This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 125 Meeting to Go to the Concert Together (Please Subscribe)

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"elder brother!"

"Brother Qing!"

On the first floor of the small shop, Yang Qing was busy spreading pancakes and fruits when he heard the cries of two little ones.

"Well, what's the matter?" He smiled curiously without looking back.

"Brother, Xi'er and sister Jin'er don't have tickets, so they can't go to the concert with us, what should we do?" Xiao Qiu'er's voice was full of hope.


Yang Qing hummed and quickly made a pancake fruit, and then let Tan Jiner take over. He looked at the two hopeful little dolls, pondered for a moment and said:

"Then I'll call your brother Wang Ming and ask him if there are still tickets available. If so, we'll buy them, okay?"


The two little babies were jumping up and down happily, and they were full of admiration for Yang Qing at the moment. In the eyes of the two little babies, he seemed to be an omnipotent hero.

Yang Qing patted the heads of the two little ones, then took out the mobile phone and called Wang Ming, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Hey, Brother Yang, what's the matter?"

After a while, the phone was connected, and Wang Ming's voice came out. His tone seemed very busy, so Yang Qing said:

"Are you busy? If you are busy, you will be busy first. We will talk about it when you are free."

"No, I'm just coordinating and arranging the stage. I'm not too busy. Brother Yang, if you have something to say, just speak up."

Yang Qing: "Well, I just want to ask if there are any extra tickets for your sister's concert. I'll buy three more tickets for Xi'er and the others."

"Hey, that's it." Wang Ming's laughter came: "The tickets were sold out a week ago, but you don't have to worry. At 6:30, you will come directly with the cuties, and I will give you extra tickets." Sit, there are three more people, right?"

Yang Qing was taken aback, and then he said a little embarrassedly: "Sit more, is it troublesome, if it's too troublesome, forget it."

"Forget it." Wang Ming said as if he was angry: "It's just an extra seat, what's the trouble! That's it! Three, right?"

Yang Qing: ...

He was embarrassed by Wang Ming. Although they have a good relationship, this matter... hey...

Sighing with some emotion in his heart, just as he was about to speak, he saw Xiao Xi'er tug on his pants lightly, and said in a milky voice, "Brother Qing, there are Dudu and Niannian."

As soon as Xiao Xi'er finished speaking, before Yang Qing could reply, Wang Ming's voice came from the other end of the phone:

"It's Xi'er, haha... plus Dudu and Niannian, that's five, I know, brother, thank you soon"

"hiahia...thank you brother Wang Ming"

"Hee hee, thank you brother Wang Ming"

The two cubs happily yelled at the phone to thank them.

"Well, it's so cute, then we'll see each other tonight."


The phone was hung up by Wang Ming, Yang Qing looked at the two little ones jumping happily, he shook his head helplessly and said with a smile:

"Okay, go to the second floor and tell your little sisters to come to the store at 5:30, and then we will go to see your sister Ying's concert together."


The two little ones happily took their hands to the second floor, then climbed onto the small sofa, and began to make phone calls with the children's watch.

Their children's watches have newly added the numbers of Xiaoniannian and mother Dudu.

At this moment, Xiao Niannian was dangling her legs and sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, when suddenly the children's watch in her hand rang.

"Crooked~ Is it Qiu'er?"

Xiao Niannian happily connected quickly, and then Xiao Naiyin asked expectantly.

"Hee hee... every year..."

Xiao Qiuer smiled happily and told Xiao Niannian that they would go to the concert together today, and Xiao Niannian happily agreed.

After finishing the call with Xiao Niannian, Xiao Xi'er couldn't wait to call Dudu's mother.

After a while, the phone was connected, but there was no sound coming from the other side.

"Crooked~ crooked~ is anyone here? I'm Xi'er, crooked~"

Xiao Xi'er yelled, but still no one answered, her face collapsed and she said:

"Qiu'er, is Dudu not here?"

"I don't know." Xiao Qiu'er also shook her head a little disappointed.

But at this moment, a baby language suddenly came out, and Xiao Xi'er and Xiao Qiu'er's faces instantly brightened, and Qi Qi's milk cried out:



Dudu's house, it was Dudu's mother who answered the phone just now, but Xiao Xi'er seemed to have forgotten that she couldn't speak.

So the phone was connected, and when she heard the voice of little milk, she immediately understood that it was Dudu's little sister, and quickly went to find Dudu who was helping her with housework and mopping the floor, and handed the phone to Dudu beep.

Immediately, Mengyu and Babyyu chatted in such a harmonious way, and she stood aside and watched with a smile on her face.

After a while, the phone was hung up, and Dudu turned to look at her mother, then put down the mop in her little hands, and quickly started sign language with her little hands.

Seeing this, Dudu's mother quickly replied in sign language.

While exchanging and exchanging, the two seemed to have some problems and did not reach an agreement, and the frequency of sign language movements of both parties suddenly increased.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them seemed to be in a quick duel with seal seals, dazzling and joyful.

And Xiaodudu obviously couldn't argue with her mother, so she jumped up anxiously, pinching her fingerprints, and at the same time burst into baby talk:

"\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;$$\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;$\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#...Mom …Mother!"

Three clear words suddenly interspersed in the anxious baby's voice, and Dudu's mother suddenly froze in sign language, and looked at Dudu in disbelief.

Seeing that her mother stopped arguing with her, Dudu thought she had won, and was about to go back to her small room to pack her things, but was suddenly hugged by her mother.

Dudu's mother squatted in front of her, watching Dudu make a sign language with tears in her eyes.

Xiaodudu was taken aback for a moment, and then she pointed to her small mouth in disbelief.

Dudu's mother nodded vigorously, and then looked at her with tearful eyes full of expectation.

At this moment, Xiaodudu also nodded her head excitedly, and then she spoke with her little mouth.


As soon as she uttered baby words, Little Dudu looked at her mother in a daze. She wondered if her mother had heard it wrong just now.

But Dudu's mother was not disappointed, but still looked at her expectantly, and encouraged her with sign language.


Dudu's baby words came out again, but this time, encouraged by her mother, she didn't listen to it immediately, but kept uttering baby sounds quickly. After talking for nearly a minute, she still couldn't articulate the words clearly. She couldn't help but impatient.

The baby talk continued, but perhaps because of her impatience, there were two clear words in this baby talk: Mom!

Suddenly Xiaodudu was stunned, she heard it herself, and felt how she pronounced these two words.

So after her mother hugged her in tears with excitement, she yelled out these two words for the first time without the prefix of baby words:


Hearing her daughter say these two words clearly again, Dudu's mother finally couldn't help holding Xiaodudu in her arms, crying loudly.

Weep with joy!

Little Dudu couldn't help but teardrops welled up in his big eyes at this moment, and his small mouth kept calling mom... Mom...

Happiness, joy, and emotion permeated the mother and daughter at this moment.


Today's Bai Lingyue is very depressed, she knows that today is her idol's concert, she is looking forward to it, but she has nothing to do without a ticket.

Originally, she was just a little disappointed, but when Xiao Qiu'er and Xiao Xi'er were calling on the phone, she suddenly froze when she heard it.

She didn't know until now that they all had concert tickets, but only she didn't.

As a result, feelings of loss, loneliness, and sadness flooded in, and her mood dropped to the extreme in an instant.

Even so, she had to pretend that she didn't care and didn't know, and pretended to be plain with a forced smile.

She pretended for a long time. After eating at noon, she said that she had to review her homework, so she entered the room and never came out again.

Jin'er was sensitive, saw something, and told Yang Qing, Yang Qing smiled and said:

"It's okay, wait for Xiaobai to come back, let her send a surprise to her aunt"

"Yeah." Tan Jin'er nodded and smiled, "You've already seen it, so why wait for Xiaobai to come back?"

Yang Qing blinked and said with a smile, "Guess."

Tan Jiner: ...

At around 4:30 in the afternoon, Xiaobai children's shoes rushed into the store with her schoolbag on her back. She was about to run to the second floor in a hurry, but Yang Qing grabbed her.

Xiaobai→_→: "Brother Qing, why do you want to hold the baby?"

Yang Qing smiled, then handed her a concert ticket and said, "Go and give it to your aunt, and then tell your aunt that this is a gift from you and Qiu'er Xi'er."

Xiaobai children's shoes suddenly had bright eyes and a little head, grinning and saying:

"Get it!"

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