Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Trainer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 77

Xibeiqi showed a small tiger tooth and reminded: "Don't forget what you have in your hand."

"..." Mia paused and said coldly, "I'll leave right away, they won't stay."

"You just have to know what you want, and you don't know what you want the egg of the Thunder Spirit Beast for."

Xibeqi complained in a loli voice, and licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue: "It's better to bake the eggs, I haven't eaten the eggs of spirit beasts since I grew up."

"Are you an idiot?" Mia's eyes flickered, and her emotions fluctuated with anger.

"the stupid one is you."

Xibei's hair suddenly exploded, and Loi Liyin shouted: "They have been chasing us for thirty-three days for the egg of this Thunder Spirit Beast."

She wondered if she was really an idiot, why did she join the 'Oasis' faction, stealing things from everywhere every day, and then being chased and killed.

"It won't be long before they give up." Mia said lightly.

"You said the same thing last time, that time we were hunted down for a hundred days, and my wings were torn apart."

When Xibei said this, she was angry and complained loudly.

"I forgot." Mia replied flatly.

"You, you..." Xi Beqi was so angry that she showed her little tiger teeth, and she had the urge to bite this stinky woman.

Mia didn't turn her head back, and said indifferently: "It's coming, put your teeth in."

"Humph!" Xibeqi pouted, and shook her double ponytail unhappily.


She bumped into Mia's back, staggered, and sat on the ground without any defense.

"What are you doing?" Xibeqi got up frantically.

She saw the stunned figure of the cat-eared girl, and walked forward with a small frown.

The blond young girl has night vision and can clearly see a small dilapidated tribe not far away, but she doesn't sense that there is a person inside.

"This is your former home?" Xibeqi asked hesitantly.

"Yes." Mia's face was as cold as ice, her whole body exuded a gloomy aura, and the shadows on the ground fluctuated violently.


next second.

Mia turned into a shadow and rushed towards the tribe along the ground.

"Really... I should have thought of it long ago." Xibeqi shook her head.

In such a cruel world, small tribes like this do not know how many are disappearing every day, nor how many small tribes are gathering.


Xibeqi spread her wings and flew to the small tribe.

She sensed Mia's blood and landed in front of a dilapidated wooden shed.

Mia bit her lips and stood at the door of the wooden shed. She looked a little timid, and the sharp and cold breath fluctuated very strongly.

"Why don't you go in and have a look? Maybe you can find some clues." Xibeqi suggested softly.

"...Well." Mia's mouth had a trace of blood flowing down, and she was timid for a few seconds before stepping into the wooden shed.

"Sniff~~" Xi Beqi wrinkled Qiong's nose and smelled a trace of blood.

The blond girl glanced at the cat-eared girl's back, and it was the first time she saw Mia's timid appearance, so she decided not to stimulate her.

"Everything is gone, and there are traces of departure for about ten days." Mia glanced around.

Based on what she has learned and heard in the past four years, she can probably tell what the situation is.

"Have you been away for ten days? That's a bit difficult to track." Xibeqi frowned.

"I will find her." Mia said hoarsely.

Standing in the center of the greenhouse, she saw a nicked stone on the ground with her sharp eyes.

"Anything left by Mino?" Mia crouched down and reached out to pick up the stone.

Something in the hand is tight.

Got a trap?

A thought flashed through Mia's mind, her figure flashed in a conditioned reflex, and she hid at the door of the shed, almost hitting the blond girl at the door.

"Is there a situation?" Xibeqi's expression became serious, and her golden pupils instantly turned blood red.

"It shouldn't be." Mia hesitated for a while, and cautiously came to the center of the greenhouse, looking at the stones on the ground.

She picked up the stone again, turned it over and looked at the image of a rabbit-eared girl carved on it.

"This rabbit is beautifully drawn." Xibei stepped forward, put her toes on her toes, and looked at the abstract rabbit-eared girl on the stone.

"There is something under this." Mia looked at the silk thread tied to the stone.

"Dig it out and see, maybe your sister left you a message." Xibeqi urged curiously.

"Okay." Mia tore off the silk thread on the stone and put the precious one in her pocket.

The shadow under her fluctuated, turning into a hand with a condensed shadow and digging towards the ground.

The wooden box was easily dug out.

"It's a box, open it and see."

Xibeqi's blood-red pupils turned back to golden again, and she said eagerly, "Do you want me to open it for you?"

"No." Mia indifferently refused.

She squatted down, patted off the soil on the wooden box, and gently opened the lid of the wooden box, revealing a roll of cloth inside.

"Is it a piece of cloth? Is there any writing on it?" Xibeqi guessed.

"Mino, if she hadn't left this tribe, she would be illiterate."

Mia picked up the cloth, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"Would you like me to open it for you?" Xibeqi looked "reluctantly".

"No." Mia indifferently refused again.

She carefully spread out the piece of cloth and looked at the painting on the canvas.

"The bastard who rides the beast dares to take Mino away."

Mia's breath became more severe, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I will definitely find him. If my sister has any problems, I will definitely kill him."

"Well, I don't think the content of the painting is what you think."

Xibeqi stared at the painting on the canvas and said, "I think your sister can't wait for you to come back, so she followed this man on a beast to find you."

"I can only understand the paintings my sister drew." Mia rolled up the cloth indifferently and tucked it into her arms.

"What I said is true." Xibeqi put her hands on her hips.

"I'm her sister." Mia said coldly.

"But I understand her paintings, you don't."

Xibeqi bulged her cheeks and argued, "She clearly drew it very clearly."

"I just understand." Mia responded unwillingly.

"Hmph! Then you just wait." Xibeqi turned her head away in disgust.

"A man riding a beast?"

Mia ignored the blonde girl and muttered to herself, "What kind of beast is he riding?"


"Turtle, isn't it a painting?" Xibeqi couldn't help reminding proudly.

"Not a turtle."

Mia shook her head and said lightly, "I look like an octagonal tusk beast."

"You... are you going against me?" Xibeqi looked over in embarrassment.

"No, what I said is the truth." Mia said lightly.

"You, if you don't believe what I say, just wait and regret it." Xibeqi was anxious.

"I will find Mino." Mia promised coldly.

Xibeqi's anger came and went quickly.

She couldn't help but ask again, "I've always been curious, why did you leave your sister in the first place?"

"..." Mia kept her mouth shut.

She thought of the disgusting leader again, and wanted her to be a maid four years ago.

Said to be a maid, but in fact it is for fun.

Mia was not reconciled, and after telling her sister that she must disguise herself as a man, she entered the wilderness alone.

If it weren't for the luck that she was rescued by the mad woman later, maybe she had been eaten by the moon wolf long ago.

"Don't speak again." Sibeqi curled her lips boringly.

Suddenly, a strange breath permeated.

"Come on, those people are chasing after you again."

Section 78

Mia's face changed, and her figure turned into a black shadow and rushed out.

"Damn a bunch of stalkers, chasing them every day."

Xibeqi shouted in exasperation.

next second.

She spread her wings and quickly chased after the cat-eared girl.

The dilapidated small tribe, calm down again.

Calm for less than three minutes.


Three figures rushed into the tribe.

"Sniff sniff sniff..."

A figure with a wolf head sniffed the air.

He growled, "Just walked for a while."

"Chase, be sure to get back the egg of the Thunder Spirit Beast."

Another figure with a lion's head said fiercely, "We must kill these two thieves from the oasis."

"But, that blond girl is..."

The last figure with a bear head hesitated.

"She is already a traitor, Yeyuecheng won't care about her."

The lion head figure waved his hand indifferently.

He gave the wolf-headed figure a wink, signaling to lead the way quickly.


The three tracked away again one after the other.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [4/4] Some loopholes or something, mostly foreshadowing, will be completed little by little with the plot. enter.

Chapter 91

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