Lin Yuan's strength suddenly increased greatly, not only the netizens in the live broadcast room felt curious, but even the Ma family behind the program team began to pay attention to this young man.

Although Lin Yuan's results have been very good since the beginning of the show, this is not enough for a family to take it seriously.

Because these things will naturally be dealt with by the people under them, and they only need to deal with the things agreed with the official at most.

However, now that there is a young man whose strength is much greater than ordinary people, the Ma family, who is a top family, will naturally feel a little curious, but that's all.

At most, I'll find a chance to talk to him after I'm done surviving.

After all, it is an ancient martial arts family, and there are still some thoughts about some people who are different from ordinary people.


Of course, Lin Yuan will definitely not know all this!

"Whew~" Lin Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief.

After wasting all the effort, I finally dragged back more than 20 bamboos, which is still a lot of work.

When the little girl saw Lin Yuan coming back, she hurriedly handed him water, and began to shush the cold and ask for warmth, and at the same time she was also surprised by his strength.

However, he was fooled by Lin Yuan's three or two sentences.

Then it took three more trips to bring back the three giant dragon bamboos, and only then did Lin Yuan start to stop!

Looking at his watch, it was only three o'clock in the afternoon.

However, Lin Yuan didn't plan to continue, but began to prepare dinner with Tong Yao

! After all, after being busy for nearly an afternoon, Lin Yuan was already tired!

Dinner was also very simple, roasting some mutton and stewing some soup with lamb ribs.

The two of them ate like that!

But because of the lack of seasoning, the mutton really didn't taste good.

After the meal, I plan to make some furniture from the bamboo I cut back today.

After all, I have been squatting by the fire to eat these days, and now that I have the ability, the tables and stools must also be arranged.

And when you stay up until the early hours of the morning, you can sign in by the way, you must know that tomorrow is the fourteenth day, Lin Yuan is still very curious about what good things will come out of the next junior gift package.

But now the task is to make the table first.

I found two bamboo poles of the right size and sawed them to the length I wanted.

Then use a machete to cut out all kinds of strange grooves for the parts you need! Then

they began to splice seamlessly, and after putting together the seemingly strange plug-ins, the frame of a table appeared in front of Lin Yuan!

"Lin Sanba's guy seems to use a mortise and tenon structure, right?" "That's right

, I can't do this after more than 20 years of carpentry, I didn't expect him to look in his twenties since he knows this craft!".

"In this case, the half-made wooden house may also be this structure. "

yes, I didn't dare to confirm it at first, but now I understand when I see him make this table!"


Netizens in the live broadcast room watched Lin Yuan make a table with such a fairy-like method, and couldn't help but start to marvel again and again.

Once the table frame is made, the table top will start to be simpler, just cut the bamboo into pieces and stuff them into the pre-reserved position.

Finally, the four corners of the table top are hammered down to make them fit perfectly, and a table is truly done!

The little girl watched it next to her and called "666!"

Then she sat on the chair and experienced it, thinking about the scene of sitting on it and eating tomorrow.

Lin Yuan saw that it was still early, so he made some dishes again.

After all, there is only one pot, and a shell bowl is still too inconvenient, and every time I want to cook a few more dishes, I will not be able to continue because there are not enough dishes.

After all this was done, the time finally came to 0:00 in the morning


successfully, sign-in days: 14 days. "

Congratulations to the host for getting

a primary gift package, do you want to open it?" As expected, Lin Yuan got a primary gift package again, although he had obtained a primary gift package a week ago, but now that he got it again, his heart was still a little excited and looking forward to it.


!" "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the iron smelting technology

!" "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the top hunter!" "Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining weather perception!"

"May I ask if you use them all?"

is still the

same three prompt tones as always, and the top hunter in it is what he needs now.

After all, the group of jackals behind the bamboo forest is not easy to mess with, if you don't have the ability to defend yourself, then what should you do if you encounter a group of jackals in the future?

There is also meteorological perception, you can see that it is related to the weather by looking at the name.

The most important thing is this iron-smelting technology!

After all, if you can strike iron, you will be able to build your own tools in the future, and you won't have to worry about the lack of tools in the future.

In short, the things that came out of this check-in are still relatively easy to use for Lin Yuan.

However, Lin Yuan didn't use it for the first time, but used the reason to go to the toilet to put the drone on standby, and then secretly took a look at Tong Yao's situation.

Seeing that he was already asleep, Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief

! Because the system transmission skill could toss him enough last time, he had to be fully prepared this time!


Lin Yuan sat on the chair, took two deep breaths, and then recited silently.


This was followed by a sharp pain in the brain.

Countless knowledge about iron smelting, hunting, and meteorological identification frantically melted into Lin Yuan's mind, and the pain made him snort!

Holding his head involuntarily with both hands, trying to minimize

the pain! But before he could get used to the sharp pain in his head, the whole body began to suffer from severe pain.

This time the pain was worse than the previous one!Then

fine beads of sweat appeared on his body and head, and finally Lin Yuan couldn't bear the pain, causing him to lie on the ground involuntarily and twitch violently.

The three sheep on the side also looked at Lin Yuan who was twitching wildly on the ground with a curious expression, and they were puzzled! What

happened to this human being

? Why did he suddenly become like this?

The whole process lasted for more than ten minutes, and because his body had been significantly strengthened during this time, otherwise Lin Yuan would definitely not be able to persevere!

If the pain last time was just throwing a red-hot iron into your head, then this time it is throwing a soldering iron and cutting your flesh one by one with a red-hot machete.

"Huh...... Ha ...... "

Lin Yuan was lying on the ground breathing violently!

In order not to alarm Tong Yao, Lin Yuan didn't make a sound the whole time.

If Lin Yuan hadn't washed the undershirt and dried it, it was estimated that he would have been soaked with sweat again!

You must know that this undershirt would be of great use to him tonight.

After feeling the pain subside, Lin Yuan began to slowly get up and feel the changes in his body.

First of all, I have a lot of knowledge about iron smelting in my mind, including the knowledge of finding ores and blast furnaces, etc., ......

Then there is the meteorology, by feeling the temperature and humidity in the air, Lin Yuan has a preliminary understanding of the weather conditions in the next few days.

"There may be a heavy rainstorm in the next three days!, and I don't know where to find iron ore in the vicinity!" Lin Yuan pondered.

After all, if you want to smelt iron, you also need to find raw materials.

Finally, the top hunters brought Lin Yuan all kinds of hunting knowledge and knowledge of tracking prey.

Moreover, Lin Yuan moved his limbs, and he felt much more flexible than before, thinking that the physical pain just now was because of this.

And this moment of effort, the time is already one o'clock in the morning, open the live broadcast room

! Lin Yuan took the sweatshirt and sat down by the bonfire, and then used a machete to divide it!

"What is Lin Sanba going to

do?" "Yes, why do you want to tear this good clothes

?" "Could it be that he is crazy?"


Netizens in the live broadcast room expressed their incomprehension at Lin Yuan's move.

After cutting the undershirt in half, Lin Yuan divided half of it into strips of cloth of about fifteen centimeters again

! Then, together with the hemp rope, put it into a steel pot to cook!

After all, it is a girl's private thing, and the disinfection work must be done well, otherwise it will be troublesome if you accidentally get infected.

In order to be able to disinfect them thoroughly, Lin Yuan let these strips of cloth boil in water for half an hour before they were fished out

! Then they were put on top

of the branches and dried out! At this time, Lin Yuan cut a thinner bamboo skewer with bamboo, and then tied the sterilized hemp rope at the end!

Then rolled the cloth strips into a four-centimeter-wide piece of cloth and sewed them with bamboo skewers.

Seeing this, some female netizens in the live broadcast room also understood what this was for!

"Lin Yuan is such a good man, he even thought of

this!" "Now I'm starting to envy the little girl, I can find a good man like Lin Yuan as my husband!" "

Is it okay to blow up this little couple

?" "No, do you know what this is?"

Women's things, you big pig's trotters don't ask much. "


He was busy until three o'clock in the morning, and Lin Yuan finished the sanitary napkin in his hand!

Because Lin Yuan's sewing skills are really not good, the appearance of this sanitary napkin looks a little unsightly.

Gently put it on the little girl's pillow, and Lin Yuan fell asleep contentedly.


The first breeze of the morning blew through the camp of the two!

Sitting up, he looked at Lin Yuan, who was still sleeping on the side, and thought to himself that this damn guy must have stayed up late last night to go to bed.

In desperation, the little girl's movements began to ease a lot.

The little hand was set aside, intending to gently dig out of the sleeping bag, but she touched something strange.

When I took it over, the little girl's little face instantly turned red like a ripe apple

! Although this thing was sewn a little indecently by him, it did not affect its use!

Moreover, he carefully sewed hemp rope at both ends to bind it to prevent it from falling off.

Without much thought, the little girl understood the reason why Lin Yuan stayed up late last night.

And the material for the production, if nothing else, must be his undershirt!

Thinking of this, the little girl's heart was moved.

In fact, she has been thinking about this problem for the past few days, but she didn't expect Lin Yuan to solve it for her one step earlier.

Without thinking much about it, Tong Yao got into the sleeping bag again.

Because according to the time, the date of menstruation will not arrive until tomorrow, but in order to prevent it from coming early, the little girl had to replace it.

After a while, the little girl came out!

After washing, the little girl began to water the crops and feed the sheep every day, and then fill the kettle to prepare breakfast.

Because Lin Yuan had finished the tables and chairs last night, Tong Yao wanted to experience it

! He was busy until ten o'clock in the morning, and Lin Yuan woke up leisurely!

Seeing that the little girl had prepared breakfast, he came to the side of the stream to wash.

After coming back, he was pulled to the table by

the little girl and sat down! Then a bowl of mutton and wild vegetable soup was brought up by

the little girl! "Are you so happy today?" Lin Yuan looked at the little girl's expression, and knew what was going on

! "Hmm!"

Seeing that Lin Yuan was looking at herself, the little girl also blushed and silently ate the breakfast in front of her!

Seeing that the little girl looked shy, Lin Yuan was not teasing, and ate by herself.

"That...... You cut off your clothes, what will you wear then?" came the voice of the little girl's faint mosquitoes.

"What are you afraid of, it's not very cold now, it's a big deal to be naked, and besides, don't you have a jacket!" Lin Yuan looked indifferent.

"Oh!" the

little girl nodded and didn't speak again

!"You can take a good rest these days, and I can do the things of building a wooden house myself!" Lin Yuan said!

After all, girls come to menstruation and their bodies are relatively weak, so it's better not to work without work.

"How's that going to work? When Tong Yao heard that Lin Yuan was planning to build a wooden house by himself, he instantly began to be unhappy!

Besides, he was just here for a period, and he was not a cripple, so why did he have to rest?"

"Obedient, you should know more about your own situation than I do, don't cry there in pain when the time comes." Lin Yuan said seriously, with a non-negotiable expression on his face.

Because the little girl will have menstrual cramps when she comes to menstruation, sometimes she will be woken up in the middle of the night, and Lin Yuan has taken her to the hospital more than once.

Therefore, for the sake of her body, Lin Yuan will definitely not let her continue to work.

Although he has the blessing of being proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, he has no herbs around

him! And depending on the weather, a storm will come soon, and Lin Yuan has no time to do anything else now!

The top priority is to build the wooden house in front of him, so that the two of them can live in it as soon as possible.

"That's tomorrow, I

can still work today!" Tong Yao still looked stubborn!"No, you can give me a good rest today, don't do anything!"

Then Lin Yuan packed up all the dishes and chopsticks and took them to the stream to clean them, ignoring Tong Yao again.

Seeing him like this, Tong Yao also snorted lightly, feeling a little aggrieved in her heart.


After washing the dishes and chopsticks, Lin Yuan came to the wooden house, and then began to build it up layer by layer.

Some places that need tree trunks are cut down directly by Lin Yuan.

After working until one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Yuan's stomach was also a little hungry.


little girl looked listless, teasing the little turtle on the table.

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