Veteran new police officer

Chapter 13 Surprise or not?

It is impossible to resign.

No matter how hard you think about it, you may not be able to pass the exam. If you choose a civil servant for nothing and resign, you will be struck by lightning.

Han Xin thought for a while and felt that she still had to face reality.

Just as he was about to go online and study how to use Excel that Lan Doudou said, his phone rang again. Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be a rookie calling.

"What are you calling me? Don't you know I'm busy?"

"Brother Han, it's me, Li Yijun..."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly; if you have something to say, let it go!" Han Xin snorted coldly and reached out to pick up the paper cup.

"I want to ask you about your current situation. Have you reported for duty today? Which squadron are you assigned to?"

Li Yijun held up his mobile phone and looked up at his master and Chief Ye, making faces and winking.

Being so close, Wang Wei heard clearly and subconsciously leaned into Ye Xingguo's ear: "I don't feel good from the tone. I guess he was assigned to the Wangbao Squadron."

"It's possible." Ye Xingguo nodded.

Han Xin took a sip of water and said lightly: "I have reported in. I am assigned to the fourth squadron. I am in the office now."

Li Yijun thought he heard wrongly and subconsciously asked: "Fourth Squadron?"

Han Xin knew exactly what he was thinking and said to herself: "I only found out when I came in the morning that the Criminal Police Brigade is behind Wanda, just across the case handling center from your police station. I didn't expect that we are so close. I want to find you. It's just a few steps away. Are you surprised or surprised?"

Li Yijun was stunned, thinking that the Fourth Squadron was the Anti-Narcotics Squadron, and the Anti-Narcotics Squadron was a squadron that was similar to a government agency. You didn’t even go to a serious university, why did you go to the Anti-Narcotics Squadron, why did you sit in an office...

"Brother, brother, why is there no sound? Is the signal bad?"

"No, I'm listening."

"Then we are so close, are you surprised or surprised?"

"Surprise, surprise, what a big surprise."

"I thought you were unhappy."

"How is that possible?" Li Yijun raised his head and pretended to be happy and said, "Brother Han, I also want to give you a surprise. You will be very surprised when you find out."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "What surprise, what accident?"

"Ye Xingguo, do you remember Chief Ye? He was the police officer in charge of your area of ​​Lao Haitong Market. Chief Ye has not been transferred and has always been at the police station in the south of our city.

Not only does he know you and remember you, but he also cares about you. Knowing that you were back, I invited Aunt Jiang from our cafeteria to visit your house, but it turned out that there was no one at your house..."

I go!

Is there any mistake?

Thinking of the policeman who had "handled" her several times back then, Han Xin couldn't help but shudder and had the urge to run and hide.

"Brother Han, you were talking but there was no sound. Is the signal not good?"

"No, no, I'm listening."

"Brother Han, Chief Ye is right next to me. Chief Ye asked me to make this call. Are you surprised or surprised?"

This is not a surprise, this is a fright!

Han Xin cursed secretly, took several deep breaths, calmed down a little, and said calmly:

"Really? What a coincidence. I haven't seen you for many years. Please help me bring Sheriff Ye. I... I have something to do here, so I'll hang up first."


"What else is there, I'm busy."

Li Yijun originally thought it was a surprise, but found that his "cousin" seemed a little afraid of Chief Ye, and couldn't help laughing:

"Brother Han, we're not far away. We'll be there in a few steps. You work first. Chief Ye and I will go over to find you later."

"What do you want from me?"

"Reminiscing about old times, I don't know how much Chief Ye cares about you. If you don't believe me, just ask Chief Ye. Chief Ye, let's talk."

It's rude not to say a few words, but what's there to say? This is so fucking embarrassing...

Han Xin secretly complained and said bravely: "Chief Ye, I, Han Xin, didn't expect you to still remember me."

Ye Xingguo was over fifty and had so much life experience. How could he not know that Han Xin was worried about being exposed, so he suppressed a smile and said:

"Remember, remember, I watched you grow up, how could I not remember? Xiao Han, where were you the night before yesterday? It seems you were not at home yesterday."

"The night before yesterday...the night before yesterday, I came to Wanda to eat and buy clothes with my cousin. After buying clothes, she took her to watch a movie. I didn't go home until after eleven o'clock. Yesterday, I went to my uncle's house in Toutun. I also came back very late from playing.”

"I said why can't I find you?"

"Thank you, Chief Ye, for your concern."

"Thank you. We are colleagues now. I haven't seen you for many years. I really miss you. It's not convenient at noon. If it's convenient, Xiao Li and I will go see you. It's not far anyway."

It’s over, it’s over!

If he reveals what happened when he was a child, how will he be able to see people in the future, how will he be able to hang out in the police station in the future...

Han Xin complained secretly, wanting to say it was inconvenient, but if she really said it was inconvenient, she would be heartless, so she could only bite the bullet and said:

"Chief Ye, you are in the police station right now, right? You don't need to come over, I'll be there right away."

"Okay, okay, I'll wait for you at the door."

"Wait a moment, I'll be there soon."

There is a certain truth in the saying that a tree will move a dead person to move a living person.

In the past, I couldn't get along in my hometown, but when I arrived in the army, it was a new world. Not only could I start over, I could also get along like a fish in water.

But now when I return to my hometown, not only is my work not going well, I even have to face those people and things from the past, and I might die socially...

Han Xin was just thinking wildly while walking downstairs uneasily, along the wall of the Law Enforcement Case Handling Center, to the door of the duty room of the Chengnan Police Station.

As soon as Ye Xingguo saw him, he smiled and asked, "Xiao Han, why do you wear so little?"

"I'm wearing warm clothes underneath. It's not cold. Besides, it's just a few steps."

Han Xin quickly raised her arms to salute, and then said with a bit of embarrassment, a bit of respect, and a bit of flattery: "Chief Ye, I haven't seen you for so many years, you haven't changed much. You are still the same as before, you are still as energetic as before."

Ye Xingguo patted his arm and said with a hearty smile: "When you went to join the army, I was a section policeman, but now I am a community policeman. I basically do the same things as before, but I changed my name. So. It’s not that there hasn’t been much change, it’s that we have stayed in the same place for eight years without any change, hahaha.”

"Chief Ye, that's not what I meant."

"I know, I'm kidding you. Oh, if you want to talk about changes, Xiao Han, you have changed a lot. When you went to join the army, you were still a childish child, but now you have become a strong young man. What the hell? Well done, well done!”

"Chief Ye, I was ignorant when I was a child and always caused you trouble."

The young man has really become something. Ye Xingguo was happy from the bottom of his heart and patted Han Xin's arm again:

"What are you talking about? You were a little naughty when you were a child, but I like naughty children, because only naughty children can be successful. Look at how outstanding you are now, and you are already a detective!"

They chatted passionately from the door of the duty room to the living area, and then started chatting with Sister Jiang who came after hearing the news.

Li Yijun, who thought he could watch a joke, not only found that things did not go as expected, but also found that his "cousin's" police rank was not right, so he couldn't help but add:

"Brother Han, didn't you say that you just passed the recruitment exam and became a police officer?"

Han Xin turned around and said, "Yeah, what's the matter?"

"Since you are a new police officer, you should be a probationary officer for one year, and you should wear two crutches like me."

"Maybe it's because there are no two departments in the city bureau's warehouse, only three departments."

"Is it appropriate to wear Sansi during the probationary period?"

"They gave it to me and I just wore it. I don't have to wear it."

Ye Xingguo was about to remind the young man that it was a very serious matter to wear a police title when he suddenly discovered that the police number on the young man's chest was also that of an official police officer. He couldn't help but laugh:

"That's right, that's right. Wear the police uniform according to the police uniform issued by the superior, and wear the police title according to the police rank issued by the superior. Even if there is a mistake, it is because the superior made a mistake."

Li Yijun really wanted to wear the "one cent", and then thought about his "cousin" receiving the police uniform on the day he reported for duty, and he couldn't help but complain:

"The city bureau is too ungrateful. The rules and regulations are formulated for us at the grassroots level. We must abide by them, so they can mess around..."

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