The villain's side of the novel

62 The Royal party---2---

"Are you ready? Do you remember your tasks?" Fray asked, sitting in a small but luxurious room adorned with expensive materials. Before him sat Casper, Rin, and the two siblings, all wearing serious expressions. They responded in unison, "Yes, sir, we're ready."

"Good. Remember, in this mission, failing is not an option," Fray reminded them. He then glanced at Eris, who wore a complex expression, and continued, "Okay, let's go."

With those words, Fray opened a small gate near his seat, revealing a huge and luxurious cart. He stepped out into a corridor adorned with opulent magic lamps, leading to the entrance of a palace. The corridor bustled with other luxurious carts transporting dignitaries in extravagant attire, creating an atmosphere of activity and festivity.

Fray thought to himself, (It seems the party has already begun,) as he made his way toward the entrance of the banquet hall. He walked with steady steps, his usual cold expression intact.

Casper, watching Fray disappear into the distance, expressed his excitement, (It's still two hours before the event starts. That's very exciting!) Suddenly, he noticed Fray's absence and asked, "Rin, it's your turn... What? Where did he go?"

"We don't know, sir," the two siblings replied, looking around suspiciously, unable to locate the character who had vanished without a trace.

At the entrance to the party hall, two muscular guards stood watch, each possessing the strength of a warrior from the Fifth Kingdom. It was forbidden to bring escorts to the party, so guards were stationed at the door to enforce this rule—one invitation allowed entry for one person.

Fray approached the entrance of the party hall, where two imposing gate guards stood watch. Their physiques exuded strength, befitting warriors from the prestigious Fifth Kingdom. As per the party rules, no escorts were allowed, necessitating the presence of guards to enforce the restriction.

"Hello," Fray greeted the guards politely, his hand poised to hand over the party invitation. However, just as he was about to extend his arm, the invitation slipped from his grasp, fluttering down to the ground.

The guards, caught off guard by the sudden mishap, found themselves taken aback. Their eyes widened, their expressions turning from curiosity to surprise, and then to sheer terror. The invitation lay forgotten as their focus shifted to something far more unsettling.

"Oh, my God!!!" one of the guards uttered, his voice quivering with fear. His face paled, and a thin sheen of sweat formed on his forehead.

The other guard, although not as overtaken by dread, still felt an overwhelming paralysis gripping him, rendering him unable to move or speak.

In an instant, an aura of immense power and terror enveloped the guards, assaulting their senses and leaving them on the brink of collapse. The sheer weight of the aura bore down upon them, threatening to knock them to the ground.

Summoning their experience and training, the guards fought to regain control of themselves, their expressions transitioning from initial fear to cautious readiness. They braced themselves for the formidable threat that emanated from the source of the terrifying aura.

However, as abruptly as it had appeared, the overwhelming aura dissipated, leaving the guards bewildered and shaken. Their eyes darted around, searching for the source of the aura that had so ruthlessly affected them.

Fray, maintaining his composure, addressed them calmly, "Ah, sorry. I was a little surprised by the fall of the invitation, so I lost control of my aura." He then bent down gracefully to retrieve the fallen invitation, his movements betraying no hint of the immense power he possessed.

One of the guards, still recovering from the ordeal, managed to stammer, "Oh! No problem," as he gingerly took the invitation from Fray's outstretched hand. With trembling fingers, he scrutinized the document to confirm its authenticity.

After a few moments, the guard nodded and gestured for Fray to proceed, saying, "Okay, you can come in."

With a nod of acknowledgement, Fray passed through the entrance and entered the bustling party hall, leaving the guards in a state of awe and curiosity. They exchanged glances, their voices hushed as they whispered to each other.

"Oh my God, what was that?" one of the guards murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

"How could someone exude such a terrifying aura merely from being surprised by an invitation falling?" the other guard wondered aloud.

"Actually, no matter how powerful a person is, it's difficult for them to control such a violent aura all the time. It makes sense for someone to lose control of such power from time to time."

"Yes, you're right. But what has he been through to possess such a horrifying aura at such a young age?"

The aura reflected a person's presence, representing their personal strength, true personality, and the power of their soul. Warriors often concealed their auras, as they contained crucial information. This process required great control and focus, making it common for individuals to momentarily lose control under certain pressures.

However, Fray's late arrival meant that the celebration hall was already brimming with guests who were enjoying the festivities. Fray stepped into the generating hall, a magnificent space adorned with opulence and grandeur. The hall was vast, its high ceiling embellished with intricate designs and adorned with shimmering chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow over the room. Luxurious tapestries and artwork adorned the walls, depicting scenes of epic battles, mythical creatures, and majestic landscapes.

The hall was alive with the energy of the festivities. Guests swayed to the enchanting melodies played by a live orchestra, their laughter and animated conversations filling the air. The atmosphere was electric, as if every corner of the hall was imbued with anticipation and excitement.

Seeking a moment of solitude, Fray skillfully navigated through the crowd, blending into the sea of elegantly dressed guests. He reached a corner of the hall, where he found respite from the clamor. Holding a drink in his hand, he leaned against a decorative pillar, observing the scene with a detached gaze.

As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, a young girl with flowing blonde hair approached him tentatively. Fray's cold expression remained unchanged, and his demeanor exuded an aura of distant reserve.

"M-Mr. Fray, hello," the girl greeted him nervously, her voice tinged with a hint of trepidation.

Fray's gaze shifted towards her, his icy stare piercing through her. The once familiar warmth in his eyes had been replaced with disappointment and disdain. His voice, devoid of warmth, cut through the air as he replied, "Hello, Third Princess."

The girl, identified as Zina, couldn't help but feel a wave of confusion wash over her. Fray's coldness and disappointment were unfamiliar and unwarranted. Their previous interactions had been filled with respect and a semblance of camaraderie. She found herself grappling with the sudden change in his demeanor, desperate to understand the reason behind it.

Summoning her courage, Zina asked in a trembling voice, "Can I talk to you for a while, if you don't mind?"

Fray's anger surged within him, his frustration palpable. The lines on his face deepened, accentuating his cold expression. He spoke with an icy edge, his words dripping with displeasure, "Zina, what do you want?"

Confusion and hurt filled Zina's eyes as she responded in a sorrowful tone, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

She couldn't comprehend why Fray regarded her with such disappointment and disapproval. Their relationship, though not perfect, had always been amicable. The sudden change in Fray's demeanor left her searching for answers, yearning to bridge the gap that had seemingly formed between them.

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