Ultimate Intelligence

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It is an honor to subscribe to the highest million, and it is also the pursuit and goal of Xiao Leng.

This book has a good chance to reach that kind of honor, and the gap is already very small. Therefore, here I ask for support from everyone, support the genuine, and give Xiao cold the motivation to pursue the goal.

Therefore, here is a cold and sincere heartfelt request for a subscription, really thank you, capable friends, support a little cold.

In particular, the first chapter, which is the "67th chapter turning point", this chapter is very, very important, Xiao Leng knows that many of my friends are late-stage books, and later added to see, so, Xiao Leng hope Friends who have not subscribed to this chapter will subscribe to Xiao Leng.

Thank you.

- small cold

Tomorrow, the four chapters of the cold body can not support the big explosion, only occasionally a small violent, sweat. . .

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