"Inside the human empire, I believe that the records of the spell are destined to be extremely rare. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞"

Morse's fingers penetrated into the violent energy of the pyramid core and the psychic storm below. The nine-color light shone on his face, creating a bright spot that was constantly broken, strengthening his unique cold expression.

Magnus couldn't take his eyes off his unharmed fingers. The subtle golden light seeped out from under the false skin, forming a string of ancient and sharp runes.

Compared to the psychic runes, these spells were neither difficult to recognize nor difficult to remember. Just by observing Morse's fingers, the Primarch easily remembered more than a dozen letters of unknown meaning.

Compared to the magical power that Magnus had already seen, the overly simple spell almost frightened the Primarch.

He was no longer the naive man who blindly hoped that all mortals could look to the light of revelation. Power without true wisdom was equivalent to a curse - the scholars of Prospero had proved it with their own deaths.

"This power can be used by any mortal, and the relevant syllables can be uttered from any mouth with normal vocal organs. The shortest curse is only one word long, enough for a five-year-old child who does not stutter to shout it quickly before the demon pounces on him. I want you to use it with caution."

Morse gave Magnus a basic introduction, calmly observing the uneasiness rising in the red face of the Primarch, and his heart was more of a sigh than satisfaction with the Primarch's mental growth.

He held a strand of energy, and in an instant, golden light followed the spider-web-like energy strands to permeate an area, and the uncertain energy turbulence was solidified into a complex fabric like golden silk, and then began to break from the smallest atomic structure.

Morse grabbed a handful of residue and pulled out his left hand. The originally surging psychic energy turned into burnt paper ash, and it turned into dust with a light rub.

He brushed off the dust and met Magnus's eyes. A series of strange and jerky sounds came out of Mors' mouth, and reality was instantly distorted in an indescribable way, as if the material universe could not understand this unnatural command. This caused blood to flow from the mouth of Mors' body.

"Try it, Primarch." Mors spat out the blood. "This sentence is just a meaningless test combination. For you, it consumes flesh and blood to contribute power, but using the spell will not cause your throat to suffer too much."

Magnus was nervous for a moment, and he felt guilty for pursuing such terrible power, but the Primarch quickly overcame it. As Perturabo said, don't think too much.

He repeated the language that Mors said, and the distortion of reality flashed again. The Primarch coughed and felt a little uncomfortable in the depths of his throat.

Morse showed a short ritual smile, his lips raised and quickly dropped: "You are suitable for this power, Red Son."

He pulled Magnus's hand and attached a layer of protection to it, and then quite aggressively pushed the giant's palm directly into the remaining energy turbulence.

Magnus' muscles were tense, but he said nothing. He looked at his palm immersed in the violent energy vortex, slowly clenched his fist, and his chest rose and fell more with his breathing.

"Repeat after me." Morse said coldly, more syllables tore his lips, and a little blood slid down his skin into the black cloth and disappeared. In order to use the spell like a mortal, his temporary body that imitated mortals would naturally be damaged.

Magnus concentrated, and the syllables were repeated one by one from his mouth without any error. The more powerful runes made his mouth ooze a faint taste of rust, but the damage stopped there.

Compared with the insignificant price, the excessive power was released from his fist placed in the energy furnace. Reality changed under the command of the spell, and the psychic energy condensed into solid ice, which could be broken on a large scale with just one strike.

This is exactly what Magnus did immediately after asking Morse for permission with his eyes. He placed all the pain of his mental shock that day in his clenched fists, and only used his untrained physical strength to swing his fists heavily, causing the ice to break on a large scale, and the sound of breaking beads and breaking jade on the ground was heard.

The effect was immediate, and the colorful shadows in the sky faded visibly, and the vast ocean lost some of its traction hooks before pouring into the planet.

The red giant felt the retreat of the warp, and thousands of thoughts condensed in his heart. He deduced from his open mouth that he had just burst out with a roar of all his strength, and from his knees on the ground, he knew that he fell forward after punching.

At the moment when he was sure that Prospero would be rescued, extreme fatigue took away his strength to support his body. But Magnus knew that this was not over yet.

He let Morse reach out and pull him up, and read the implicit comfort from the other party's ungentle actions. A shy smile crossed Magnus's face, chasing after the shadow of his past image.

"Second string of spells," Morse said, his tone as calm as before, except that his voice was hoarse as if his throat had been torn, "protect your body from the psychic turbulence - the kind of protection that does not isolate your own psychic power."

Magnus calmed down and chanted the spell to his palm. Perhaps it was the peculiarity of his personal power, the spell condensed into a light water red sheen on the surface of his skin. He took a breath, connected with the next spell, and punched the altar for the second time.

More psychic vortices solidified and shattered into crystal powder. The violent actions that were rare in Magnus's life soothed his anxiety, and the shadow of the vast ocean faded further away.

For Hastar. he thinks. For Perturabo. And Tizca, my home.

Morse nodded slightly, his unchanging dark eyes seeming to see through Magnus's heart.

He stretched out his hand and pinched his throat to repair the broken vocal cords: "You have learned to end this ritual, Magnus. Do not leave any remnants of the power of the Lord of Change. After today, I will teach you more."

"Thank you, Morse." Magnus said solemnly, looking at Morse. He then focused on his work. The red giant's proficiency in using the spell was as if he had been studying it for a long time.

This is the Primarch. Morse thought.

"While you are busy, let me talk to you about simple word formation. I believe you are capable of listening while unpacking it." He said softly, "It would be too much to write a dictionary for you, not to mention the machinery and equipment. Paper often collapses on its own due to the inability to carry the power of the spell. This is an ability that belongs only to you for the time being. I don’t want you to easily teach it to others after you learn it.”

Magnus nodded without hesitation, accompanied by the sound of more energy crystal pillars breaking.

Morse found a pillar to lean on, raised his head, and started talking to Magnus from the basic letters, while always dealing with the body's bleeding throat.

There was no need to ask Magnus if he had learned it. If he couldn't remember it after it was taught once, the Emperor's creation skills were too poor.

His gaze passed through the walls of the pyramid that gradually returned to transparent glass, and past the bloody remains of the Devouring Bees that smashed onto the glass. The gray clouds magnified in his eyes, followed by the atmosphere and the dark universe outside, as well as some colder and tougher dots in the universe that were different from starlight.

Those gray ships will fall on Prospero.

Morse laughed. Now it was time to think about what kind of new body to make for Perturabo.

Perhaps it should be made sturdier this time, lest his apprentice be forced to die somewhere again.

Beside him, with the last shattering sound that resounded through the golden tower, the entire energy furnace was completely destroyed, and the blue beam of light that passed into the pyramid tip was broken together, causing the outer structure of the entire tower tip to collapse. The two were exposed to the stars.

The magnificent and evil colors melted into nothingness in the quiet night sky, and the clear starlight fell in Magnus' sad eyes looking down at the suffering earth. The memory of this disaster will remain with the frozen time until the end of the original body's life.

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