Time-Limited Hunt

Chapter 2: camouflage

Yan Jun's eyelids jumped, and his eyes collided with the number 01ae86. +++Reading on mobile phone visit m.wuxiaspot.com. He noticed that "Hello" is crawling up his ankle, like the tail of an indoor giant, with an unpleasant danger.

Jiang Li held the gun and suppressed the alarm sound: "Pause task 010186 immediately!"

"Suspend to dismiss," No. 01ae86 did not understand Jiang Li's request. "Don't be like this, are you scared to death? I'm just..." He seemed to be looking for suitable words to describe, "A poor defenseless prisoner. "

Fu Yun's gasp didn't calm down. He was too close to the number 01ae86, and he hurriedly replied sloppyly in the voice of the number 01ae86.

"What a spirit, I still think of (fuck cao)\other fathers." No. 01ae86 looked at Yan Junxun, his expression gradually subtle, "I foresee that I will make new friends."

Fu Yunjiao's sweat trickled down and wet the neckline of his shirt. He said: "Contact Fu commander, this lunatic can't come out at all!"

The system was stationary for two seconds, turned the camera, and continued to use a mechanical voice to say: "Contact failed. Commander Fu refused to talk. Please continue to hand over the task."

"Your uncle is bothering you," No. 01ae86 let go of Fu Yun's hand and laughed across the door. "It's time to grow up, Fu Yun, learn to walk independently."

Fu Yun retreated back, and his face was dark blue: "The dog chain hasn't been removed yet. It's a time delay. Don't be too proud."

"Yes—" No. 01ae86 lay on the door and said patiently, "So have you brought the key?"


The sky outside the cell was already dark, and the rain was still falling.

Jiang Li couldn't help but light a cigarette, facing the (fuck cao) field of the prison\forbidden, looking at the (fuck cao) solitary street lamp on the field, using his usual opening remarks: "Difficult... This guy is too It’s dangerous, not like someone who will cooperate."

"Not only did he react quickly when he grabbed Fu Yun," Yan Junxun pulled his eyes, as if he was about to sleep (sleeping Shui), "and he only used one hand, indicating that he did not give up his finger strength during his imprisonment Assign training. Did you see his food and middle fingers?"

Jiang Li confessed (touching Mo) (touching Mo) his chin, saying he didn't see clearly.

Yan Junxun opened his palm and watched for a moment: "His **** are very sensitive (sexual xing) is very good, I advise you not to give him the opportunity to touch the gun, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Jiang Li had a headache, he pinched the smoke and said, "What is Fu Chenghui doing?"

Yan Junxun was afraid of the cold. He pulled up his jacket zipper and hid his chin in it, staring at the puddles under the steps with dirty mud bubbles. The circuit facilities are very old."

Jiang Li didn't understand: "Our side is broken, you can't live here, and you still care about the circuit?"

The street lamp in the distance suddenly flashed a few times, extinguishing in the heavy rain.

"Aging circuits are prone to leakage and tripping," Yan Junxun's voice is a little stuffy, "all are hidden safety hazards."

Jiang Lianba said something: "Parking is no better than Guangtong, there is not such a strict defense system, if he wants to take the opportunity to run..."

If the number 01ae86 wants to escape, the parking area can only ask Fu Yun to take him back to Guangtong Prison\Forbidden, even without immediately reporting to Fu Chenghui.

Before the transfer, the situation should be reviewed again. Jiang Li looked at Yan Junxun.


The conversation room in the mooring prison\forbidden area is old, and there are graffiti on the wall decades ago. There are no windows on all four walls, and there is only a system monitoring camera facing the chair. Because of the closure, there is an old firearm in the corner.

No. 01ae86 is wearing a restraint lock. He is sitting on a chair with legs that are too long, as if crossing the line at any time. His hair hasn't been cut for a while, and he has a small mess behind his head, which looks fluffy and messy, like a lion with his head just rolled.

"You are serious," number 01ae86 pushed your lips with your fingers, "Can't you smile?"

"No," Yan Junxun brought nothing, and sat down opposite him, very coldly said: "There is no such rule."

No. 01ae86 is very sympathetic to children: "So what do you want to talk to me about? I can."

Yan Junxun did not expect the number 01ae86 to cooperate so much, he only prepared a plan to deal with difficult situations.

"Don't be nervous," number 01ae86 interlocking fingers, looking at Yan Junxun, the eyes hidden behind the black hair are sincere and harmless, "I know that your district is under pressure, Fu Chenghui likes to give people problems, but I promise, I will never be as bad as they wrote in the review. I am a good person, really. What is your name?"

"Yan Junxun." Yan Junxun lowered the zipper to make it easier to speak.

"Jun Xun, Jun-Xun," the tone of 01ae86 is full of envy, "Your parents will really take the name, this is the most emotional name I have ever heard."

The words "feeling" leave the teeth between 01ae86, like sugar in a cup, quietly melting Yan Junxun's precautions. No. 01ae86's eyes, expressions and tone are all paving the way for his words, making him very sincere in every sentence.

"My name is Shi Shanyan," the number 01ae86 opened his palm and wrote to Yan Junxun, "time, mountain, continuation... are all words I like, is this name good?"

There was only one light in the conversation room, hanging between them, so that the shadows of both people appeared dormant. Yan Junxun did not like too bright, he leaned back a little, leaned his back against the back of the chair, only the chin storm (deep) in the light.

"Your hometown is not mentioned in the information."

"People who join Black Panther don't need their hometown." Shi Shanyan no longer looked at Yan Junxun, but started to look at the conversation room. "This place is quite broken. Did they really pay you a salary?"

"I have no salary."

Shi Shanyan turned back to his gaze: "I'm taking the liberty to ask, do I?"

"I don't know," Yan Junxun said without thinking. "You can ask Jiang Lian for this kind of thing."

"I don't know anyone here," Shi Shan slowly leaned over (shen) body, propped up with his arm, and lowered Yan Junxun's head. "I only know you now, Junxun."

He had a hair cover in front of his forehead, so that his deep eyes lost his attack (sexuality), and he frankly sent a signal of help to Yan Junxun.

"Can you provide me with a little help? A little, without violating any rules. You know that I spent four years in Guangtong Prison\Forbidden, and the system's minute and second monitoring made me breathless. The people who tested were all bastards, and they couldn't give me the warmth of my family. I was too wronged and too tired, so I cherish this opportunity, I just..." Shi Shanyan protruded his index and middle fingers, begging softly, "Want to smoke a cigarette."

Yan Junxun's eyes stayed on his fingers for a second, then frowned: "A cigarette?"

"You are quitting smoking," Shi Shanyan's eyes dip in the dim light, "there is a sweet lollipop on my body, I can solve those few cigarettes for you. There is nothing in the regulations that you can't smoke me, I believe they can understand."

Yan Junxun was a little slack: "I didn't bring fire."

"I have," Shi Shanyan lifted his chin and motioned to Yan Junxun to reach out. "In my trouser pocket, this is the only treasure I have left."

The hanging lamp tilted slightly, allowing Shi Shanyan's shadow to crawl silently out from under the chair. But he took the initiative to raise his arms, (revealing) all of his key points, a look that entrusted him to Yan Junxun.

Yan Junxun took out the crumpled cigarette case from his trouser pocket, took out a cigarette and handed it to Shi Shanyan. Instead of using his hands, Shi Shanyan directly opened his mouth to bite. Yan Junxun looked at the broken one in the cigarette case. Without hesitation, he shook it out and caught it in his lips.

He could feel Shi Shanyan's gaze when he did this action.

"Don't tell Jiang Lian," Yan Junxun stretched out his palm and looked along the side of Shi Shanyan's leg. "He is very @簟!br/>

"Good sir," Shi Shanyan reminded, "left."

Yan Junxun's fingers digged in, pinched out the lighter, lit himself first, then threw it back to Shi Shanyan.

"You have moles of tears," Shi Shanyan lit a cigarette and took a few greedy breaths, then licked his lips after exhaling, "Did you order it yourself?"

Yan Junxun shook his head honestly, looking at the smoke in his hand, as if counting it to take a few sips.

Shi Shanyan looked at Yan Junxun carefully, but said in his mouth: "It's so beautiful, I want one too."

Yan Junxun did not look up at him, smoking a cigarette seriously, and said, "Has Fu Chenghui told you about the parking area? This is not the same as the light rail area."

"Fu Chenghui has a lot of opportunities, and even his sons are too lazy to see him, and he has no time to take care of me." Shi Shanyan raised his cigarettes and accumulated soot to play with. It’s all steelmaking. I heard that there are a lot of abandoned factories? Look at the photos like the waste soil, and the greening is quite bad."

"Parking is a warm home," Yan Junxun looked at Shi Shanyan, carrying the slogan in the parking area, "You and I will build it together."

Shi Shanyan made a "wow" sound, and sincerely cooperated: "It's really good."

The smoke was about to run out, but the light above his head suddenly flashed twice.

"Thank you for your smoke," Shi Shanyan's words were meaningful. He exhaled the light smoke and smiled at Yan Junxun. "I'm glad to meet you."

The firearm in the corner finally felt the smoke and cried out with a throat. Then, the lights above the two people extinguished, and the sudden trip caused the system surveillance cameras to hang their heads in vain.

But surprisingly, neither of the two people in the conversation room moved.

The smoke of Shi Shanyan extinguished in the darkness, shining with subtle fire. He seemed to know everything and calmly took the last bite: "I know why Fu Chenghui came to you, ah... interesting, really interesting."

Yan Junxun flicked the soot and asked blankly: "Want not to go out and see?"

"Think," Shi Shanyan pinched off Mars, and completely fell into darkness between the two. "But I'm not in a hurry. I'm also very happy to be in prison\forbidden. I eat (sleep Shui) and watch cartoons, If you can do it again, you can do the re-test, that is, Fu Yun’s group of repeaters is too noisy and stupid. Will you take me out? You will. Let me guess. The Black Panther test is very simple for you Right? The observation is awesome. It is the little leopard that Fu Chenghui prefers. He will definitely admit you. After all, you look so good."

He bit the last word.

"You look closely at my fingers and want to determine if I am a sniper," Shi Shanyan said flauntingly, "I am."

The light flashed a few more times and turned on again.

Yan Junxun stood up, pulled the zipper back to his chin, turned back when he went out, and smiled shyly at Shi Shanyan: "Is it, but is the former sniper, brother? The wording should be clear."

After waiting, Shan Yan replied and slammed the door.

Jiang Lian was in the corridor and opened his hand to Yan Junxun, (lu) showing a helpless expression. They evacuated everyone, but the number 01ae86 just didn't move.

Yan Junxun's cigarette case in his tight pocket, as if he had finished an extraordinary comedy, he would be laughed at by his own stupidity. Jiang Li said something to Fu Yun. Yan Junxun waited for them to go away and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. After he came out, he waited for another half an hour, but he didn't see Jiang converge, so he sent a message to go home with the id conductor.

When Yan Junxun sat back in the car, he realized that the t-shirt on his back was soaked.

The evaluation of the special task is correct. Shi Shanyan has a tendency to dominate. He sat down and used to control the atmosphere, and Yan Junxun was taken away by him. He even knows the essence of disguise, every eye is in place, before the lamp goes out, Yan Junxun almost wants to believe that he will seize this opportunity to escape.

The small orange dragon lit up and shook his tail. He said, "The driving system is in place, and Mr. Yan will be taken home immediately." It stood up and raised a signboard. "Mr. Yan was detected. I smoked ten minutes ago, please ask Mr. Yan to consciously abide by the quitting smoking cessation."

"Send a message to the special inspection bureau," Yan Junxun ignored it. "If you have no case recently, you won't be looking for me."


The small orange dragon put down the light plate, and suddenly the sound of Yan Junxun sounded in a three-dimensional surround.

"I swear that I will stop smoking in the future, if I secretly smoke..."

Yan Jun turned around and stubbornly defended: "I did not secretly smoke."

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