When I Have Money

Chapter 591 A Natural Relationship Breakthrough

Under the night, Yang Kun and Li Zhien had a simple dinner at home. After dinner, the two cut some freshly bought fruits and sat in the living room to relax and watch TV news. Recently, the epidemic control in South Korea has also become effective. Although it has not completely unblocked like China, but There was no tension like before.

The crowd on the street gradually recovered, and their life and work gradually returned to normal. The only thing is that the population limit for gatherings is still in place, including nightclubs and hotels, which are still not allowed to open. Because nightclubs are gathering places, they are still not open.

Yang Kun ate fruit and watched the news. Of course, the news will also broadcast some international news. China has completely returned to normal, which is a good thing for the whole world. Because Huaxia is the world's manufacturing center, when Huaxia closed the country, all enterprises had to stop working. Now that China has resumed normal life, this has gradually recovered the world's manufacturing industry.

The news continued to broadcast to the "Tokyo Bay" after the "subsidized travel" was forced to be implemented, and the epidemic broke out on a large scale. But in a beautiful country far away, let alone, anti-intellectual people are still jumping on TV, opposing masks Hundreds of thousands of people have died in the demonstrations against freedom restrictions, and they have not woken up yet!

After reading the news, Yang Kun could only shake his head and sigh: "This is the developed country? Developed? The 'muscles' are so developed, what are the things in the head?"

Li Zhien looked at Yang Kun's appearance, smiled gently and said, "What's the matter, do you still want to take the civil servant exam?"

Yang Kun waved his hand and said, "Don't be kidding, what kind of civil servants should I take? I just do my own thing and enjoy the life I should have. I don't care so much about other things."

"Then it's over. If you're cursing while watching the news, I thought you were from my grandma's generation." Li Zhien said with a smile. When the old people read the news reports, they like cursing like Yang Kun, which is very engaging..

Li Zhien used a fruit fork to fork a piece of mango and ate it, then said: "Don't forget the song."

Yang Kun smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't forget, I want to find a feeling"

Li Zhien asked: "Look for the feeling? How do you want to find the feeling? Go to Jeju Island to feel it, early summer? Or what?"

Yang Kun said: "No.. I usually like to watch videos on the computer. Maybe this way of writing is more suitable for singers. Summer, different people have different summers in their eyes. What I want to write is a song that suits the three of them. summer."

"How can there be such a light thing. Anyway, about the song, you should try to write it here, I will go downstairs to rest first!"

Yang Kun nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to watch the video to get some feeling. Liu Jae Suk, Lee Hyori, Rain, I'm also looking forward to it. Let's serve the fruit..."

"Okay, I'll take it down."

Li Zhien returned to her home with fruit in her hand. Of course, she didn't take a break, but sat in the music creation room at home and began to pluck the guitar strings non-stop. Although the music for the TV station this time does not make money, it does earn fame, so Li Zhien also wanted to help Yang Kun behind his back. Maybe she wrote a melody and let Yang Kun revise it.

Every musician has a different habit of self-creation. Yang Kun likes to watch videos to find inspiration, while Li Zhien likes to be alone in a quiet music room and pluck the strings.

It's just that Yang Kun still has so many inspiration cards in his hand... so he used a 'Music Creation Inspiration Card' immediately after he came to his computer room. After using it this time, let him watch "The Birth of a Family" This is a variety show that Liu Jae-shik and Lee Hyo-ri worked together in 2010. Each issue is filmed in a village house in the countryside.

That program recorded a lot about the smiles of Liu Jae Suk and Lee Hyori at that time, and Yang Kun was like that, watching the program from rice field villages to seaside villages one after another.

In Yang Kun's mind, more time in summer belongs to the 'sea'. Well, summer should be playing by the sea. Even if it is not a coastal city, it should be a water world in summer. So Yang Kun feels that summer and the seaside are more in line with that positioning.

Just looking at Yang Kun holding the guitar and starting to play, he began to sing softly: 'I, my heart started to move again because I met you like this. '

The song quickly came to mind, and Yang Kun immediately took out the phone and called Li Zhien: "Zhien, I feel something, listen to me and sing it for you."

Yang Kun had forgotten the time when he was on the phone with excitement. Li Zhien on the other end of the phone was already lying on the bed and asleep. One episode lasts for 90 minutes. He watched the show, looked for inspiration, and made the first compilation of the song. It was already three o'clock in the morning.

Li Zhien was woken up by Yang Kun in her sleep, she answered the phone like that, listening to Yang Kun's a cappella '. Last summer's sea, you and I were singing in the waves, dreaming together . Returning to this beach again, I want to tell you that I shine even more because of your presence. '

Listening to the chorus of the song, the picture in Li Zhien's mind is that she and Yang Kun are in Melbourne in summer. Because it is the southern hemisphere, the summer there happens to be the winter in the northern hemisphere, which is the New Year.

This song is like a story about her and him, with the softness of the guitar and Yang Kun's low voice, Li Zhien, who was originally asleep, was moved by Yang Kun's song.

Accompanied by the singing, recalling the time we were in Melbourne with him...that unforgettable time for each other. The lyrics also just talk about meeting each other, getting to know each other, getting to know each other, and at this time, the two are so familiar that they can't distinguish each other.

After Yang Kun sang the song, perhaps his mind was full of images of the two of them in Melbourne, where there was no interference, he and she were chatting freely, facing the vast blue sea and blue sky, That scene made Li Zhien say softly: "I miss you!"

Listening to Li Zhien's soft voice, "Wait for me." Yang Kun quickly hung up the phone and took the elevator downstairs.

Three minutes later, Yang Kun pressed the doorbell. Li Zhien opened the door and looked at Yang Kun with a smile. Yang Kun stepped forward to embrace Li Zhien and kissed him. Li Zhien was startled by Yang Kun's overbearing, and slowly closed his eyes Meet his kisses.

The night faded quietly, Yang Kun was sleeping on Li Zhien's bed at this time, and half of her body was pillowed on Yang Kun's body, neither of them showed any signs of waking up. The relationship between the two is a matter of course and is slowly running in.

There is no impulsiveness in the relationship between the two, everything is so natural. Perhaps they have already been in love with each other, but they have not broken through the last hurdle until last night when Yang Kun's song "Come to the Seaside Again" brought back memories and sweetness of each other, which made everything more It was a matter of course.

Yang Kun's early rising biological clock made him wake up at 10:30, because he watched variety shows last night, and the creation time later was already relatively late. And there is still love for each other.. Both of them don't rest until almost four o'clock.

After waking up, Yang Kun hugged Li Zhien's shoulder and stroked it gently. Perhaps because of the loving touch, Li Zhien also woke up with Yang Kun. She was comfortably pillowed on Yang Kun's shoulder, and she didn't intend to get up, but asked softly: "What time is it?"

Yang Kun responded softly: "I don't know, I didn't bring my phone down."

Li Zhien reached out and touched under Yang Kun's pillow, took out his phone and glanced at the time: "It will be noon soon..."

Yang Kun said: "Didn't you make bean sprout soup last night? You can bring some kimchi up later, let's make bean sprout soup and rice?"

Li Zhien said in surprise: "Huh? Can you still make Korean-style bean sprout soup and rice?"

Yang Kun said: "Isn't this very simple? There was leftover soup yesterday, just heat it up and put some rice in it."

Li Zhien said: "The taste of the soup is different." After all, yesterday she drank the soup made by Yang Kun purely with bean sprouts. , so it has some seafood flavor. And put some diced squid to increase the taste.

Yang Kun said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll make you a soup with the same taste. Get up and go upstairs to eat."

"Yeah." Li Zhien nodded. Yang Kun got up first, and Li Zhien followed after a while. She pointed to the cabinet in the bathroom: "The toiletries are inside, you can take them yourself."

Yang Kun took the toiletries and started brushing his teeth and washing his face outside, while Li Zhien went inside for convenience. After a while, she came out..

Yang Kun had already washed up at this time, and he said, "Let me look at the kimchi in your refrigerator, and I'll take some up."

"Yeah." Li Zhien nodded.

Even if the two got up together today, they didn't feel any embarrassment, on the contrary, it was very natural, really feeling like an old couple.

After Li Zhien washed up, Yang Kun packed two boxes of kimchi, and the two went upstairs with the kimchi together.

After arriving at Yang Kun's house, Li Zhien went to the computer room: "Is there no record of the song you composed yesterday?"

"Oh, I haven't had time to arrange the music on the computer. When the inspiration came, I'll listen to it for you right away. But it doesn't matter, the music is all in my head. Eat it, let's arrange the music together."

After Li Zhien came out of the computer room, she looked at Yang Kun who was busy in the kitchen, and asked, "You plan to use dance music for this song, but just an acoustic guitar as the soundtrack?"

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