Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 398 Emperor Guard 2.0 System!

"We will win!"

Near the defense line of the Emperor Star Circle, inside a triangular cone-shaped fortress.

The vast auditorium echoed with thunderous applause. Hundreds of mid-level officers from various departments of the imperial army stood up at the same time, staring at the imperial heroes who had just finished their speeches, the image ambassadors of the imperial army, the captains of the imperial royal knights, and the imperial singers. Her fiancé, Major General Hunton.

Yang Ming clenched his fist and waved it, then turned and walked to the back of the stage.

The applause lasted for more than ten seconds before it gradually stopped, and the real lecturer of the tactics course took the stage on the other side.

As soon as Yang Ming returned to the entrance of the lounge, he was blocked by Lieutenant General Thomas before he could go in.

"Oh, Hanton," said the lieutenant general with a smile, "I just received the news that we are going to attend an unveiling ceremony."

Yang Ming swallowed and spit: "You let me have a sip of tea! General, I have given three speeches in a row, and my lips are almost torn!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Thomas put his arms around Yang Ming's shoulders, and pushed him towards the corridor.

Yang Ming didn't even dare to struggle.

The main reason was that he was afraid that Lieutenant General Thomas would break his hand if he struggled a little bit.

At the side, a female assistant in a military uniform and skirt hurried over and offered tea respectfully. Yang Ming uncorked the bottle and drank a couple of sips, feeling... the water that this young lady handed over was really sweet.

"What unveiling ceremony?"

"It's said to be the unveiling ceremony, but it's actually an internal verification meeting." Lieutenant General Thomas looked around and said a noun in a low voice, "Emperor Guard 2.0."

Yang Ming laughed: "Are you sure, this new system is better than the old one?"

Lieutenant General Thomas pondered a few times: "I am cautiously pessimistic."


"We still don't understand how this supercomputing system remains stable," Lieutenant General Thomas sighed, "Emperor Guard 2.0 has undergone hundreds of experiments in the past few years, and we have encountered several very difficult problems. .”

Yang Ming blinked, trying to be a qualified listener.

Lieutenant General Thomas continued:

"The biggest problem is that this system is easily crashed by the sudden burst of information flow.

"When we connect this system to a network of more than 5,000 warships, or more than 30 planets, it will easily collapse and cannot maintain its own stability at all, let alone call the shipboard servers and supercomputers of these warships.

"Hey, our current technology is not as good as it was tens of thousands of years ago. Have we been regressing?"

Yang Ming nodded beside him.

Is such that.

The law and law from the omnic twilight, those are two huge BUGs.

He laughed and said, "Maybe there are some ingenious and original designs that we haven't noticed."

"You guessed it right," Lieutenant General Thomas raised his eyebrows, "After our nationwide research and investigation, we discovered a very critical problem, that is... the anthropomorphism of the system."


"Go on board and talk," Lieutenant General Thomas said in a gentle voice, which was considered a small trick.

More than ten minutes later, the battleship and more than 20 escort ships that the two were on entered the nearby jumpable area and continued to move towards the vast territory of the empire.

Lieutenant General Thomas dragged Yang Ming into a small room, and continued to mutter about the Imperial Guard system.

The empire has devoted an astronomical amount of resources and manpower to Emperor Wei 2.0.

This system has been developed in secret for a long time, dating back hundreds of years, but it has always been used as a technical verification of the "Imperial Defense System". ——By recreating a similar system, figure out the core technology of the Emperor Wei system.

In the past few years, the imperial guard system has frequently lost its response, and the empire felt a strong crisis, so it decided to formally bring up this project.

As Lieutenant General Thomas said, the new system designed by the empire achieved good results in the initial small-scale verification.

However, when connected to a larger network, the system becomes fragile and self-defeating, even burning the expensive hardware network a few times.

"What's the problem?"

Boss Yang asked sincerely and knowingly.

"I don't know the specifics, I can only give a rough explanation," Lieutenant General Thomas clicked, "I'm just a battle formation commander, you can't expect me to figure out how many parts the tools I use are made of. I just heard that there is a problem with the anthropomorphism of the system."


"Yes, it seems to be a self-protection function of the internal network."

Lieutenant General Thomas said slowly:

"When a system works strictly according to the program logic, it will take the instructions we input as the top priority, and when it is overloaded, it can only give feedback through the program language, resulting in a certain delay.

"This delay is the key to the collapse of the entire system.

"Also, it doesn't mean that the more servers you connect to the Internet, the more amazing the computing power will be. How to coordinate these servers and use the computing power of all hardware systems in an instant is a bigger challenge."

Yang Ming wondered, "Then what? What's the solution?"

Lieutenant General Thomas sighed: "Anthropomorphism... Oh, to put it bluntly, it's an omnic."


"To be precise, it is a complete mastermind thinking," Lieutenant General Thomas shook his head. "It sounds crazy, right? We need to connect our command system to an omnic. If this omnic controls us Thousands or even tens of thousands of warships, and then turned to betray the empire, that is the greatest disaster."

Yang Ming leaned back.

Artificial omnics are not the same as the mechanical thinking body of high-dimensional civilization.

The hidden danger mentioned by Lieutenant General Thomas is almost 50% likely to happen to artificial omnics.

Yang Ming said: "Is this too unreliable?"

"So, they want you to go there," Lieutenant General Thomas picked up the cup on the side, and walked to the drink machine, "I know you are very tired, Hanton, you have been running around for the past few months, the committee You are the most diligent among them, of course, you have also been rewarded by His Majesty, and His Majesty doesn't even bother to mention our names."

Yang Ming squinted and smiled.

Is this old general jealous?

"What could I have done? I was a space infantry."

Thomas continued: "Who knows what weird things are in their minds, they instilled a bunch of your information into Emperor Wei 2.0, they should tell that omnic-have you seen this guy? If you Betrayed the Empire, this guy can dismantle your mastermind into a bunch of parts...that's it."

Yang Ming: ...

High-end research projects often require the simplest threats.



In Law's thinking space, two girls sat cross-legged in front of a 'square box projector', eating snacks and watching the live broadcast.

"Omnimechanical Emperor Guard 2.0?"

Molly tilted her head and asked:

"Number two, is the empire messing around? Li and you are not omnics. You are a creature born from mechanical civilization. I can feel that we are very intuitively different.

"They shouldn't be self-defeating and play themselves into it?"

"Probably not." Law was also a little uncertain, "The heritage of the empire should not be underestimated. This omnic may be different."

Molly whispered, "I always feel a little unreliable."

"Just keep watching," Lu chuckled, "Now that no one dares to check on the boss, we can peek openly... You called number two again just now, didn't you?"

"No, Miss Li, I've been yelling like that all the time."

Molly smiled innocently.

Law rolled his eyes: "Be careful, I can't deal with it, and I can't deal with you?"

"Single bet~"

"Bah, hahaha! You are so annoying!"

The laughter of the mind space became more and more unrestrained.


Although not many people participated in the unveiling ceremony of Imperial Guard 2.0, there are quite a few imperial bosses.

Yang Ming and Thomas, one represents the emperor, and the other represents the "young and strong" faction of the military. ——The reason why Lieutenant General Thomas could not be promoted to the military rank was because he was underage.

But the two of them could only sit in the second row of the viewing platform.

The dozen or so positions in the first row are all reserved for the Sherman family elites in power.

The unveiling ceremony was arranged inside a confidential research institute, the location is the underground of a small and inconspicuous administrative star.

Yang Ming and Thomas occasionally chatted and laughed, and occasionally discussed the explosive weapons against the Zerg.

Young people and middle-aged men in white coats kept appearing and waiting quietly. When Yang Ming turned his head to look over, they immediately stepped forward, asking Yang Ming to sign autographs for them, or take a photo together.

Yang Ming never refused to come and fully expressed his respect for these scientific research talents.

Gradually, the small venue was crowded with people. Several representatives from the two major power organizations, the Imperial Military Department and the Elder's House, came; two middle-aged women from the tentacles appeared in the corner of the venue at some point.

In the middle of the venue, the staff in white coats began to install thick pieces of special glass to form a transparent glass room, and began to move some hardware equipment inside.

Those devices kind of look like a shipboard mastermind...

"Your wife is here," Lieutenant General Thomas said suddenly.

Yang Ming looked up at the entrance, and that familiar figure came into his eyes.

The hairstyle of the singer of the empire today is a delicate bun, which makes her fair neck more slender. On that charming face that fascinated thousands of boys in the empire, a thick pair of sunglasses covered her pair of hair The bright eyes of radio waves.

Daphne pays great attention to her figure management. Even if she is wearing a gray windbreaker, her slender figure can still make the men at the scene unable to look back for a while.

Because of his busy schedule, Yang Ming hasn't slept with Daphne for a while - purely because of sleeping.

After seeing Yang Ming, Daphne immediately took off her glasses, a faint smile bloomed on the corner of her mouth, the rhythm of the high heels under her feet became much lighter, and she walked straight in front of Yang Ming regardless of the staff's guidance .

Boss Yang also considered saving face, stood up and opened his hands.

Daphne immediately leaned forward and put her arms around Yang Ming's waist.

"I didn't expect you to come here too," Yang Ming said warmly, "Long time no see my dear."

"You're too busy with work," Daphne complained softly, and then kissed Yang Ming lightly on the cheek.

The two behaved like couples in love.

Lieutenant General Thomas watched with a smile on the side.

"Will your uncle come over?" Yang Ming asked.

"It should be attended by projection," Daphne said softly, "Uncle wants you to give some feedback. Regarding the Imperial Guard 2.0 system, they feel a little uneasy."

Yang Ming nodded: "I'm not an expert in this profession either."

"You also have a strong technical team behind you, don't you?"

Daphne blinked slightly, with a smile in her eyes.

Yang Ming immediately understood her subtext.

Director Yinuo wants him to contribute his technical team, or make some contributions.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "They are my last cards."

The implication is that he can't hand over the technical team yet, he needs to wait for "Faya's Game" to end, and his home planet can be 'dusted'.

Daphne didn't stay long. After greeting Lieutenant General Thomas, she went to the corner of the first row below.

As soon as Daphne took her seat, dozens of interlaced rays appeared in the field, and the projections of more than a dozen grandparents appeared at the door, silently filling the first row, and Director Ino was also here.

Lieutenant General Thomas touched Yang Ming with his elbow, and the two looked at each other, each showing a tacit smile.

The unveiling ceremony will begin soon.

The ceremony was presided over by three gray-haired researchers.

They introduced the research and development process of Emperor Wei 2.0, as well as the results of dozens of recent experiments, and spent most of their time introducing the 'Safe Omnic Structure' they designed.

The so-called safe omnic structure, to put it bluntly, is two very simple methods.

First, Boss Yang's one-click headshot system.

Put a self-destruct device on the hardware, and immediately blow up the core mastermind if something is wrong.

Second, the three-layer structure of inner, middle and outer.

It's kind of like Lil's mind space.

The innermost structure of this omnic is the core processor with powerful computing power. It has a powerful mastermind comparable to hundreds of shipboard supercomputers. It is the highest crystallization of the empire's technological strength.

Seeing this hardware system, the eyes of the law in the thinking space glowed green.

The middle structure of the omnic is a 'simulation space', the consciousness of the birth of the omnic will be trapped in the simulation space, through various virtual devices in the space, receive information, process information, and connect to the expansion of the outermost layer equipment.

Their scientific research team has overcome almost all the problems, and there is only one problem left.

It takes some time for external devices to connect.

As a simple example, for an imperial standard battle group composed of 2,500 large and medium-sized warships, it takes about three minutes for Imperial Guard 2.0 to complete the system takeover.

There is no delay in the release of instructions after taking over, which can achieve the command effect of the Imperial Guard 1.0 system.

If you want to take over more than five battle clusters, it will take about thirty minutes...

"But that's not a problem."

The director of R\u0026D introduced:

"This system is completely under our control. We don't need to activate it at a critical moment, but keep it connected but not intervened. When it needs to intervene, we can intervene instantaneously.

"For our unified network, it will take about three months to complete resource integration.

"This is a relatively big disadvantage, but my lords, this is the only way to ensure its safety. At least, this is what we can use now."

Yang Ming really wanted to ask a question, but he held back.

He doesn't need to offend anyone.

Imperial Guard 2.0 is obviously something created by the elite power faction of the Sherman family.

"Next, please witness that the Imperial Guard 2.0 system is about to be officially launched... I don't know, which adult is willing to press this button."

Yang Ming bumped Lieutenant General Thomas with his elbow, and Lieutenant General Thomas raised his legs.

Director Ino below looked up and said with a smile: "Handon, go for us, we are all just projected here."

"Okay." Yang Ming immediately stood up and straightened his military uniform.

Yang Ming secretly regretted in his heart.

If he had known that he could have direct access to the hardware of this system, he would have made some 'nano-robot powder' and smeared it on his fingers, which might have earned Lu Bai a few high-performance masterminds.

This thing is Lil's favorite.

Well, let's find a way to get back the mastermind technology of the empire later, so that Law can catch up with the performance gap between Heli and Li earlier.

Amid the applause, Yang Ming arrived beside the three middle-aged men and was led into the glass room.

He raised a finger and pressed the power button.

In fact, the question Yang Ming wanted to ask just now was slightly 'fatal' to the empire.

If Imperial Guard 1.0 doesn't like Imperial Guard 2.0... what will they do?

Yang Ming dropped his finger, and the instruments in the glass room were instantly lit up, and blue circuit 'patterns' appeared on the four walls of the hall, filling the entire hall with a sense of technology.

at the same time.

In the depths of Emperor Star, Emperor Wei System Research Institute, inside the huge black box.

The curled up girl's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and her eyes opened slightly.

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