Veteran new police officer

Chapter 12 Benefits of Transfer

The Criminal Police Brigade is decorated like a detention center, with security doors, security windows and cameras everywhere.

There is a security door at the entrance of the first floor, and another one on both sides of the corridor on the third floor.

Although the Anti-Narcotics Squadron and the Intelligence Squadron are on the same floor, they are separated by two security doors. If you want to visit, you have to call first, or go to the door and ring the doorbell.

Lan Doudou's house is not far from the brigade, so we will go back for lunch.

Before leaving, she left an access card and an office key, otherwise Han Xin would not be able to come to the cafeteria after eating.

He returned to the office after eating and drinking, and looked at the rows of filing cabinets filled with various accounts, the various documents scattered on the desk, on and under the coffee table, and the large piles of anti-drug propaganda in the corner. Brochures and posters, as well as the dazzling various rules and regulations on the wall, and thinking about what I learned in the morning, I really feel like I don't belong here.

He just leaned on the chair in a daze for a while. He suddenly sat up, picked up his phone, unlocked it and dialed "Boss Chen", but only beeped twice before hanging up.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, "Boss Chen" called back.

As soon as the call was connected, I heard "Boss Chen" asking unhappily on the other end: "I told you earlier that if you have anything to do with Political Commissar Ding, what should you call me? Don't you know I'm very busy?"

"Chief of Staff, I'm sorry, I dialed the number accidentally. You were busy, so I hung up."

"You still have a temper with me. If you have something to say, say it quickly and fart with me!"

"Then let me talk about my current situation. I have arrived at the new unit and will officially start work today."

"You went to work so soon, how many days did you have without rest?"


"Then work hard and don't embarrass the old army. Find a girlfriend quickly and solve your personal problems as soon as possible."

The old army leader was still the same. Han Xin couldn't help but ask: "Chief of Staff, you didn't even ask which unit I was assigned to or what position I was assigned to?"

"Anti-drug squadron, professional counterpart. With your little academic qualifications and your level, you can only hang out in the anti-drug system when you return to the local area. If you change units and positions, I'm afraid you won't be able to work for more than three months. I'll tell you kid to get lost."

"Chief of Staff, how did you know that I was assigned to the Anti-Narcotics Squadron?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Before you could go back, I asked someone to help you arrange it."

Han Xin asked with a grimace: "Then do you know that this anti-drug squadron does not investigate drug cases at all?"

"This is a good thing. It shows that the anti-drug work in your hometown is going well and that the drug problem in your hometown is not serious."

"But it's not a good thing for me. You just said that I have low academic qualifications and no skills. Do you think I am office material?"

"You have to learn to sit if you don't know how to sit. You don't have thorns on your butt, so I don't believe you can't sit down!"

"Chief of Staff, it is important for a person to know himself. I really can't do this job."

"I've been transferred back. Is it useful to tell me this? If you really can't do it, just resign. You can deliver food, be an auxiliary police officer, or work as a security guard. When the retirement payment comes in, you can also buy a car and run around. Didi.”

"Chief of Staff, is there anyone like you?" Han Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Boss Chen" asked coldly: "How am I doing? I, Chen Youming, am sorry for you, kid? Tell me, what is your current police rank?"

"One cent, Superintendent III."

"Then do you know what police rank you would be if you stayed in the detachment?"


"What do you know or don't you know? I want to hear what you have to say!"

Even though they were thousands of kilometers apart, Han Xin was still a little afraid of Boss Chen, so she could only say angrily: "If I stay in the detachment, I can only carry two crutches now, and it will take a year as a trainee to get a grade."

"Then do you know what rank and title a second-level non-commissioned officer like you can be assigned after the probationary period is over?"

"have no idea."

"I don't know, right? I can tell you clearly that people like you can only be appointed as clerks, and can only be awarded first-class police officers, which is two beans! Including the probationary period, you will have to endure at least four more years before you can It’s just a dime. It’s up to you whether you can become a section member in four years’ time.”

"Boss Chen" paused, and then said: "On the day of the transfer, you were on task and could not attend the dress-up ceremony. I can send you some photos later, and you can also search online to see how many positions have been arranged. The cadres were only awarded the rank of three divisions."

Han Xin realized that the chief of staff did not allow her to contact the old army again, probably for safety reasons, and because she was worried that the news that she had been directly appointed as a third-level police superintendent would spread back to her comrades in the old army, and she was speechless for a moment. To right.

"Speak, aren't you a good talker?"

"Chief of Staff, why do others have to train for one year, but I don't? Why do others only have to be appointed clerks and awarded first-class police officers after the probationary period, but I don't need to train for one year to be appointed officers and awarded 10 cents?"

"Isn't this nonsense? This is something your captain, instructor, and I worked with our superiors to help you fight for. Looking back, you were lucky. You caught up with the last batch of law enforcement sergeants to be selected. If the law enforcement sergeants were not selected, if there were no police officers Certificate, then this matter is really difficult to handle."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "What does it have to do with the police ID?"

"Boss Chen" was annoyed by the question and said angrily: "You are also a civil servant now, so you should read more about the Civil Servant Law when you have time. According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Servant Law and the People's Police Law, newly hired civil servants must have one year of service." During the probation period, newly recruited police officers must have a one-year apprenticeship period.

But you already have a police card and have passed the law enforcement qualification, which means you have five years of police service, so you are not considered a new police officer.

Your team leader and instructor and I went to the Political Department of the Public Security Bureau to explain the situation to them. After they confirmed that you wanted to be transferred back home, and that it was necessary for safety reasons, they agreed to special treatment under special circumstances, and made an exception by referring to the method of transferring forest police officers to civil servants in the business division. "

"Chief of Staff, are you saying that if I hadn't been transferred back to my hometown, I wouldn't have been treated like this?"

"It's nonsense again. If you don't transfer back, even if the Public Security Department agrees, the corps will not agree. Even if the corps agrees, our detachment will not agree!

There are so many non-commissioned officers in the whole detachment, and you are not the only one with law enforcement qualifications. If you are asked to be special, how will other people do their jobs? Even the job of an officer is not easy to do! "

"Understood, thank you Chief of Staff."

"Don't be so hasty to thank me. There is one more thing I almost forgot to mention. Didn't you have five years of police service? It will be six years by this time next year. According to the regulations, it seems that you can fine-tune it. That means you can be promoted to police by this time next year. 'One cent and two'. But whether your boy is promoted or not depends on the leadership of your bureau, so you have to work hard and perform well."


"That's it. As I said before, if you have anything to do, go to Political Commissar Ding."

"Boss Chen" hangs up when he says so.

Han Xin was moved, grateful and depressed at the same time. She put down her phone and murmured: "What's the use of looking for political commissar Ding? He is no longer political commissar. He is now the vice principal, or the vice principal of the Vocational Education Center..."

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