The World of Evil God game

Chapter 216 Hearty Treatment

"It's getting late, God of War's show is almost over."

Shang Lin looked at the time display on the virtual screen. The progress bar of the God of War program had basically bottomed out.

How do you evaluate these little tips for first aid in the field?

"What kind of first aid? Where is the first aid? This guy is not only the Riddler, but now the composition of the medical team is getting more and more outrageous."

"Before, there were only some heroic spirits and mortals, but now even giant dragons and inexplicable paladins have come out."

The Puppet God is more concerned about time, because the next program is to appreciate his sculptures and buildings. He just happened to be beaten by the AI ​​while playing a game, and the time for the explosion of his own civilization was just right.

Let’s look at God of War again. If this guy hadn’t been the Riddler and asked to be stopped by name, this would have aroused the interest of the gods. As a result, the civilization that was going to compete in the resurrection game would change from a single family to a large number of people. people.

“Speaking of this extreme therapy, it’s really difficult to learn.”

In the show, although the God of War is trying his best to popularize some commonly used battlefield first aid surgeries and quick prayer methods, the vacuum cleaner on his back and the paladin who constantly refreshes the ash pile and opens a resurrection hotspot to help people resurrect are even more attractive than him. Attention.

The protagonist was overshadowed by the supporting characters. The ratings showed that the "target of attention" of most viewers was not the God of War itself, but the Paladin.

"Ah, there is nothing we can do about this situation. All the civilians in this kingdom were eaten by the escaped ancient gods. Now if those civilians are resurrected, will this be a novel experience for them?"

"I suddenly thought of an unscrupulous business. What do you guys think? Will the God of War open a [One-day Death Tour] business project to experience various different ways of death, and then rely on the Paladin to pull people up? This project charges a hell of a lot of money. Not five thousand gold coins at a time?”

"Paid death? Roaring, I don't think there is anything wrong with Death God's business of paying for resurrection. It just simplifies the resurrection process and eliminates the trouble of finding priests and necromancers. But I really don't like this paid death. I don’t understand! I always thought you were mentally ill, but now I don’t understand what you are saying, and I am shocked. Your purpose has been achieved!”

"What are you all paying attention to? Am I the only one who thinks that paladin's magic is weird?"

The God of Rumble and the God of Narrative were still having a heated discussion about the Pay to Die business, but the God of Painting intervened.

The white-haired loli pointed at the paladin in the background of the show and said curiously:

"That paladin obviously didn't actively use the Holy Light Magic on anyone. He just squatted there and browsed the forum. Then a strange light circled around his body, and people kept resurrecting in the ashes around him. What is this? "

"Why haven't I seen this resurrection technique in the hands of various priests in this era?"

"I heard the God of War say that it's a new resurrection spell they developed [Type II Contagious Resurrection Technique]. Isn't that what the hell name it is? Can resurrection spells be contagious?"

Shang Lin: "It's probably a kind of magic like a signal base station. The contagion resurrection spell sounds too unpleasant, so let's just call it resurrection of hot spots."

"He probably used the magical power as a signal, or a 'faith wave' to spread out. Therefore, units of the same type will be selected with one click. After receiving the signal, the first person will be resurrected, and the resurrection power in it will After resurrecting a person, it will be transferred to the nearest deceased person."

In layman's terms, does the contagious resurrection spell sound like some kind of evil spell, or does the resurrection hotspot sound reliable? Shang Lin had already thought about this when he saw the paladin using this strange resurrection spell. word.

The fixed resurrection point is too far, the moving priests and necromancers are too expensive, and the magical power consumed for resurrection is not small. So now that there is this new spell, it means that everyone can die together in the future. When one person is resurrected, others can catch the signal and "resurrection by the way."

This is great because it eliminates the "kind-hearted pastor passing by to help me resurrect" step, because not all pastors passing by will be kind-hearted people, and they may not even be passing by.

And there is another very important point - the forward swing of casting is omitted, and there is no casting action.

"Speaking of which, if a deceased person has been dead for many years but his soul is still lingering in the same place, will he be resurrected after receiving a signal?"

"The undead in the Pale World. They are also specialized in Holy Light. Can they learn this kind of magic?"

Shang Lin thought for a while, and then suddenly woke up.

No, the protagonist of this show is the Paladin, the God of War.

"Okay. Let's take a look at the God of War again. We must admit that the God of War provided quite a lot of new magic in this show. Judging from his demonstration, it is indeed very practical."

The new magic spells demonstrated by the God of War in the show, except for the inconsequential forced charging spell (the new use of the vacuum cleaner developed by Ms. Explosion) and the inexplicable "resurrection hotspot", the [quick blood exchange] he first provided was the first thing that many people who have experienced blood loss have experienced. Good news to many.

First of all, you must perform "void registration". When you are about to die, quickly open the forum. If it cannot be opened, silently recite or think about the full name of the God of War in your heart.

If you recite it silently or think twice, you can automatically open the forum, then jump to the God of War's store interface, automatically register in the void, and print out a debt note. The important thing is to treat the disease first and pay later.

Then the [Quick Blood Exchange] project will be opened for you.

There is nothing strange about this little magic. It just automatically collects the blood near you and integrates and recycles them. It ignores racial and physiological differences and does not cause blood type rejection.

"The nearby blood is automatically collected for you, and the blood type is automatically matched. For example, if there is no other blood to collect except the blood flowing out from oneself near the death area, and the patient is still at risk of excessive blood loss, the [rapid blood transfusion] project will Forcefully summon a vampire and drain his blood."

"No, there seems to be something wrong with forcibly summoning a vampire to draw blood."

"But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem wrong! Vampires don't look at blood types when sucking blood. Isn't this just a living blood type bank? Oh no, malt doesn't count."

Among all the vampires and advanced vampires, it seems that the blue vampire is the weird one at present, and Malt is the weirdest among the weird. She should not meet the summoning conditions.

Shang Lin didn't know what Mai Ya, as his own pope, would think after watching this show. And apart from Mal Ya, it seemed that Tanya might also be randomly summoned?

"This second project is so outrageous!"

The other gods nearby were also watching the God of War's program summary.

The second project is about [Ultra-high-speed pharmaceuticals].

On the battlefield, or in some special environments, if you encounter some special diseases or toxins, and after being infected, you lack the corresponding antidote at hand, you can also open the forum at this time, or silently meditate or think to yourself. The operation method is the same. of.

The [Ultra-fast Pharmaceutical] project can provide patients with one or more [special new drugs that have no effect].

The project will quickly collect all surrounding materials for preparation to achieve the most suitable toxin storage environment, and then take this useless medicine. The medicine cannot cure people's diseases, but it can cure the toxins in the patient's body, including mental health. Abnormality and confusion.

This magic project is an extension of the psychotropic antiseptic agent. It changes the subject that needs to be treated, achieving a contradictory result that does not cure the disease but can cure the disease.

"Ah? What is this? Am I blind?"

"No, I'm poisoned. This medicine doesn't cure me, it treats the toxin. So once the toxin is cured, it's no longer poisonous, right? If you have a mental disorder, it won't be abnormal if you remove the abnormality. Then am I still doing prostitution for free? Got a copy of the antibody? The principle is...forget it, the Paladin has been infected with the Holy Light, so what's the principle?"

“Although it’s a bit outrageous, I still think it should be very useful!”

This is the evaluation of the gods. Their expressions are very wonderful. Even a guy like the God of Roar who wears a mask can still read his mood at this time from the wonderful atmosphere around him.

Then came the third project.

[Temporary bloodline change].

It can be used in any crisis situation. The usage method is the same as other items. After it is turned on, the bloodline can be temporarily changed in the corresponding scene, but the appearance will not be changed.

"What kind of medical project is there to identify relatives everywhere! Except for some special places that may need to match bloodlines, I really can't think of any use for this thing!"

"That's not right. Didn't you mention some special places?" The Puppet God responded to the Roaring God's complaints and began to enter fantasy time:

"There are some ancient mages and warlocks. They will build some special buildings, secret realms, dungeons, tree stumps, torches, and even dream spaces, and set up identification measures corresponding to races and bloodlines. I can imagine that once this thing If it is used on a large scale, many ancient treasures that are difficult to open will probably be unpacked.”

"There are even more powerful ones." The God of Narration pushed up his glasses and added: "In various inheritance systems of various kingdoms, monarchs, and ruling classes in the mortal world, with this medical project, temporary bloodline changes can be achieved. Change, it does not say that changing bloodline is based on race, that is to say, it can also be done within a race.”

"There is no need for illegitimate children now. You can just pull a passerby on the street and say that he is a descendant of the king. But since there is this project to change the bloodline, the God of War will definitely launch a [bloodline testing project] with great fanfare later, but he will not We will launch it now, and we must make a profit first.”

White-haired loli: "Huh? Why is there another testing project when there is already a project to change bloodlines?"

Narrative God: "Because this way the hospital can get two cents of the money, and maybe even make a lot more."

Next comes the fourth and final medical project.

[Forced Life Cycle].

The usage of this project is the same as other projects. When the situation is too bad and exceeds the treatment range of other projects, you can purchase this project and use it after registering in the void.

No matter how deteriorated the body's functions are, it is possible to forcibly maintain a [healthy] state. This is a conceptual state. It is a new project secretly developed by the God of War Medical Order and the Impure Church in cooperation with each other.

All physical abnormalities are judged as [impure], while all normal states are marked as [healthy].

Use this project to bid farewell to the fate of cannon fodder from now on. Everyone can be the god of the battlefield, one against ten thousand!

Even if he is hit by a million arrows, two million bullets, ten million sword wounds, his organs are completely rotten, his intestines are flying, and his bones are powdery fractured, he can still maintain his "original posture" to fight, and he can even walk to the hospital normally. Offline registration for treatment!

It should be noted that the [health] state brought about by this project is not permanent, and although it is a healthy state, all injuries and organ damage on the body will not change, and it will still maintain its original appearance, so It is a [forced life cycle] rather than a real [health magic].

It is a kind of magic that changes the concept of common sense.

As soon as this project came out, whether it was the gods in the digital space or the gods and mortals in other places, all the churches, all the warriors, except for the group of players who opened the dungeon with Hong Lingge, all fell into collective silence.

"No. One million arrows, two million bullets. Can I understand that the colander has a bunch of toothpicks stuck in it? Isn't it a bit too much to still be alive?"

Even if some people say this, there are actually not a few people who have started sending letters to the God of War Medical Order.

Although its publicity is outrageous, in fact, there are still many diseases that require this project. Some diseases require the patient to be in a sub-healthy state or above for surgery, so the success rate will be higher. Although most hospitals in the world do It is opened by the God of War, but there are also a small number of medical facilities that have nothing to do with the God of War.

Moreover, the doctors of the Medical Association have high and low skills. With this project, all patients can perform surgeries in a [temporary healthy] state.

"In summary, the medical projects are very useful, and the Ares Hospital is going to make a lot of money again. I firmly believe that more combat accidents will definitely happen in hospitals in the future, and it is no longer a battle between doctors and patients, but the battle between the patients themselves. It will come in while fighting.”

"That would be better. Originally, the patients came here to get their blood tested. Half of them got into fights and injuries, and they could earn a few more orthopedics fees. If the injuries were serious, they would be hospitalized directly for injections, surgery, amputation, wheelchairs, and one-stop service."

“It’s such a hearty treatment!”

The God of War program is coming to an end. I believe that from this moment on, the hospital’s passenger flow will increase significantly.

"Ah, suddenly there is a complaint."

Shang Lin discovered that there was a complaint in the background, and it was not anonymously signed by [God of the Battlefield].

"Who is this? Aren't all the gods of war defeated by the gods of war? Are there other gods of war besides the gods of war?"

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