War Paradise

Chapter 78-Death River

Accompanied by the sound of wooden wheels rubbing against the road, a peculiar "car" drove over from the west side of the street.

The appearance of this car is obviously different from the car under the normal technology tree:

The five pairs of wooden wheels juxtaposed under the car creaked constantly. The thing mounted on the carved wooden chassis is not so much a car body as a small wooden spire. A dragon's head was carved in the "front of the car", and an ambiguous yellow light shone from under the pink curtains, swaggering past the snow-fluttering street.

"I'm going, what is this?" Lin Chi said to himself.

"Haven't you seen the RV?" a young man passing by casually replied.

"Sure enough, it's a'RV', which is much better than the RV in my hometown." Lin Chi smiled.

The way the residents of the office city speak is no different from that of modern people. Although it may be designed for gameplay considerations, after all, if these NPCs use classical Chinese, few players should be able to understand them. but--

Lin Chi knew that the game "War of Heaven" could not be considered in the same way as ordinary games.

From the architectural style of this city, he has already judged that this is actually not a thorough ancient map, that is to say...

Lin Chi stepped over the snow on the sidewalk, walked over to the ragged middle-aged man sitting by the wall, bent down and squatted in front of the homeless man with shoulders covered with snow, with a kind smile on his face:

"Hello, what's the date today?"

"Go away." The man answered him roughly.


Seeing that NPC was very uncooperative, Lin Chi turned sideways to block the sight of the pedestrians behind him, suddenly pulled out the tiger paw hunting knife, and leaned it against the tramp's waist, and said with a smile: "Can you answer this?"

"December 5th." The tramp said solemnly.

Seeing the astonishing speed of the other party's face change, Lin Chi couldn't help but laugh, put away the knife and patted the other party on the shoulder, and asked, "I want to know what age it is now?"

Hearing this, the tramp's dirty face suddenly showed an expression of "caring for the mentally retarded", and whispered: "307 years in the Gregorian calendar."

Knowing that the calendar of this world is also different from the real world. Lin Chi did not continue to ask, but just stood up and walked to the east side of the street, observing the surrounding conditions along the way.

Since the "Crazy Fugitive" skill that lowered the Wanted Index has also been brought over, this means that this city, like the City of Chaos, should also have guards.

Unsurprisingly, Lin Chi soon noticed that there were several guys who were obviously different from passers-by walking around on the street, looking like they were patrolling.

These guys were all wrapped in black overcoats, with the same black hats on their heads. The silk hanging from the edges of the hats just covered their faces.

Although the appearance looks exactly the same as a human being, the height of close to two meters and five meters and the slightly stiff movements still exposed the identity of these people in black.

"Is it a doll?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi realized that the guard patrolling the city this time was not a member of the damn security company, but a manufactured doll!

Obviously, the combat effectiveness of these guys is definitely much stronger than ordinary people. With his current equipment and attributes, once pursued by these guys, it is basically difficult to escape successfully.

——It seems that this time, we can’t do it arrogantly on the street like we did in the chaotic city...

Mindful of this, Lin Chi also "safeguarded himself" and continued to walk quickly forward, planning to find a bookstore to read history books and understand what the world line of this city is like.

Before he found the bookstore, he noticed that the ground under his feet began to tremble slightly.

Lin Chi, who was about to walk to the river bank, looked up at the bronze guardrail beside the river bank and the river in front of the guardrail that was at least thirty meters wide.

He could feel that the abnormal vibration of the road should be related to the river.

The turbid river water reflected a weird light under the moonlight, and the water seemed to be spinning continuously, creating a few small vortices in the middle of the river.

Although it is winter, the river is not frozen, let alone ice, not even a block of ice.

"What's the situation?" Lin Chi frowned.

Obviously, this river in Institution City is also different from normal rivers. It's almost like a huge monster, or something else, hidden under the muddy water surface, trembling non-stop...

Realizing that the situation was not right, Lin Chi looked along the river bank to both sides, and found that there was no bridge leading to the other bank of the river, and the architectural style of the other bank was also different from that of the river bank.

If the architectural style here is mainly Chinese, then the other side of the river is completely Western style, and it is still similar to the style of ancient Greece:

The large buildings on the other side of the river are all supported by thick stone pillars. The walls are carved with paintings like the statues of Olympus. Even if they are hundreds of meters away, you can see that these sculptures are amazing. The degree of sophistication.

The fire from the brazier on the street reflected the sky on the opposite bank. From this distance, Lin Chi couldn't see what the passers-by on the other side of the river looked like, but he could also see that many of the guys there seemed to be blond, not like the river bank, who had all black hair and black eyes.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chi already had an eye for the situation of the "Institution City" in his heart:

If Own’s inference is correct, the city should be ruled by two races. The two races face each other across the river and are likely to be in a hostile relationship. Because--

Seeing dozens of black-robed puppet guards standing on the bank of the river, Lin Chi didn't need to ask any more, knowing that they were guarding against the "different peoples" on the other side of the river.

On the other side of the river, there are also many very tall humanoid objects that look like stone carvings...

"This place is really weird." Lin Chi muttered in a low voice.

——The situation in this city seems to be more complicated than I thought before. The top priority now is to figure out the "background story" of this map before the battle begins.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi was about to turn around and leave the river bank, but saw three black dolls, escorting a blond man in a white robe, striding to the river bank.

Accompanied by the whispers of passers-by, a doll stretched out its elongated arm, grabbed the blond man's collar with one hand, and lifted the bruised man up.

Then, from under the doll's hat, a round, powerful male voice came out:

"We caught the spies you sent, damn Europeans!"

"I rely on..."

Hearing this, Lin Chi almost laughed out loud. Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, he finally squeezed the smile back into his stomach, and continued to stand beside him, watching the sudden incident with passers-by:

Under everyone's gaze, the doll lifted the blond man's body and placed it on the outside of the guardrail. The white man struggled desperately, kicking his feet non-stop, but he couldn't make the lanky arms tremble at all!

"Your spy will be executed in front of your eyes!"

After the doll finished speaking, suddenly let go, the blond man screamed and fell into the turbulent river below, and then—


There was a terrifying sound in the river, like a giant beast biting steel teeth. The blond man's body suddenly disappeared when he fell into the water, replaced by a blood mist on the water.


Although the man disappeared in less than a second, Lin Chi still keenly noticed what was hidden under the river:

A giant "windmill" with a diameter of 20 meters is constantly spinning crazily under the river, stirring the water to create a vortex. As for the fan of that machine, it is made up of countless fine blades!

"No wonder there is no boat here..." Lin Chi sighed.

At this time, he finally understood the abnormal vibration on the bank of the river and how the vortex in the river appeared.

There is no doubt that more than one "giant shredder" has been installed in the river. Under the deterrence of this terror machine, this river has also become a complete "Death River"!

No wonder the spy was so panicked. It seems that the way to execute death row prisoners in this institution city is to throw people into the river...

"This design is really amazing." Lin Chi sighed with emotion.

He turned his head, using the oil lamp hung on the wooden pole by the side of the road, to observe the shop sign across the street.

Then Lin Chi finally found what he needed:

On the opposite side of the street to my left, there is an inconspicuous brown single-storey wooden house. On the signboard hanging next to the wooden house, the name of the store is engraved in running script:

Cangjie Ancient Bookstore.

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