We Live In Nanjing

: National Day Holiday Bulletin

  National Day holiday notification

  The National Day holiday is over, how are the students doing?

The author has been busy with two things during the National Day. One is the literary creation title evaluation. This thing is very, very troublesome and complicated. Because the author is preparing to declare the second level of literary creation, that is, the deputy senior title, he needs to prepare a lot of application materials. This is basically what I did during the National Day.

  Another more important thing is that the physical book "Titan" is finally on the market! (The publishing house asked me to sign a thousand autographs during the National Day, and I had to sign off by hand)

  "Titan" officially opened pre-sale after the end of the National Day, and all major e-commerce platforms will be available for sale at that time.

  ("Dead Fire": How about me! How about me?!)

  The main difference between the physical version of "Titan" and the serialized version is that it does not include the second part that is generally not highly rated by readers. Only the first part is included (the first part is complete anyway), and a short prequel is added.

  The above is the National Day holiday announcement of the author (I really didn’t do nothing).

  (End of this chapter)

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