Chapter 70 Millions are not enough (10/4)

As soon as Di Long's voice fell, Luo Hao immediately disappeared in place.

In the foggy streets, only Luo Hao's cold words were left.


Luo Hao's cold words kept lingering in Di Long's mind.

It was not until a long time later that Di Long was able to recover, and Luo Hao did not dare to doubt the strength that Luo Hao showed.

Likewise, he didn't think Luo Hao was joking with them.

He indeed knew early on that a middle-grade evil spirit might appear in this town.

But after he collected the body of Luo Hao's evil spirit, he collected Luo Hao a lot of money in a disguised form.

However, he didn't give a warning to Luo Hao who could escape.

At this time, because of the safety of close relatives, if Luo Hao would let them go, Dillon couldn't believe it.

0 o o o o o

On the other hand, Luo Hao has already returned home from the street "Seven Five Zeros".

Randomly swept around with life energy, no trace of Xiaoying was found.

But the needlework and clothes that fell on the ground clearly proved that Xiaoying's last place was here.

Without too much consideration, Luo Hao directly transported all the strength in his body.

It hit directly on the ground.


A loud noise occurred as Luo Hao's fist was thrown down.

The furniture in the living room was immediately blown away to the corner by a violent wind.

The whole house is constantly shaking.

But Luo Hao's punch was like a stone sinking into the sea. There was not even a trace of cracks on the old stone bricks.

"How can this be.."

Luo Hao frowned slightly, and Luo Hao knew the best in his mind to what extent the arm strength of a punch in his hand could reach.

Even the towering walls of the previous life, Luo Hao can directly collapse with three punches.

But now it's just an ordinary stone brick that couldn't be broken. Seeing this, Luo Hao couldn't help but slowly calm down his heart panicked because of worry.

Calm down, life energy radiated from Luo Hao's body, and slowly a black mist appeared on the ground in front of Luo Hao's eyes.

Under the mist, it was the breath of Xiaoying's life.

It was this black mist that blocked Luo Hao's fist and used life energy to detect the breath in Xiaoying's body.

After Luo Hao didn't notice anything wrong, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this phenomenon in front of him makes Luo Hao feel a little embarrassed.

If you use a sword, Luo Hao can definitely cut off this layer of fog and directly cut off the ground by applying combat skills.

But Luo Hao is afraid that the improper use of strength will hurt Xiaoying, and this will outweigh the gain.

"Concentrate your strength and keep hitting on one floor."

"Or use combat skills?"

After thinking about it a little bit, Luo Hao still gave up using combat skills.

Punches hit the ground again, and the whole house began to fall gradually with each punch of Luo Hao.

The ground nearby began to vibrate constantly, and the black fog in front of Luo Hao's eyes also began to dissipate a little.

Seeing that the black fog began to dissipate a little, Luo Hao's eyes lit up immediately, just when he wanted to continue punching.

There was a very sweet and angry voice outside the door.

"Stop! Do you know what you are doing!"

A shadow in a red dress emerged from the white mist and came to Luo Hao's face.

The appearance of Qingguoqingcheng, even with a touch of anger, still makes people feel very moving.

But Luo Hao ignored the red-clothed woman and struck her with a punch again.

As the ground shook again, Hong Ling's complexion immediately changed, and two red satin appeared on her waist, which turned into two fire snakes and rushed towards Luo Hao's wrist.

Luo Hao waved his hand, and a strong wind blasted from his palm, instantly blowing away two fire snakes.

"Your Excellency, please calm down a little bit. This layer of black mist on the ground is the skin of the Earthbound Spirit. If it is not a very sharp spiritual technique, it will not penetrate instantly."

"And although I don't know who the mortal below is, your Excellency, as a strong celestial realm, must not let the tens of thousands of people in this city be buried for the sake of a single person."

After Luo Hao showed his own strength and easily broke Hong Ling's spiritual method, Hong Ling's attitude to speak also slightly improved.

It seems to be discouraging Luo Hao, but in reality, he hopes that Luo Hao understands the general situation.

"What do you mean.

Although he was very curious about the spiritual method that Hong Ling said in his heart, Luo Hao took the lead to ask the most critical question.

"Earthbound Spirit is still in the process of deep sleep. This kind of evil spirit is very difficult to deal with. Generally, it will be integrated with the earth and hidden in the depths of the ground. If you don't find its location, it will be useless for you to smash it down like this. .."

"It will only wake up the spirit bound, allowing it to swallow the blood of the people in this city faster."

Hong Ling's awe-inspiring expression made Luo Hao's brows furrowed deeply.

According to Hong Ling, the current Bound Spirit is slowly devouring Xiaoying and their blood, because the speed is too slow.

Luo Hao didn't even react, and it was only now that he could find it.

"If I go to find Bound Earth Spirit with you now, how long will it take?"

"At that time, how much blood will be lost to my Little Sister."

Luo Hao was not kidnapped by Hong Ling's morality. Instead, he asked the most critical questions, based on the current speed.

Even if they found Bound Earthling the first time, they wouldn't be able to deal with it in a short time.

And such things as qi and blood are the foundation of human beings. People with weak qi and blood are short-lived people. Although Houtian can tonic, its effect is minimal.

And listening to what Hong Ling said, Bound Earth Spirit is likely to swallow people in the town at any time.

So no one can guarantee the safety of Xiaoying 100%.

"this "

"I can assure you that as long as your Little Sister survives, it will definitely not be more than twenty years old."

"As long as the late stage makes up for it well, it won't be a big problem.

What Hong Ling said at this time, she felt emboldened, and even her sight was 1.5 times away.

"Yes "

"Then there is nothing to say."

A touch of firmness flashed in Luo Hao's eyes, and his right hand pulled out the sharp blade at his waist.

A flash of cold light flashed, and the sharp meaning spread around Luo Hao.


The ruins of Luo Hao's foothold suddenly exploded, and the ruins of the house spread quickly to the surroundings.

In an instant, there was a clearing within ten meters around Luo Hao.

The mud flew down, and his whole person was like a stream of light, straight into the sky.

"What do you want to do! Isn't what I just said is not clear enough!"

"Could it be that the lives of tens of thousands of people are not enough to cover that one person's life!"

Hong Ling felt the sharp aura in Luo Hao's body, her face changed drastically, and she shouted directly.

"Millions are not enough!",

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