War of Hiponi

Vol 2 Chapter 111: out of control

Of course Kristen knew that Kari was talking nonsense, but he really had nothing to do with Kari.

"Did you see a slate while you were exploring?" Kristin asked at last changing his words.

"No." The card said expressionlessly, and it was impossible for people to judge whether what he said was true or false.

"Think about it. This is very important to the future of the Shipney." Christine said seriously.

"Have you heard?" Gabofen said with an annoyance.

"No." Kari raised his head and replied word by word.

Gabofen retorted with a smile and said, "Kari, you didn't cooperate. When it comes to the trial court, don't blame us for not showing you affection."

"What I did, I never intended to shirk responsibility." Cary said.

"Okay, okay, I hope you can be so hard at that time." Gabofen replied.

At this time, the G4 area is deep in the gloom.

Slap, slap.

The bright lights came on.

Clang, clang, dull metal treading on the ground.

A silver figure walked in from the passage, and he raised his head, looking at the monster in the biochemical pool in the distance with a pair of blue inhuman eyes.

Executive Officer Arcana appeared silently in the depths of the G4 area.

Suddenly Akana crossed his hands and raised the block. As if he was hit hard, he slid out hundreds of meters.

The silver armors on his hands were sunken in.

In the conference room of the Hippony, Dominic stood respectfully on the side, and the head of the old parliament stared at the real-time video sent back in front of him without expression.

"Let Arcana evacuate."

At this time, in the biochemical pool, another touch hand bounced, and a distorted face appeared in the field of vision.

Arcana turned over and turned tens of meters away. In the area where he was standing, a huge dent appeared with a bang. All of this was still in the condition that the barrier established in the biochemical pool hadn't shattered yet.

Click, another black stone pillar cracked.

Arcana turned and walked directly outside, the tentacles that had been raised in the biochemical pool slowly fell, and the monster seemed not in the mood to take care of these ants.

"Terrenius knows how much about this matter." The head of the old council said lightly.

"Very clear." Dominic replied.

After listening to Dominic's words, the old councillor fell into his thoughts, and he spoke for a long time.

"Are you sure to kill that monster?"

Dominic opened his mouth and said, "There is no certainty, beyond recognition. This is the product of the Forbidden God Realm. It is still immortal after thousands of years. It can still have such a strong combat power under the condition of being restrained. When it is completely When we get rid of the shackles, our situation is very dangerous."

The councillor raised his old hand and swiped on the screen, and began to connect with Terenceius.

Soon the image of Terenceius appeared in front of the old councillor.

"Do you have anything to explain about the monster in G4?"

Terence raised his head slowly, and said flatly, "That is the product of what we are looking for, and it's just a semi-finished product."

"The risk is beyond expectation," the old councillor said.

"We still have time. The shackles are not that easy to break." Terenceus didn't seem to be going to give up.

"I'll give you another 48 hours, 48 ​​hours to evacuate the base, and the Hippony will leave this planet." The old councillor stared at Terenceius.

Terrence was silent for a few seconds and finally compromised.

"I see."

In Zone E of the base, Chromie and Chitaki waited boringly, and suddenly a base broadcast sound rang.

"Attention everyone, all operations must be completed within 48 hours, and the base will be evacuated after 48 hours."

"To withdraw?" Chitaki was also a little surprised.

"It is estimated that the matter has been exposed." Chromie said.

Almansa, who was standing at the door, walked in, "You can leave now."

Chromie and Chitaki looked at each other and estimated that the matter had really leaked. The two of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, if they could, Chromie wanted to leave immediately.

When Edmund was directing the operation, Lanli's communication link came in.

"What's the matter, Master Lanli?"

"I don't know why we will retreat in 48 hours. Now we can only change the plan. Give up your current work and find a way to disassemble the power core of this base." Lan Li said.

"Okay." Edmund replied.

When Edmund was taking people to leave, suddenly the entire base shook violently, and Edmund was a little unstable.

"what happened?"

Then the lights above their heads began to flicker.

Click, click, and the closed doors around them shut down without warning.

The emergency docking platform that was originally open at the base suddenly split into two halves from the middle, and the recess began to retract, and the base began to be closed.

"Hey, what the hell!" The operator on the platform immediately squatted on the ground, and the entire platform began to tilt.

In the command room of the Mushroom, Cora gave orders without hesitation.

"Start the jet immediately."

The entire Mushroom forcibly began to lift off.

"No, we are almost hitting the corner of the platform." The operator said.

"Raise the bow." Cora gave the order.


Everyone started to operate in a hurry.

"Who caused this ghost?" Many people in the Mushroom command room said angrily. This is simply killing people.

In the central control room of the base, all the operators were confused. The power supply of the entire control room was suddenly cut off, and they immediately lost control of the base.

Terenceius stood up and said, "Withdraw."

"Master Terenceius, the base is being closed." Bradel just rushed back at this time and hurriedly announced.

"Kill out." Terence raised his head and said, he did not expect that the situation would be completely overturned at once.

In the command room of the Shipney, an adjutant opened his mouth to report.

"We have lost contact with the personnel in the base, and the base is being closed."

Lan Li was also taken aback, "What's the situation now?"

"It is not clear for the time being. The predator spacecraft and the frigate on the platform are forcibly returning. Three medium-sized predator spacecrafts were scratched, two were damaged to varying degrees, and one collided on the platform and crashed into the base.

"Report of casualties." Lan Li asked.

"I don't know for the time being." The adjutant replied.

"Recover all returning personnel first, and recover the damaged spacecraft first." Lanli gave the order.

"Yes." The people present began to get busy.

Lanli also felt very painful in her head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She did not expect this change to happen suddenly, and now she is considering how to rescue the people in the base, she raised her hand and called out a rough simulation map of the base. .

Looking at the simulation picture, Lanli suddenly found that it was a little bit impossible to start. The defense of this base did not seem to be generally high. The only thing she knew now was that the gate of this base was open, and they should be able to leave from here.

"The abnormal creature is awakened." An adjutant shouted anxiously.

Of course Lanli knew what had happened. The creatures on the periphery of the base had all awakened from their deep sleep. Very bad news.

"What should we do now?" The people in the command room looked at Lanli at a loss.

"Prepare for the worst and let the people from the Second Army and the Third Army get ready for combat."


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