This Paladin is so despicable!

Chapter 11 Those who fool the devil

In the luxurious carriage, Wright was lying on a velvet cushion with his legs crossed, occupying most of the carriage.

Coupled with the tea set placed on the wooden table, Emily could only huddle in the corner.

Under the escort of the Punishment Black Riders, they had left the Principality of Saint Grant and headed towards the most sacred holy capital of the Church of Holy Light.

Because the triennial Holy Advent Day is approaching, there is no shortage of pilgrims from all over the mainland heading to the Holy Capital.

At least along the way, Wright and his party met several groups.

The conspicuous attire of the Punishment Black Cavalry attracted a lot of attention. But what is truly dazzling is definitely the luxurious carriage in the middle of the team.

After all, the Punishment Black Cavalry usually escorts prisoners and prison vans, but this is really the first time for them to serve as a bodyguard.

"Your Highness!"

The knight commander's voice came from outside the carriage: "The Linsheng Watch Tower is ahead. Should we supply supplies in the nearby Linta Town?"

"Need not……"


Emily almost seemed to cry out: "My legs are numb! Also, I need...I need to be more convenient!"

Wright sighed helplessly: "Okay, let's take a short rest and replenish supplies."

The knight commander quickly gave a signal to the team, indicating that the team would turn into Linta Town.

The Holy Light Church has no territory. The only thing they can call territory is probably the Holy City, the largest city in the world.

In order to prevent some unnecessary conflicts, the various national forces surrounding the Holy Capital consciously set aside a portion of the land as a buffer zone for themselves to the Holy Capital, making it convenient for pilgrims from different nationalities and ethnic groups to stop and rest here.

Over time, these buffer zones were connected together, forming a large ring-shaped area around the Holy City, known as the Holy City.

Because the border of Linsheng District is not a national border, there is no so-called border fortress. Instead, there are towering observation towers.

Pilgrims mostly use the guard tower as their first destination, where they gather to rest and replenish supplies. As a result, small towns surrounding the sentry tower gradually formed.

During the Holy Advent Ceremony every three years, these Linta towns are the most lively and prosperous days.

At this time, the town is overcrowded, and if you arrive late, you can only camp outside.

But the Punishment Black Riders naturally don't have to worry about this. Wherever they pass, whether they are devout believers or opportunistic businessmen, they all kneel on the ground.

The holy guards stationed at the guard tower were also frightened and knelt in front of the tower early to wait for the inspection.

"Are you the captain of the escort here?"

"Yes, sir! William, the little man, is at your service."

The knight commander nodded slightly: "I am Keltes, the fourth-class knight commander of the Tribunal Punishment Legion, and I am carrying out the top-secret mission of the black archbishop St. Punishment Elson.

Now, in the name of the Inquisition, your camp and all the Holy Guards, including you, are temporarily requisitioned.

Is there a problem? "

"It is our great honor to serve for the Inquisition!"

"Very good. Now the first order is to completely clear the area ten meters outside the camp. No one is allowed to approach. And set up a patrol team to patrol during the twenty-four prayers!"

"never mind."

Wright had already jumped out of the car and waved his hands towards the two of them: "The town is so big, should we drive everyone out?

It’s not like I’m shady, I can just let them see it if they want. "

"But Your Highness, safety issues..."

"Can you guys stop someone who threatens my safety? Just find a place to camp and have a good rest."


Emily also walked out of the carriage at this moment, rubbing her numb legs.

She has been pampered since she was a child, has not suffered much herself, and is a weak magician.

When Earl Lawrence sent her away, he specially prepared the most luxurious, sturdy and comfortable carriage for her, but Wright enjoyed it all.

What was most difficult for her to accept was that he actually let the succubus possess her.

Although the euphemistic name is to protect oneself, it always feels weird when there is an extra person in the body.

After a brief rest, Emily rarely had free time, so she wandered around the camp.

Looking at the bustling crowd outside the camp and the pilgrims in different costumes, I couldn't help but feel very strange. But what followed immediately was a strong feeling of homesickness.

"Missing home? No wonder, after all, this is your first time away from home."

Emily trembled subconsciously. After so long, she was still not used to the sudden appearance of another person's voice in her mind.

"Lilith, could you say hello before you speak next time?"

"Hehehe, no. I'm a devil. Do you still expect me to be considerate?"

"Speaking of this, I still want to ask you. As a demon, why do you obey that guy Wright? Although he is more of a demon than a demon, he is still a paladin in essence."

Lilith chuckled twice: "This thing is interesting. It was several years ago that Wright suddenly appeared in the sight of the Hell Demon.

He sells his soul to the demon gods in various hell planes in the form of soul contracts.

The demon gods didn't think much about it at that time. After all, selling souls to demons was simply a daily routine in hell. "

"Wait! How did he sign so many soul contracts when he was only one person?"

Lilith sighed: "Then I don't know. I also asked him, and he said he found a loophole in the contract.

Although he didn't know the principle, he did sell his soul many times.

This leads to the fact that if he dies, the ownership of his soul will be a mystery.

Originally, this matter was not a big deal, after all, it is only a person's soul. Its value in hell is similar to a few copper pesos.

But later, he did something that even the devil could not tolerate, causing the value of his soul to rise all the way in hell.

Three demon kings publicly claimed ownership of his soul, two demon emperors built a lost paradise specifically for him, and countless demon gods were extremely angry and said they must torture his soul.

Before he died, hell launched at least four wars because of the ownership of his soul, causing countless casualties..."

Emily shuddered: "What has he done?"

"Well... including but not limited to, using the power of the contract to summon two demon gods and asking them to fight. Wright called it a fight with crickets in hell.

He also broadcast live broadcasts to hell through the magic circle, and encouraged some demons to open handicap to bet on who would win and who would lose.

Also, in order to cope with the daily tasks of the Church of Holy Light, demons were summoned and sent to the Tribunal for recharge.

Summon common demons and let the opponent reveal their weaknesses, then compile them into a book and hand it over to the church to get various mission rewards.

And, because he was too bored, he summoned the succubus and asked the other party to sing and dance to relieve his boredom.

Because he had no money to spend, he summoned a group of demons to work as coolies and became a contractor to pocket the wages.

He summoned the hellhound and asked it to find his other pair of socks.

He summoned the Infernal Fire Demon and made the opponent lie on the ground as a barbecue grill...

There are also some that are so wicked that I can’t say anything about them. "

Emily's eyelids were twitching. How evil could the devil not want to mention?

"Then how did you come to him?"


At this moment, the Knight Commander came to Emily: "Miss Emily, Your Highness will let you pass."

Lilith laughed: "Just right, you can ask him the rest and see what he says."

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