Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1942: False propaganda: There is gold and oil

In order to gain the support of the Tang Empire, Murad III did not hesitate to sell the entire Egypt and the West Asian Peninsula. Although he could obtain more than two million Tang Yuan in funds, he could also pack all the population and even wealth in the above-mentioned areas. return.

Even the Tang Empire would provide a certain number of ships free of charge to help them transport in the Mediterranean.

However, even if it is more than two million Tang Yuan and the population is packed away, it is still impossible for Murad III to agree under normal circumstances.

In the end, the reason why Murad III agreed to buy the land from the Tang Dynasty was because the Tang Dynasty promised to help Murad train an army.

An army loyal only to Murad III personally, and promised to provide the latest weapons and equipment, including the flash cap percussion musket that has not yet been exported on a large scale in Europe, and the new field smoothbore gun with an effective range of about 1,000 meters. and other weapons.

Behind the promise to train the army, the Tang Empire gave Murad III a promise.

Support him to continue to be the boss of the Ottoman Empire!

Murad III has not been very happy in recent years. He has never really controlled the power of the entire Ottoman Empire. Not only his mother, but even his wife is in politics.

It is said that the harem interference in the Ottoman Empire and the infighting of princes have become very serious in recent decades. Suleiman I's wife likes to interfere in politics. His sons killed each other for the throne and provoked a large-scale civil war.

In the end, Murad's father, Selim II, won the civil war, but Selim II had a great civil war, but he was very incompetent in governing the country.

When Murad succeeded to the throne, it was very embarrassing.

When he succeeded to the throne, Murad III did not dare to leave Istanbul, because the generals of the sultan's personal soldiers were very dissatisfied with Murad III and always wanted to kill Murad III.

Even if the city of Istanbul was later launched to avoid the possible attack of the naval guns of the Tang Dynasty, it was only on the side. In the event of an accident, he could still escape back to Istanbul at any time.

From this, it can be seen how unhappy Murad III is.

Now, the people of the Tang Dynasty promised to help him train an army loyal to him and support him to continue to be the boss of the Ottoman Empire. Only then did he agree to sell Egypt and the West Asian Peninsula.

Supporting Murad III is a trivial matter for the Tang Empire.

The empire is not the monarch of the Ottoman Empire. As long as he does not oppose the Tang Dynasty, and is willing to continue to work with the support of the Tang Dynasty and the Tartars, then the Tang Dynasty does not matter.

As for the training of troops for Murad III, this is not free, it also requires money.

The salary of the dispatched instructors needs to be paid by Murad III.

And more importantly, the cost of the ordnance also needs to be borne by him.

As for the large-scale export of flash caps and flintlock guns, this is also what the Tang Dynasty has been doing in recent years.

In fact, the purpose of this is not to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the troops of the European countries, so that they can better resist the Tatars.

More importantly, if the flash hat fired the flintlock gun, the indigenous people of the flash hat could not imitate it.

As long as they use the flash cap to fire the flintlock gun, even the ammunition will have to be purchased from Datang in the future. Once Datang refuses to supply them with the flash cap, their musket will turn into a fire stick in minutes.

Datang sells more advanced weapons and equipment to the natives, not to improve the combat effectiveness of the natives, but to further control the natives.

For Murad III, the Royal Guard, which has not yet started training, but has been assigned a number is very important, but it is only a trivial matter for the Tang Empire.

The Tang Empire is more concerned about the newly purchased Egypt and the West Asian Peninsula.

The empire wants to settle here, establish administrative rule, and more importantly, dig a canal here.

As soon as the agreement here was signed, the Tang Empire had already started the preparations for the Suez Canal.

However, it is only preparations, and it is estimated that it will take some time before the official start of construction.

The main work at this stage is to establish rule here.

And before they can emigrate and propose rule, the Ottomans have to pull their people away.

In order for the Ottoman Empire to pull people away smoothly, the Empire provided a certain number of ships for free to help them transport them.

The evacuation of the Ottomans was quick and easy, but it was difficult for the remaining millions of natives to evacuate.

Strictly speaking, the Ottomans are only conquerors, and there are only administrative officials and troops in the local area. Most of the remaining people are actually local indigenous people.

The Ottomans also want to take these people away. After all, the population is a precious wealth.

But not everyone is willing to leave, especially the people in the lower plains of the Nile River will not leave easily.

But the Ottomans are not good people. Their evacuation was directly driven by the army. Those natives were packed and taken away by the Ottomans whether they wanted to or not.

The Tang people don't care about these things. If the Ottomans can't take everyone away, the Tang Dynasty's solution is very simple. They will be moved directly to central Africa, and these Egyptian natives will have to deal with the natives in central Africa.

In addition, some people will be hired to dig the Suez Canal.

The Tang people were frightened by the difficulty of digging the Panama Canal.

It takes hundreds of thousands of laborers to dig the canal, and the mortality rate is so high. Datang would not let its own immigrants do such a thing, so it has long been prepared to hire local indigenous people to dig the Suez Canal.

When the canal is dug, they will be placed in Africa.

Datang people already know how to deal with the local indigenous people, not only to ensure the normal implementation of localization, but also to ensure the interests of the indigenous people.

As for killing people directly, the people of the Tang Dynasty never did this. It was too barbaric and did not fit the character of a civilized country in the Tang Empire.

Compared with the local aborigines, the lack of immigrants from the Tang Dynasty was more of a headache for local officials. UU Reading

West Asia has never been the main export area for immigrants from the Tang Empire.

Immigrants from the Tang Empire preferred to go to the Americas, but they were basically reluctant to go to other places, and there were even fewer people in West Asia.

In the eyes of many people in the empire, this broken place is just sand except for sand. What are you doing here, gnawing on the sand?

Therefore, for Datang officials who will serve in the West Asian region of Egypt in the future, how to attract immigrants from the mainland is the top priority.

In this regard, these officials are preparing to send people back to the country for a propaganda campaign.

Focus on promoting the pleasant climate of the Mediterranean coast, saying that the climatic conditions of the Mediterranean coast are better than that of North America, which is very suitable for living and living.

He also preached that the land of the lower Nile plain was fertile.

He said that the excavation of the Suez Canal is imminent, not only will it bring huge economic benefits to the local area, but it also implies that the Egyptian region is very likely to be localized locally and become one of the few overseas territories of the empire.

Localization has always been the most attractive condition.

I didn't see the broken place on Ceylon Island, because it was localized, so many immigrants went there.

That's not enough. As soon as a few colonial officials in Egypt opened their minds, they started false propaganda, saying that there may be super-large gold mines in Egypt, and there are super-large oil fields in the West Asian Peninsula.

This false propaganda later reached the ears of the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Xuan, and he was surprised!

How do you know that there is a lot of oil in the West Asian Peninsula?



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