Lin Yuan didn't say anything when he saw the little girl's appearance

! As long as she can survive this special period, the rest doesn't matter!

According to the progress of the shelter, it is estimated that she will be able to move in directly in two days.

"I hope it's good before the rainstorm!" Lin Yuan said in his heart

! After the two of them finished eating, Lin Yuan continued to focus on the shelter

! "Ding Dong Dong~"

As soon as he knocked and knocked, the outer and inner walls of the wooden house were built by him, and the time was already evening!

The little girl was taken to sleep by Lin Yuan after dinner, and Lin Yuan himself was sawing at a piece of wood!

Soon, many pieces of wood of various sizes were sawed down by him with a sapper shovel.

Lin Yuan planned to use these wood chips to make some small toys out!

Because he saw Tong Yao's listless appearance today, he thought about using these small objects to make him refresh, and it would not be too boring.

Cut the chips to the size and shape you want, and use some wooden skewers to secure them all.

Finally, put the toy's legs on it!

A toy rabbit made of wood was made by Lin Yuan.

Moreover, Lin Yuan fiddled with the little rabbit's head, and then it began to sway and walk on its own, very magical!

"Awesome, Lin Sanba can do anything!" "

Big brother, you are surviving in the wilderness, don't change the painting style, okay? What kind of trouble is the whole toy in the wilderness

?" "Painting style?Is there still such a thing in this group of contestants?"

Lin Sanba, this rabbit is really good, and he can move around on his own

!" "Learned, I'll make it tomorrow and push it to major websites to sell, everyone wait for me to make a fortune

!" "Fuck, brother take me one!"


Netizens in the live broadcast room saw the finished toy rabbit made by Lin Yuan, and they were all calling it awesome.

After seeing Lin Yuan's production process, some craftsmen rushed to make a batch overnight and put it on major websites for sale, making a lot of money

! Lin Yuan didn't know about this!

Looking at the little rabbit in his hand, Lin Yuan was very satisfied.

With such a small toy here, the little girl shouldn't be too bored tomorrow.

Turning his head to look at the little girl in the shelter

! Seeing her curled up into a ball and looking very uncomfortable, Lin Yuan hurriedly boiled a pot of hot water, and then used the other half of his sweatshirt as a towel to wet it!

Forcibly endured the hot hand of the boiling water, fished it out with a branch, wrung it out, and then put it on the little girl's lower abdomen.

Feeling a warm feeling coming from her stomach, the little girl's tightly knit brows were also soothed.

When she was in the city before, Lin Yuan took care of her like this.

"I don't know if I can find sugar cane here?" Lin Yuan said in his heart.

If he can find food like sugar cane, then he can use these to make brown sugar water for

the little girl to drink! Seeing the little girl's brows gradually softened, Lin Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart!

Without bothering anymore, he continued to make small toys, and he only needed to change the hot towel regularly on the little girl's side.

Using the same method, Lin Yuan made three identical toys, but with different appearances.

"Sign in!"

"Sign in successfully, number of days: fifteen days. "

I looked at the time, and it was already midnight

! I was thinking about making another chess game, but I had no choice but to stop!

I looked at the little bunnies, hair dryer Peppa, Jingle Cat, and Snoopy on the table.

Lin Yuan smiled and let it go, while he took off the undershirt on the little girl's belly, and then got into the sleeping bag and prepared to sleep


! Early morning.

The little girl still got up early in the morning today!

After feeling it, Tong Yao was still very glad that Lin Yuan made the sanitary napkin yesterday! Otherwise,

she wouldn't know what to do today.

After changing the sanitary napkin, the little girl blushed and avoided the drone's sight and went to the stream to clean it.

After finishing some daily work, the little girl set her eyes on some toys on the table!

In fact, she had noticed these things for a long time, but because things were not finished yet, she never checked them.

Now when I look closely, I am instantly attracted by these little toys!

I gently played with the little rabbit in front of me with my hand, and then the little rabbit moved forward step by step.

There was also

a clattering sound! I fiddled with a few more next to her, and then the little girl began to play!

Although they are all adults, it is actually very good to have such gadgets to relieve boredom in the wilderness.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Yuan also woke up

! Seeing that the little girl was interested in the little toys he made for her last night, he was relieved! At first, he was

afraid that the little girl would be indifferent to these things.

After some washing, Lin Yuan came to the wooden house that was not finished yesterday again

! Since the exterior walls have been built by Lin Yuan, he is going to build the ceiling and roof today!

But before that, he still has to make a scaffolding first, otherwise he will not be able to reach it at all.

Lin Yuan planned to build a double-pitched roof, although he also wanted to make a two-story villa!

After all, he didn't want to encounter the kind of scene in the future where it rained heavily outside and light rain inside the house! After all, the

materials here were so limited, and there was no way to make the effect of a villa with just a few pieces of wood and bamboo, not to mention that none of these materials had been processed.

To be honest, Lin Yuan felt a little reluctant to build a one-bedroom wooden house

! Set up the scaffolding!

Lin Yuan climbed up, used the wood that was originally used as a pillar as a support, and began to lay the ceiling.

However, it is also easy to make, just cover it with some wood!

It wasn't until he was so opaque that he was content to start building the roof.

After all, this is the last line of defense

for this wooden house, and if it leaks rain, then this wooden house is too much of a failure! Find a few bamboos and open them in half, remove the middle knots, and lay them on top of the roof face up and face down!

Then use some wooden nails to secure it to prevent it from falling off.

Because it is a double-pitched roof, rainwater will flow down the groove when it falls into the cracks of the bamboo, which reduces the occurrence of rain leakage in the house to a greater extent.

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