Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 14 Echoes across time

Sanguinius opened his eyes and found that he was in a spacious carriage, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of potion.

The blood-stained white dress she was wearing was also taken off and replaced with a loose white shirt with thoughtful tailoring on the back, allowing her two snow-white wings to stretch out easily. Although the wound on his back has healed, it is still wrapped in a bandage.

Sanguinius raised his hand, and his five slender fingers first stretched out and then closed into a fist.


She thought.

It was almost an instinctive reaction.

Rich black flames burned on her palms, exuding an ominous brilliance.

This flame was a gift from the Angel of Destruction. Even though Sanguinius chose to refuse it in the illusion, this power was still integrated into her body.

The flames of the Destroying Angel are not only extremely hot, enough to easily melt thick steel plates, but also have the property of burning psychic energy, which has a strong restraint effect on demons in subspace.


Even though Imperial Truth attempts to use scientific methods to explain its existence, it even refutes it to some extent.

But Sanguinius understood that as the Primarch, she was actually divided into two closely related parts. Some of them are flesh-and-blood entities in the real universe, while the other part is hidden in the subspace, waiting for her arrival.

"Could those two angels be another part of me?" This thought flashed through Sanguinius' mind.

Maybe, maybe not, but she doesn't crave answers to questions.

Since her creator did not want his descendants to have too much contact with the subspace.

Then, she will not go against her father's wishes. She will choose to reject this gift until the prophesied vision comes true.


Sanguinius opened the car door.

The convoy was parked on a remote red mountain cliff, with the remains of an abandoned city below.

The ancient city was built around a huge lake.

After the war of the old night ended, the lake still remained in the city. But the clear water inside was polluted into a dark green poisonous swamp, and the pungent smell could not be gotten rid of even from a long distance away.

The team is undergoing a period of renovation. Although they were attacked by demons, some vehicles and supplies were lost during the escape. But the people who survived seemed to be in good spirits, clustered together in twos and threes, talking and laughing, busy with their work.

Far away from the crowd, Sanguinius also saw Kano.

It’s completely different from the impression that he is always energetic and full of motivation. Kano now seems to have aged more than ten years overnight. His face is dark yellow, his eyes are scarlet, and his body will twitch uncontrollably twice during the intervals between breathing, like a patient suffering from epilepsy, which is described as withered wormwood.

"This is the aftereffect of overuse of psionic powers," Sanguinius thought. "It's great that he survived the demon's psionic backlash."

In that battle, the most critical moment.

Kano mobilized all his psychic powers and launched a spiritual attack on the demon.

It was precisely because of the brief stiffness caused by this impact that Sanguinius had the perfect opportunity to kill him with one strike.

It can be said.

Sanguinius was able to achieve this victory thanks to Kano.

"I want to thank you." Sanguinius came to Kano's side and gently wiped away the blood stains under his eyes with his fingers. "If it hadn't been for you, I would have been in an extremely difficult battle."

"Mother, you are always like this."

Kano raised his head, black flames burning in his pupils.

He spoke, his voice old and hoarse, full of the flavor of iron and blood, and carrying incredible power, like an echo from the future to the present: "You are always grateful for the sacrifices of others, but you take your own sacrifices for granted. No! It shouldn’t be like this! No sacrifice should be forgotten-"

Talking, talking...

The expression on Kano's face became dull.

He looked around blankly and saw the shocked eyes of the people around him falling on him.

"What stupid thing did I just do?" Kano swallowed hard and pointed at his nose, his dark complexion turning red from shame.

"You were calling Angel Mother just now." Radolon came over, gritted his teeth, and said coldly, "You were talking nonsense and dancing around like a spoiled child."


Radolon sighed and bowed deeply towards Sanguinius: "Please forgive this child's rudeness."

"No." Sanguinius shook his head slightly, and his long, slightly curly golden hair swayed, and the sun streamed on his hair. She forced a smile on her face and winked, "Maybe Kano's words are sincere."

"Please don't embarrass me further."

Kano covered his face and dug into the desert with his toes, digging a hole the size of a sea bowl.

Everyone rarely saw Kano looking like he was at a disadvantage, and they burst into laughter.

But what no one noticed was that there was a trace of worry in Sanguinius' clear pupils. The psychic flame that flickered on Kano just now obviously came from the Destroying Angel.

What Kano said just now should come from a glimpse of the future.

For psykers, peeking into the future is not out of reach.

But what worries Sanguinius even more is that even if he rejects the power of the two angels in the subspace, they still have the power to possess the warriors of the Legion.

The Warp is filled with incredible power, but behind every gift there are curses and traps.

As the genetic mother of the Legion, Sanguinius did not want his future descendants to have too deep contact with the warp. She is also worried that her descendants will be lost in the vast power of the warp, and thus be tempted to make irreparable mistakes.

Thinking of this, Sanguinius suddenly thought of his father whom he had yet to meet.

The great Emperor of Mankind.

He may have had the same worries when creating his own Primarchs.


A gentle voice came from far away.

Aunt Eugene staggered over with a tray, "Come and have something to eat. I grilled some Baal Fire Scorpion steaks."

"Thank you." People took their portions of food from the trays.

"Thank you for your meticulous care during my coma." Sanguinius said as he took off a piece of barbecue skewered on an iron skewer. "I have recovered well from my injuries."

"You are our angel." A sudden cough interrupted Eugene's words, and she hid a trace of blood in her palm. Then he forced out a smile as if nothing had happened and continued: "It is my honor to be able to help you."

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