War of Hiponi

Vol 2 Chapter 113: Shenmie Crystal Bullet

"I'm afraid this crow's mouth is right. This **** is the residue left over from being eaten. I have just heard this myth. It is said that this kind of **** has the ability to control life and death, so that all objects in the world can be reborn or reborn. Die." Chromie said.

I saw the monster's eyes staring at the mechas in the first row in front, and the speed of those mechas that were already visible to the naked eye began to decay.

"My lord, what's going on, my hand, why am I getting old?"

What Chitaki saw in his eyes was another scene. The eyes on that horse's face were emitting special rays, eroding those mechas.

Chitaki raised the particle cannon in his hand and blasted it over.

The head of the horse face that grew out of the tentacles was shattered instantly.

"Kill it." Edmund reacted immediately.

Everyone launched an attack one after another, and various shells and light blasted past. Just when they were about to hit the target, the at barrier suddenly appeared, and a huge explosion spread out, waiting until the end.

A desperate scene appeared. The tentacle had nothing to do, the barrier was not broken, and the head of the tentacle squirmed, and the head with a wildebeest face came out again.

Everyone couldn't help taking a step back,

"Get out of the way," Edmund said suddenly.

The mecha standing in front instantly dispersed, and Edmund opened the launch ports on his arms.

boom! boom!

A black circle flew past with black thunder light.

The at barrier appeared instantly, the black circle hit the at barrier, and the entire circle was embedded in it.

Hey, black thunder light came out.

The entire at barrier was instantly torn apart, and the two captains beside Edmund removed the two black launching tubes from their backs, and the two long prismatic crystals were ejected.

The long prismatic crystal missile hit the tentacles, and it burst in an instant. There was an unimaginable explosion, but the head with the wildebeest face began to crystallize, and the crystalization continued to spread toward the tentacles.

"Effective." The two captains said excitedly.

"What kind of weapon." Chromie was also shocked by this weapon, as if it had a real effect.

"It seems to be called the Shenmiejing Bomb, which was obtained from a hidden material library. I think the name is so named, so I keep it for future use." The captain said.

When the crystallization spread to a certain extent, it suddenly stopped.

"Why stopped?" The captain who was talking excitedly turned his head.

I saw the crystallized tentacles and the uncrystallized parts suddenly fractured. The crystallized tentacles smashed on the ground and shattered into pieces of crystals, and from the tentacles fractured, the tentacles grew out again, and then the head After splitting apart, the head of the monster with a wildebeest face appeared again, and it was even more creepy that he even spoke.

"God extinguishing crystal bomb, you guys actually used it, haha." The monster let out a harsh laugh.

"Bringing him one." Chromie hurriedly called.

"No, just these two." Edmund's subordinate said.

Edmund frowned, he said, "Attack."

Everyone turned the muzzle and started pouring ammunition violently. At the barrier appeared again, and the attack bomb continued to explode on it.

"Edmund, withdraw." Chromie hurriedly shouted when something was wrong.

The head with the horned horse face suddenly opened its mouth and made a harsh sound wave.

I saw the mecha standing in the front row disintegrating silently and instantly.

A scream was made.

"Wessa." A team member who was not affected yelled in horror.

"Go! It can't be saved." Chitaki shouted. This attack was so strange that he didn't know exactly what conditions he used to achieve the attack.

Edmund said, "Withdraw all!"

Everyone began to flee in their mechas. One thing to be thankful for was that the tentacle didn't catch up immediately, but stayed in place. The skin of the tentacle continued to split and die, and it seemed that they were doing their best to eliminate the side effects of the Goddess Crystal Bomb.

Just when Chitaki and others fled, a mecha suddenly ran in front of Chitaki, and suddenly a huge gap appeared.

Before Chitaki could speak, he blasted the mechas on both sides with a big explosion.

"What's the matter? Where is the enemy?" The stopped team members patrolled everywhere, without seeing anything in their field of vision, and the scanning instrument did not respond.


The two mechas are penetrated like skewers.

Chitaki raised the gun barrel of the mecha and blasted it over.

The attack seemed so feeble and ineffective.

"Master Edmund, go quickly." Edmund's subordinates finally reacted at this time. The creatures they encountered were not something they could destroy at all. Each of these tentacles represented a kind of ability.

Edmund gritted his teeth and drove the mecha to the other side.

In the command room of the Shipney, Lanli is seriously studying the rough simulation map of the base. She has not yet come up with an ideal plan.

The door of the command room opened and Dominic walked in.

"Master Dominic, you are here." Lan Li asked when Dominic was coming.

"Can anyone connect to the base?" Dominic said.

"Can't connect, what should we do now?" Lan Li asked.

"Prepare to destroy the artillery." Dominic said.

"Start loading the destruction cannon." The adjutant next to him replied.

"Master Dominic, are we going to attack the base directly? This will cause a lot of casualties." Lanli was also jumped by Dominic's words.

"Gravity bomb preparation." Dominic did not answer Lanli's words, but continued to give orders.

Lan Li stood aside and stopped talking.

After Dominic gave the order, his eyes kept gazing at the rough mock map of the base. He didn't know what he was thinking about, and he seemed to have no confidence in the prepared attack.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the entire command room was very solemn, and no one said a word.

"The overturning cannon is loaded." The operator in charge turned his head and reported.

"Open all the secondary gun firing ports." Chromie said.


"Opening the secondary gun launch port."

"Lock the g4 area of ​​the target base, and fire the destroyer."

A black beam of light blasted down and hit the base accurately.

"Hit the target, the power continues to output, and the target's armor is being ablated."

"The destroyer is fired, and the target's armor has melted by 80%."

"Gravity bomb, interval attack."


Gravity bombs accurately landed on the damaged armor of the base.

"The armor is being destroyed, the progress is 95%."

"Warning, a high-energy response was found." Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded in the entire Hippony command room.

"The energy shield is fully open. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Dominic was also surprised.

A red light pierced the sky from the g4 area of ​​the base, and instantly hit the Hippony's barrier.

The entire Hippony was swaying constantly, and many people in the command room staggered.

"The energy barrier is almost reaching the critical point!" the operator said in horror.

"Adjust all secondary artillery, lock the g4 area, and attack."

Beams of light shot down, hitting the g4 area, and the red light was suddenly extinguished.

"We won? The other party is dead?" an adjutant asked in shock.

"Ignite the nozzle No. 3 in the tail, the power is fully opened." Dominic immediately issued an order.

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