The villain's side of the novel

61 The Royal party ---1---

In the grand mansion nestled in Morial City, a palpable tension hung in the air, weaving its way through the opulent corridors. A red-haired young man, his face contorted with anger, engaged in a heated exchange with his sister, Lisa. Their voices reverberated through the spacious room, amplifying their disagreement over the family's revered research and the perilous involvement of an outsider.

"Lisa, are you kidding me?" the young man exclaimed, his frustration evident in every word. "Even if you believe he's the chosen one, it doesn't grant you the right to jeopardize centuries of our family's sacred research."

Seated across from her brother, Lisa endeavored to pacify him, her voice tinged with understanding. She acknowledged the immeasurable value of their research while maintaining that the outsider, who had once saved her life, deserved inclusion. "Brother, I comprehend the risks involved, but if his claims hold truth, his contribution could prove invaluable. Moreover, we cannot afford to harbor hostility towards him at this critical juncture," she earnestly explained, her voice carrying an air of gravity.

Taken aback by her response, the older brother found himself momentarily at a loss for words. "Why can't we be hostile? Our family has withstood the tests of time," he argued with fervor, a hint of defiance coloring his voice.

But then, Lisa dropped a bombshell that shattered her brother's certainty. "He knows about Lyve," she revealed, her words striking him like a lightning bolt.

Shock etched across his features, the older brother questioned the unfathomable revelation. "Impossible! How could he possibly possess such knowledge?" he queried, his voice trembling with disbelief.

"I cannot fathom how he discovered our well-guarded secret, but that is not the only reason why he poses a threat," Lisa responded, her voice lowered to a hushed tone. She recounted the memory of a fearsome werewolf monster that the outsider had effortlessly vanquished, leaving her with a lingering sense of dread. "Even if he were unaware of our concealed truths, I doubt we could emerge victorious against the Pradas as effortlessly as we anticipate."

Lisa's firsthand encounter with the overwhelming aura emanating from the outsider had left an indelible impression. It had caused her to lose consciousness, its intensity unrivaled by any force she had encountered before. Gradually, she had come to realize that this unfathomable power was somehow intertwined with Fray, the young man who had intervened on their behalf. The mere thought of confronting such a dangerous force sent a chill down her spine, unsettling her to the core.

**A few days later**

A few days had passed since the preparations began for the grand annual founding party of Lionar Kingdom. Excitement hung in the air, and whispers of anticipation filled the palace corridors. As the day arrived, the doors of the majestic royal palace swung open, welcoming a procession of opulent wagons bearing the emblems of the most powerful families in the kingdom. With each carriage that entered, the party hall grew livelier, the air buzzing with anticipation. The event had not yet begun, and yet it was already half-filled with distinguished guests. This esteemed gathering presented an unparalleled opportunity to express goodwill towards the royal family and forge alliances with the influential families that held unlimited authority over the continent. Every faction lucky enough to receive an invitation understood the gravity of attending this illustrious affair.

Prior to entering the celebration hall, my sister Noelle, who bore the weight of our family's expectations as the First Princess, addressed us with a solemn tone. Her eyes scanned our assembled ranks, and I couldn't help but notice a flicker of concern in her gaze. Her words carried a weight that resonated deeply within me, although I found my mind drifting, preoccupied by the image of a tall man with piercing eyes and an enigmatic, cold expression. It bewildered me that he haunted my thoughts even now. Our relationship had crumbled and faded into the past long ago, and yet the memory of his presence at the ill-fated dinner party lingered, along with the lingering discomfort that accompanied it.

"Remember," Noelle's voice cut through the haze in my mind, demanding my full attention. "Because of the incident at the previous dinner party, many eyes are already upon us. You must understand that tonight, as we step into that hall, you will be representing the royal family in its entirety."

"Yes, sister, I understand," I replied, my voice infused with determination. The voices of my other sisters echoed my sentiment, their words blending with mine, creating a unified front.

"Very well. Let us proceed," Noelle announced, turning gracefully on her heels to lead the way towards the banquet hall.

As I prepared to follow in her footsteps, a sudden jolt slammed into my body, propelling me forward. I stumbled, caught off guard by the forceful impact. Iman, my sister known for her sly and devious nature, had deliberately collided with me. Her voice dripped with provocation as she spoke, intent on belittling me further.

"Did you even hear what our sister said?" Iman taunted, a hint of superiority in her tone. "Try not to embarrass us again."

Iman's words stung, but before I could gather my thoughts, Mira, the Fifth Princess and my younger sister, chimed in, her voice laced with a mocking edge. "Iman, dear sister, don't waste your time on her. Just look at that worn-out dress she's wearing. Her mere presence alone is an embarrassment to our family."

I glanced down at the garment I was forced to wear, a testament to my sisters' cruelty. It was an old and tattered dress, far from the elegance and sophistication befitting the occasion. The royal designer, under their influence, had insisted that it was the only gown remaining after my sisters had claimed all the other available options. It was painfully clear to me that this was yet another calculated move in their ongoing campaign to tarnish my reputation. The anger within me swelled, its fire threatening to consume my composure. Yet, I knew that succumbing to my emotions would only grant them further satisfaction. With a deep breath and a heavy sigh, I suppressed my anger and muttered a forced apology.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, my voice tinged with

 resignation. With a heavy heart, I fell in line behind the First Princess, my steps echoing hers as we made our way towards the hall of celebration. The weight of their disdain and my own sense of isolation bore down upon me, but I resolved to endure this night, for the sake of the royal family and my own resilience.

As I crossed the threshold into the grand hall, adorned with dazzling chandeliers and opulent decor, a surge of determination coursed through me. I would not allow their taunts or the memories of the past to dictate my present. I would navigate this evening with grace and poise, embodying the resilience that resided deep within my spirit. Though I wore a dress that mocked my worth, I would carry myself with the regality and dignity that befitted a princess of Lionar Kingdom. Tonight, I would rise above the schemes and machinations, proving that my spirit could not be easily broken.

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