Everyone in the business world knows that Zhao Wanshan likes Mr. Qi's paintings, and this painting was actually donated by Zhao Wanshan.

Zhao Wanshan will definitely buy it back.

Therefore, everyone gave Zhao Wanshan a bit of face and stopped raising the price.

After all, Zhao Wanshan is still very important in the business world, and no one wants to offend him.

Zhao Wanshan increased the painting to 60 million in one breath, which was actually sending a signal.

I, Zhao Wanshan, must buy this painting.

In this case, other people would naturally not offend the Zhao family for a painting.

When everyone thought that the Zhao family would successfully take the picture, a voice suddenly sounded: "One hundred million."

This time, it was Ye Chen who came out again.

Hearing this offer, Zhao Wanshan raised his brows and looked in Ye Chen's direction.

Xin Zhao was even more angry.

Just because of Ye Chen's price increase, Xin Zhao suffered a big loss.

Now this guy is looking for something again.

Ye Chen looked at the father and son with a bright smile on his face.

"1.5 billion."

Zhao Wanshan said flatly.

He is also very tolerant, Ye Chen raised 40 million, and Zhao Wanshan raised the price again by 50 million.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Ye Chen's smile was even brighter. He actually came today to hit the Zhao family in the face.


Ye Chen quoted again.

Hearing that Ye Chen reported 200 million, the entire venue was boiling.

Although this painting is a masterpiece in the painting, 200 million has already exceeded its own value several times.

Ye Chen even paid 200 million to buy this painting, which surprised everyone at the scene.

The eyes of these guests looking at Ye Chen also changed completely.

After all, all of them present did not have this kind of bearing, and directly bought the painting for 200 million.

Many people also looked at Li Yaqi.

They all believed that this was instructed by Li Yaqi.

After all, in their perception, Ye Chen is just a son-in-law, and Li Yaqi is the real boss.

Could it be that Marven Ye raised the price because of the attitude of the Li family?

Seeing this, the Li family is going to fight against the Zhao family.

The two have been getting along well and have never heard of any enmity!

At this moment, everyone has a feeling of watching a play, wanting to see the contest between these two giant families.

"280 million." Zhao Wanshan continued to increase the price.

"300 million." Ye Chen showed no weakness.

When Zhao Wanshan heard the offer, his eyes were full of anger.

"320 million." Zhao Wanshan called again.

Ye Chen opened his mouth, but this time he did not continue to bid.

At this time, looking at Ye Chen and Zhao Wanshan's eyes, fire burst out.

Ye Chen is against himself in front of everyone.

The most important thing is that he just gave Ye Chen 300 million, but Ye Chen used the money he gave to fight against himself.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't speak, the auctioneer continued: "320 million once."

"Three hundred and twenty million twice."

The auctioneer had raised his hammer by this time.

Zhao Wanshan took a deep breath.

Originally, he only wanted to spend 60 million, but he suddenly spent 320 million.

This is all thanks to Ye Chen.

[Ding, the current host is welcome to sign in, whether to sign in or not.

"Sign in." Ye Chen responded directly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill of the system reward appraiser.

Ye Chen was overjoyed, the system was too considerate.

He will definitely send benefits when he needs it.

In Ye Chen's mind, countless skills of antique appreciation appeared in an instant.

Now Ye Chen is a treasure appraiser.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly opened his mouth: "Wait a minute."

The auctioneer's hammer fell into the air.

Ye Chen said, "Can I take a closer look at this painting?"


The auctioneer was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhao Wanshan.

After all, he was invited by Zhao Wanshan, so he naturally preferred the Zhao family.

Zhao Wanshan's eyes turned cold.

Just now he thought that Ye Chen had given up, but this guy suddenly attacked again.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Wanshan and said, "Elder Zhao, it's nothing for my wife and I to donate hundreds of millions to the Hope Project, but I spent so much money to buy a fake product, I must be unhappy, and it will also harm your Zhao family. face, right?"

What everyone didn't expect was that Ye Chen accused the Zhao family of this painting in public as a fake.

Zhao Wanshan's face became even more ugly.

This is no different from hitting their Zhao family in the face in public.

Zhao Wanshan said with a cold face: "If that's the case, let him test it."

Although the surface is calm, Zhao Wanshan is already very angry.

He glanced at Ye Chen and instructed the auctioneer on the stage.

Since Zhao Wanshan agreed, the auctioneer also nodded in agreement.

Ye Chen walked up to the wife and approached the painting.

He looked very seriously, even holding a magnifying glass to look at it for a moment.

Li Yachun in the audience looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

What is this guy doing?

Ye Chen is not at all

He is also aware of the ability to appraise treasures.

But now Ye Chen is like an antique expert, appreciating the painting there.

After Ye Chen read it, he shook his head and returned to his seat.

The auctioneer continues the auction.

"Three hundred and twenty million once."

"Three hundred and twenty million twice."

"Three hundred and twenty million three times."


When the auctioneer was bidding, everyone stared at Ye Chen, thinking that Ye Chen would continue to increase the price.

But to everyone's surprise, this time Ye Chen was extremely honest.

Everyone is very curious, why did Ye Chen suddenly increase the price so fiercely before?

"Marven Ye, why didn't you grab it?" Li Yaqi asked curiously.

Ye Chen smiled: "This is just a fake, why should I grab it?"

Although Ye Chen's voice was not very loud.

But at the moment, the auction hall is very quiet.

In fact, everyone was paying attention to Ye Chen's movements.

As a result, Ye Chen's voice reached everyone's ears.

Ye Chen secretly gave his wife a thumbs up.

As expected of his wife, he really has a good heart, and this wave of divine assists is great.


Ye Chen's voice fell, and the scene was in an uproar.


Is this painting a fake?

Many people were surprised.

The originally quiet auction hall suddenly became noisy.

Ye Chen's words were like a thunderclap.

The Zhao family's father and son's expressions also became more difficult to look at.

"Marven Ye, what do you mean?" Xin Zhao, who had long seen Ye Chen disliked, pointed at Ye Chen and said.

Ye Chen said lightly, "I'm just telling the truth, is this painting fake?"

Looking at the excited Xin Zhao Ye Chen, he said with a smile: "Why, make me feel guilty?"

"Marven Ye, you have to be responsible for what you say to yourself." Xin Zhao said coldly.

Ye Chen sneered: "The person in charge? It should be your Zhao family who needs to be responsible. Everyone was invited to do charity work, but your Zhao family sold clothes under falsehood? What is this? mean?"

His tone was very certain, as if he had already decided that the painting was a lie.

At this time, Zhao Wanshan frowned, and he called Xin Zhao in front of him and whispered a few words.

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