The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 36 Hungary, a country with great suffering and hatred

"Kun. Bela?" Hersman only remembered seeing this name in the report. He seemed to be a Hungarian, but he couldn't remember what this person did for a moment.

Chloe was very familiar with him. She whispered: "This Kun. Bela is a big shot. He is a Hungarian Jew who studied law at Cluj University in Transylvania. Later, he interrupted his studies to engage in political activities. He joined the Hungarian Social Democratic Party in 1902 and was the leader of the Transylvanian workers' movement. After the outbreak of the war, he was mobilized to join the army and was captured by Russia in 1916. He joined the Bolsheviks in the Tomsk prisoner-of-war camp. After the October Revolution, he arrived in Petrograd, met Comrade Lenin, and organized the Hungarian Bolshevism Group. He is still the chairman of the Bolshevik Central League of Foreign Countries and the leader of the International Brigade."

"An old Social Democratic Party member in 1902 and a leader of the Transylvanian workers' movement... He was mobilized to join the army!" Hersman rolled his eyes. Are the secret police of the Austro-Hungarian Empire eating dry food? That's right, they are indeed eating dry food! If the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a Stasi, the Sarajevo incident would never have happened! And Princess Sissi would not have been stabbed to death by gangsters with awls while shopping.

At this time, Hersman remembered that there was a Hungarian Soviet Republic in history! It was not a republic that fought guerrilla warfare in the mountains, but it could represent Hungary internationally, and it seemed that it sent representatives to participate in the Paris Peace Conference. But in the end, the Allies sent troops to wipe it out!

This Béla Kun was probably the leader of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, right?

Just thinking about this, the Hungarian revolutionary had already walked quickly through the passage and waved to Chloe, saying: "Chloe, I didn't expect to meet you again in Pskov, what a coincidence."

Really a coincidence? Hersman was very skeptical.

"Kun, I'm here to pick up my fiancé in Pskov." Chloe pointed at Hersman and said, "Ludwig Hersman, general manager of the Russian-German Economic Promotion Company."

"Russian-German Promotion Company? It's a big company!" Bella Kuhn smiled and stretched out her right hand, "I'm Bella Kuhn of the Foreign Central Alliance, nice to meet you."

Hersman stretched out his hand and shook hands with Bella Kuhn, speaking politely. In his heart, he was trying to recall the history of Hungary - in later life, he didn't know much about Hungarian history, it was just an inconspicuous small European country. The only history that can be remembered is that there was a Hungarian Soviet Republic after the end of World War I, and it became Germany's younger brother during World War II, which was the Hungarian October Incident in 1956.

But after his recollection, he was shocked. In his memory of this life, Hungary is a great country. The official name of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is "the kingdom and royal territory represented by the Imperial Parliament and the territory of the Crown of St. Stephen of Hungary".

The "Crown of Saint Stephen of Hungary" is what people generally think of as Hungary, or Greater Hungary, with a territory of 325,000 square kilometers! It is about the same size as the later unified Federal Republic of Germany. In Europe, where small countries are everywhere, this is definitely a big country. And the Hungary of later generations, in Hirschman's impression, is only more than 90,000 square kilometers, and it is still a landlocked country, without even an outlet to the sea (Greater Hungary has an outlet to the sea).

In other words, because of the failure of the First World War, the Hungarians lost more than 70% of their territory. Hungary fell from a great European power to an inconspicuous landlocked small country, and it was N times more miserable than the German Empire. No wonder it had to make a Soviet revolution.

It seems that the common interests of Germany and the Soviet Union have been found for some time in the future! Thinking of this, Hirschman's mood suddenly became much better.


After meeting with Bella Kuhn, Hirschman and Chloe really got a box on the special train of the Foreign Central Alliance. There was a strong train smell in the compartment. The red chair covers were covered with dust and were very worn. There were also two bunks, both very narrow.

After entering the compartment, Chloe put away her luggage, took out a rag from somewhere and started wiping everywhere, as if a housewife was cleaning the room. Hersman knew that she was a little bit of a germaphobe. But he didn't go up to help, but sat down on the sofa chair in a dignified manner.

"No one will come to clean the carriage," Chloe explained to Hersman while cleaning the carriage, "I have been back and forth between Moscow and Petrograd many times, and I have never seen a crew come to clean. They also don't serve tea to passengers, everything has to be done by themselves. In addition, there is usually no food in the dining car, and the food supply is becoming increasingly tight. But this is a special train chartered by the Bolshevik Foreign Central League, and they will not be careless about the issue of food."

At this time, the train began to slide slowly, making a very loud vibration and noise, which meant that the Russian railway had fallen into disrepair and was just barely maintaining. Since the Russo-German company was now the largest supplier of industrial equipment to Russia, Hessman knew that in the past year and a half, Russia had gone from being the fifth or sixth largest industrialized country in the world to an agricultural country... No, it wasn't even an agricultural country, because agricultural products were even more scarce than industrial products. Even though machine-gun grain collection teams were used to rob farmers of their "surplus grain," the food supply in Petrograd and Moscow had dropped significantly compared to before the revolution, because the surplus grain had to be turned in, and the farmers had no motivation to grow crops.

In short, the country of Russia has almost collapsed now, but Russia's prestige still exists! Hersman thought to himself: In fact, now is the best time to destroy Russia. This polar bear is so weak that it has little power to resist the invasion of a powerful enemy. Unfortunately, none of Russia's enemies could seize this fleeting opportunity.

Hirschmann felt sorry for international capitalism. There was a sudden knock on the door of the box, and Chloe, who had finished cleaning, shouted: "Please come in."

Then I saw Kun Bella and Natalie walking in together. Natalie was still wearing the old yellow and green military uniform, carrying a basket in her hand, which contained some snacks, a military kettle and four cup.

"Let's have some coffee, the best Russian coffee, just made in the dining car." Natalie said hello to Hersman and Chloe, then turned on the kettle, and the rich aroma immediately floated in the box. .

"Mr. Hersman, I think you must know the "Fourteen Points for Peace" proposed by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson."

Kun Bella didn't ramble any more and got straight to the point as soon as he sat down.

"I know," Hersman nodded, "That's a conspiracy! A conspiracy to undermine the fighting spirit of the people of Germany and Austria-Hungary!"

"It's a pity that the King of Hungary was the first to lose his fighting spirit!" Kun Bella said, "This is the king's betrayal of the Hungarian people!"

The King of Hungary refers to Charles I, Emperor of Austria-Hungary. Unlike the more stubborn Wilhelm II, Karl I was bent on seeking peace after coming to power. In 1917, secret negotiations were held with France through Prince Sixtus of Parma, and it is said that he even went to meet and negotiate with Tsar Nicholas II in person. Unfortunately, the peace talks did not succeed. Instead, people broke the news and met with opposition at home and abroad (Germany).

And recently, when the Ludendorff Offensive ran into trouble. Rumors that Karl I was prepared to accept the "Fourteen Points of Peace Conditions" began to spread in Austria-Hungary again - for people at Kun Bella's level, it was no longer a rumor but reliable news!

Contrary to the fact that many people in Germany who long for peace believe that the "Fourteen Points of Peace Conditions" can be accepted, people of insight in Hungary realize that accepting the peace conditions proposed by the Americans means the collapse of Greater Hungary!


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