Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 501: All-out Offensive [Three! repair! 】

melting body;

Silver-white alloy skeleton;

There is no change in the sound line before and after;

A video that was proven to be absolutely not a fake was pushed to the eyes of the people of the empire in a very short period of time.

This record of the banquet, which is comparable to a horror movie, quickly set off a huge tsunami on the imperial network that was already boiling because of the white ghost's voice.

No one can describe how shocking it is to witness the eight emperors of the dependent countries transform into metal skeleton robots in a dozen seconds.

Human beings in the future generations of the Milky Way can only judge the unprecedented impact of this explosive news on the imperial system based on the subsequent impact of the banquet event!

Immediately after the accident, the banquet fell into chaos.

Officials from the Foreign Affairs Bureau desperately tried to cover the skeletons of the eight mechanical emperors;

The emperor of the Luofeng Empire and the chairman of the Luofeng Alliance Council, Edwang, was still shouting normally during the process of melting his body, and then he was pinned to the ground by the officials of the Foreign Affairs Bureau who rushed to him.

Eight shining metal skeletons, panicked nobles, anxious senior officials of the Foreign Affairs Bureau, Princess Lorna at a loss and several princes constitute a visually impactful news composition.

The butcher's knife raised by the empire was deflected by a sudden change.

Half a galaxy hour later, the network within the empire was slaughtered by related entries.

The empire acted decisively and physically cut off the network connection of the emperor star circle, and the economic loss caused was incalculable.

The empire's response speed was not slow.

After the banquet incident, they originally wanted to use the 'third natural disaster' to guide public opinion, but a series of empirical evidence appeared on the imperial network one after another.

The document of the Foreign Affairs Bureau's "Emperor Replacement Plan" was originally leaked, and the leaker was the new Federal CIA.

— although the CIA didn't know about it.

A former official of the Imperial Foreign Affairs Bureau found out that he confessed in front of the camera in the Güell Alliance, and explained in detail how the Empire used advanced simulation robots to carry out the "Emperor Replacement Plan" to ensure that the dependent countries that tended to break away from the Empire's control were always in place. Under the high-pressure control of the empire.

The White Ghost Fan Club officially released the third statement, this time the statement is extremely concise:

【Unacceptable! Can't understand! unbearable! 】

The dependent countries of the empire, which had only carried out relatively restrained demonstrations before, have now completely exploded.

People frantically stormed government office areas everywhere;

The armies of the dependent countries began to mutiny one after another;

The well-organized fleet announced that they would no longer accept any orders from the 'omninic puppets'.

The Sherman Empire itself was also extremely uncomfortable.

Although the operation of the military system has not stagnated;

But the soldiers looked at the information that could always appear in front of their eyes, and many began to question their beliefs.

Previously, organizations such as the New Federal CIA and the Secret Service of the Free United States could only watch helplessly as the empire sucked blood from the affiliated countries, and it was difficult to use public opinion and external pressure to influence this process;

But at this moment, the empire directly exposed its most vulnerable ribs, and almost half of the polities in the galaxy stepped on the ribs of the empire more or less.

A crisis of confidence quickly swept through the empire.

The great disturbance throughout the territory that the empire took so much painstaking efforts to suppress broke out again in a short period of time, and it got worse.


"The plan is going well."

Lu looked at Emilia whose eye circles were slightly red, and quickly told Yang Ming:

"The people of the Sherman Empire expressed great anger towards the "Emperor Replacement Plan", and the anger index far exceeded our previous calculations.

"Preliminary analysis shows that the reason why the people of the Sherman Empire have such a high level of anger should be related to the empire's previous suppression of public demonstrations. Now there have been violent demonstrations and armed riots in various parts of the empire, and the people have once again attacked the noble manors and the local government of the empire. .

"It is expected that within the next six galactic hours, these violent demonstrations will reach their peak, and their destructive power will be twice that of the previous imperial riots."

Law changed the subject:

"Although the interstellar network of the Emperor Star Circle has been physically cut off, we have reserved enough servers on each planet before, and the intrastellar network is still operating normally, and we can still guide the public at all times.

"Currently, riots have also broken out on Ellandor, but the people are relatively restrained.

"A large number of people have started to come to the palace by various means of transportation.

"Our army is also in turmoil, but because of the preparations made in advance, the officers are still able to exercise restraint at this moment.

"The next things to look out for are:

"One, the live broadcast of White Ghost can start at any time, we need to choose the right time.

"Second, Her Highness Emilia needs to deliver a speech to the entire Luofeng Alliance in about one galaxy hour. I hope His Highness can adjust his mentality as soon as possible."

"Well, I'm fine."

Emilia's voice is a little hoarse:

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time... Although I can't directly avenge my brother, but Luofeng can take this opportunity to achieve independence, then we..."

Yang Ming suddenly said: "Don't worry, the damned people won't survive today."

"Boss," Li quickly said, "reasons may be activated at any time, and now the empire is about to explode, and the Sherman family may go to extremes."

"They blow it up."

Yang Ming said:

"According to the rhythm of our previous deduction, step by step, whoever is in a hurry now will be easily finished."



Sherman Empire, Emperor Star.

The old emperor paced barefoot, walking back and forth in front of the throne.

The more than a dozen core ministers of the empire standing below were anxiously discussing something.

The few high-ranking officials of the Imperial Foreign Affairs Bureau in the Emperor Star headquarters were already kneeling on the ground at this moment, not daring to breathe.

Daphne was sitting in a corner not far away, currently sorting out information and thinking about countermeasures.

Daphne has already discovered that this massive all-round public opinion attack is almost in line with the previous riots that continued to erupt throughout the empire, and its action logic is almost in line.

The leading force behind this is most likely the anti-imperial alliance formed by the New Federation, the United States of Freedom, and the Guell Alliance;

And the goal they want to achieve is to split the empire internally and let the powerful empire collapse from the inside out.

So, why does Hanton...

He's allied with this anti-imperial coalition?

Or was he also being used by these people?

'It should be the latter. '

Daphne thought to herself, letting herself focus on the scrolling information in front of her eyes.

The roar of the old emperor came from a distance:

"Bastard! Trash! A bunch of trash! What have you done behind my back!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Foreign Affairs Bureau's replacement plan is your permission..."

"What? Do you want me, the emperor of the empire, to come out and help you take the blame and clean up the mess?"

The old emperor was even more furious:

"Is that why you are so loyal? Is that what you are my servants?"

A group of ministers could only bow their heads.

The Great Elder said: "Your Majesty, all parts of the empire are once again in chaos due to the impact of this incident. The Emperor Star Circle has closed the network connection between the stars, and every minute is causing huge losses. We must find a way to appease the people as soon as possible."

The old emperor narrowed his eyes slightly and sat back on the throne.

"Great Elder, you were promoted by me, right?" the old emperor asked softly.

"His Majesty!"

The elder said in a low voice:

"Everything I have comes from your gift...but now that the empire is facing a crisis of being torn apart, please stand up and turn the tide, Your Majesty, and give a soothing speech to the people.

"Everything, everything is for the glory of the Sherman Empire!"

The old emperor sneered, and sat quietly with his forehead supported.

He is also thinking of countermeasures.

Now, the group of old guys asked him to stand up as the emperor, just to use him to divert the attention of the people and attract the firepower of the people, how could he just let him go?

What can be done to resolve the current crisis?

Or, let all the crises be passed on to that round table?

If there is a point that can be used...

"Oh, Your Majesty."

Suddenly, an old voice sounded from the side.

The old emperor frowned and looked towards the direction of the sound. The light projected by the stereo projector intertwined the figures of three old people.

The old emperor immediately stood up.

No way, the old man on the left is the uploaded thought body of his biological father, the former emperor of the Sherman Empire.

The old emperor was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "If there is anything you can actually call me to discuss."

"His Majesty."

The old man in the middle said:

"We apologize for disturbing you with government affairs.

"The empire is in trouble, and the imperial guard system has not responded to us for a long time. We can only hope for the imperial guard 2.0. Now the network connection of the imperial star circle of the empire has been cut off, so that the imperial guard 2.0 can take over smoothly later.

"We are deeply disappointed by the incompetence of this generation of imperial central and local governments.

"Now, you must be prepared. When Emperor Wei 2.0 successfully takes over the Emperor Star Circle network, you need to give a televised speech, and you must find a way to encourage the public.

"You can say that the empire is now suffering from the third natural disaster, and the third natural disaster chose to infiltrate the empire from the outside to the inside, and connect the troubles that the empire encountered before.

"have you understood?"

"Understood, grandfather," the old emperor answered with his head bowed.

The old man nodded, and said slowly: "In the long history of the empire, situations that are a hundred times more dangerous than the present have happened from time to time, so don't get confused."

"I see."

The old emperor responded, and the projections of the three old men disappeared quickly.

The old emperor's expression darkened, he sat back in his seat, and began to think about countermeasures.

In this great hall of the palace, the temperature seemed to be close to freezing point.

Daphne on the side glanced at this side and continued to sort out the information with her head down.

Now she has taken over the tentacles in a substantial sense.


Imperial Golden Rongxing, the banquet venue.

Eight metal skeletons sat in the crowded lounge.

Inside the door are the high-level officials of the Foreign Affairs Bureau and a small number of nobles, and outside the door are hundreds of guests attending the banquet.

Revell had recovered from the shock.

He successfully sneaked into the door with Atro, and was hiding in the corner, looking at the officials from the Foreign Affairs Bureau and the robot skeleton, not knowing what to say for a while.

Empire is really evil.

In order to control the subordinate country, the empire even directly replaced the emperor of the subordinate country with an omnic!

This is no longer a matter of breaking the moral bottom line;

This is already a question of being a human being!

For a moment, what little Revel had left of his honor evaporated.

He suddenly understood the white ghost, and understood why the white ghost targeted the Sherman family so much.

Those old zombies of the empire who uploaded data to the server to prolong their lifespan really don't do anything!

Princess Rhona complained: "Why is this happening!"

"Your Highness, you have asked this question seven times!"

A deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau said angrily:

"Before we can't give you a clear answer, please don't disturb us with your screams!"

Princess Rona glared at the person who spoke, but she didn't dare to attack at this moment.

The skeleton of 'Edwan' suddenly said: "Are we being targeted?"

A deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau said:

"It has now been found out that you were enveloped by a special energy wave before, and the materials on your body disintegrated simultaneously.

"We found some equipment above the light cluster in the ballroom, most of which had self-destructed.

"Among the people attending the meeting, there must be spies planted by the enemy, and there may be more than one."

"Our Military Intelligence Bureau is already working hard," Atro hurriedly said, "I have arranged enough manpower to conduct a detailed investigation, but it is difficult to get a clear result in a short time."

One old man sighed: "We screwed up!"

"The enemy is too treacherous and has predicted our actions in advance. There must be spies within us."

"It's not time to place blame, it's time to find solutions!"


The skeleton of 'Edwan' spoke again:

"I thought, can I stand up and say that we are omnics of the new federation arrangement..."

Everyone was silent.

This idea sounds very good, but now, no one dares to order directly.

Revell suddenly said, "Why don't you just admit your mistakes to the public?"

One after another figures turned their heads to look over, and the eyes of many old people seemed to be looking at fools.

Revell spread his hands and didn't continue to speak.

Atro listened intently, with a very ugly expression, and said in a deep voice:

"I just received the news... Everyone, the real crisis of the empire has come, we must unite now! Use all our strength to meet the next challenge!"

"Deputy Director Atro, please don't be a secret, tell me what happened?"

"Just now, sixteen people from the emperors and heads of government of the affiliated countries who participated in the meeting left the Emperor Star Circle and are returning to their territory."

Atro sighed:

"We can't stop them directly now, the border checkpoint is already trying to delay their return time.

"Among the eight countries corresponding to the eight emperors here, armed turmoil has occurred in six countries, and two countries have formally declared independence and applied to the new federation for political and military asylum with the help of the influence of the new federation in the interstellar space. .”

"These damned Federals!"

"Bastard! They really planned it!"

'Ed Wang' suddenly said, "How is Luofeng doing?"

Atro immediately said: "The situation in Luofeng is the most stable. There is no military riot, and a large-scale protest broke out there. Your palace has been surrounded."

Rona raised her hand and raised her forehead: "Who can help us now? If we can't control the situation, we will definitely be blamed by our father later, and we will lose everything..."

Prince Jinuofu sighed: "Waiting for orders is the best choice."

'Edwan' lowered his head and put on an expression of a thinker.

He asked: "The people will hate me like this, can I still get a simulated coat?"

No one around answered.

They are all worried about something, thinking about something.

Behind Revell, a middle-aged official from the Foreign Affairs Bureau raised his hand and pulled a few strands of his hair, and took them into his mouth.

A shallow wisp of air floated out from the man's nostrils.

Revel murmured, "Is it too stuffy here? Why am I a little dizzy?"

Before he finished speaking, several elderly people in the room fell over almost simultaneously.

"what happened?"


Amidst the rustling sounds, the figures in the room were staggering to and fro, their minds were muddled, and they were all lethargic.

The eight emperor omnics looked up to the corner;

After falling down, Revil raised his head reluctantly, tried to open his eyes, and saw the figure walking by in front of him.

The middle-aged official's body appeared like ripples of light and shadow, and his clothes turned into a smooth mirror surface... It became the silhouette of a woman in a few seconds!

Revel suddenly thought of something...

Liquid Metal Robots!

A liquid metal robot that once appeared in the empire and assassinated an entire department of the Foreign Affairs Bureau!

The robot walked on tiptoe through the unconscious crowd, arrived at Princess Lorna, and bowed its head.

Before Revell completely fell into a coma, all he saw was that the liquid robot turned into another 'Lona', pointing his finger at the forehead of the real Princess Lorna...

call out!

The faint laser flickers gently.

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