into the body, Zhang Yang was greatly transformed, and at the same time, Zhang Yang itself had a hint of monster birds, which would flow out inadvertently on some special occasions.

Perhaps this is the reason why you can fuse hún.

After the fusion of the monster bird residue hún, whether from the top or the spirit hún, Zhang Yang has the smell of an unknown monster bird, and naturally has a sense of flesh and blood with the pair of bone wings that originally came from the monster bird .

The biggest obstacle has disappeared, and it seems that the next refining will go very smoothly.

Zhang Yang smiled again.

According to the method described in "Refined Articles", the finger pinching method is used, and the whole body's mana surges, slowly condensing in the direction of the finger.

Immediately after that, something strange happened.

I saw Zhang Yang's finger, a blue flame burst out.

Zhang Yang's face sè a joy, mobilizing the consciousness to control this flame, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, and gradually became familiar.

I saw that the flame did not emit a hot breath like ordinary flames, but an ice cold breath.

As it appeared, the temperature in the entire room dropped rapidly.

Visible to the naked eye, with Zhang Yang as the center, a layer of ice crystals slowly appeared on the stone couch underneath.

Beep Boom!

In the crisp sound, in a short time, the stone couch became an ice couch.

Zhang Yang quickly became familiar with the manipulation of the flames.

Then he stretched out a finger, the flames fluttered, and soon he covered the bone wings.

The beautiful jade bone wings, white as sheep fat, suspended in the flames of the faint blue, this scene is extremely beautiful.

The power of Zhang Yang's spirit hún then invaded the bone wings.

When he moved his mind, the bone wings immediately seemed to be released, and there was no resistance to this ice flame.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand again and took out a golden feather from the ring, which was obtained from the monster corpse at that time.

Reached and threw these feathers into the bluish flame.

Then ignited the flame ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and began to slowly train.

Zhang Yang only felt that the mana in 〖Body 」swarmed towards his finger like a dyke, supplementing the consumption of fire. Fortunately, the liquid mana is extremely solid, and it can't afford it.

And Zhang Yang's speed of swallowing yīn force metamorphosis increased greatly after being promoted to purple stiffness, and the whole body's skin opened wide mouths, devouring the surrounding yīn qi vigorously.

It may be the cause of the yīn spring spirit riot. The surrounding yīn qi is getting stronger and stronger. Zhang Yang believes that even the land of nine yīn may not reach this level, which is extremely beneficial to him.

At the same time, one hand turned and a yīn condensate was put into the mouth.

With the crazy absorption of the two phases, the speed of mana replenishment can be overwhelmed by the consumption of ice flames.

As time progressed, a trace of ash gas began to escape from the bone wings, and as soon as it appeared, it was burned by Bingyan.

Zhang Yang knows that these gray qi are the dead air in the bone wing. Only by eliminating the dead qi, the bone wing will become an existence with growth potential and integration with the body. !! .

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