Liu Tao looked thoughtful.

This was something he hadn't considered before.

In the past, Panshan Machinery Factory was small. Although it was a military factory, it was highly concealed and had very small targets. It was not easy to be discovered. Even if it was discovered, it would have little value in bombing attacks.

After all, the value of one missile or the cost of a bombing may far exceed the entire Panshan Machinery Factory.

But it's different now. Panshan Machinery Factory has become bigger and can be easily discovered from aerial reconnaissance.

At this time, the space technology of the United States and the Soviet Union was already very advanced, and a large number of military reconnaissance satellites were deployed in space. It is estimated that it would be difficult to avoid the reconnaissance of space satellites.

Behind the southern monkeys, isn’t it because of the polar bears?

Polar bears provide intelligence, and the Southern Monkeys have thousands of aircraft, including about 120 MiG-21s, 2 MiG-21P reconnaissance aircraft, and dozens of Su-22 attack aircraft, plus F- It has 20 5 fighter jets and 19 A-39 attack aircraft. Its air power still ranks third in the world.

If the monkey goes crazy, Panshan Machinery Factory will suffer.

Even if there is an air-raid shelter, people can enter the air-raid shelter, but there is nothing that machines, equipment and factories can do.

"Director, this is not a problem. It is a problem now, but in at least one year, this problem will be solved!" Liu Tao said with confidence.

With an item upgrade system, and then developing anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft missiles, this problem will no longer be a problem.

"One year? Isn't it a problem?" Wang Tiezhu looked puzzled: "What solution do you have?"

Liu Tao said: "Director, you will know when the time comes!"

Liu Tao did not directly tell him his plan. The matter had to be kept secret until it was figured out.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain clearly with ten mouths.

Missile technology is the most cutting-edge and advanced technology in the world. There are only a handful of people in the world who can develop missiles.

He was not a professional in this field before, so how can he explain this?

"As long as you have an idea." Wang Tiezhu nodded slightly.

Then Wang Tiezhu explained some things.

The next morning, around nine o'clock.

The provincial auditorium was decorated with lights and colorful ribbons, and some flowers were arranged, making it look very festive.

There were many people sitting down there, including reporters.

A commendation meeting was being held at this time, and the leader personally awarded a red certificate and a bonus to Liu Tao.

In the auditorium, there was warm applause.

The whole ceremony lasted for a full hour. The leader spoke highly of Liu Tao and called on the whole province to learn from Liu Tao and contribute to the construction of the motherland.

I don't know how many people looked at the very young Liu Tao with disbelief and shock. Liu Tao was really too young, but they were shocked by Liu Tao's achievements.

That result is really dazzling!

Of course, many people's eyes were filled with fire when they found out about the bonus.

That's a huge sum of money.

It is equivalent to the total salary of many cadres for several years.

With this bonus, Liu Tao easily became a household worth ten thousand yuan.

At the beginning of the year, the chief designer proposed the idea of ​​"let some farmers get rich first." In February, Renren Daily reported on the deeds of "Huang Xinwen" under the title "Live a prosperous life through hard work": Xiaolan In 1978, Huang Xinwen, a member of the Second Production Team of the Second Brigade of Xixi Commune, relied on his income from participating in the collective labor of the production team and developing a family sideline business mainly focused on raising pigs. His total annual income reached 10,700 yuan. After deducting the cost of the family sideline business, his net income was More than 5,900 yuan.

This is the first "Ten Thousand Yuan Household" of farmers that appeared after the founding of the Republic. The Ten Thousand Yuan Household has become a remarkable family.

You must know that in this era, the price of rice is 0.14 yuan/jin, the price of meat is 0.95 yuan/jin, gifts to relatives are about 2 yuan, and New Year's money is 0.1-0.2 yuan. Ten thousand yuan can buy a lot of things. The workers' salary is generally about 28 yuan per month, and there are relatively few people with deposits of 1,000 yuan.

And now, Liu Tao has become a "ten thousand-yuan household" by relying on technology, which is enough to be enviable.

Liu Tao wasn't too excited. After all, he was already a "10,000-yuan household" last year. After the commendation meeting, Liu Tao and his leaders came to the conference room.

When the leader took the initiative to ask if there were any difficulties that needed to be solved by the province, Liu Tao also took the opportunity to bring them up.

When they heard that Panshan Machinery Factory had provided its own funds to build a large and medium-sized hydropower station, the leaders were very curious.

A medium-sized reservoir requires an investment of tens of millions; a large reservoir requires an investment of over 50 million!

For medium and large reservoirs, decisions are often made in meetings at the provincial level, and leaders are very aware of this.

Leaders still clearly remember that the Maojiacun Reservoir was sited and selected by the State Hydropower Administration and Soviet experts in the 1950s. It was constructed by 100,000 troops in 1958 and took ten years to complete. It has a total storage capacity of 553 million cubic meters and a designed power generation capacity of 1.6 billion kWh. The annual average 1.2 billion degrees, with an irrigated area of ​​130,000 acres.

The total investment is as high as hundreds of millions of yuan, and the total cost of the dam alone is nearly 80 million yuan.

"If the construction is funded by Panshan Machinery Factory, the province will agree in principle. However, large reservoirs must be reported to the State Hydropower Administration. The province will first form an expert group to conduct preliminary inspection and demonstration." The leader said.

Liu Tao also knows that it is not easy to build a medium-to-large reservoir. It is a big project that requires site selection and demonstration in the early stage. Only when it is suitable for construction and how much money will it cost will it be reported. If there are no problems, it will be reported.

Yesterday, he heard Wang Tiezhu talk about some of the deeds of large and medium-sized reservoirs that had been built. Every large and medium-sized reservoir was the result of man's victory over nature, and it was widely publicized.

The difficulty of building a large and medium-sized reservoir is much more difficult than building a large factory!

After all, at this time, there were no large-scale construction machinery, and even bulldozers, excavators, etc. were relatively lacking. In many cases, labor was relied on to make up for it, which was very difficult as you can imagine.

It was only after listening to Wang Tiezhu's introduction yesterday that he realized that he had underestimated the difficulty of building a large-scale reservoir.

Now the leadership agrees in principle, which is already a good result.

"Thank you, leader!" Liu Tao didn't expect that this time it went so smoothly, and the leader agreed.

The leader smiled and said: "I hope Panshan Machinery Factory will further develop and grow under your leadership. If you have any difficulties, you can always raise them with the province and we can discuss solutions."

The leaders have also learned about Panshan Machinery Factory these days and know that Panshan Machinery Factory is already the largest military factory in the province.

As for the difficulties raised by Liu Tao, in the leader's view, only building the reservoir is a problem, but if the funds come from Panshan Machinery Factory, then it is not a problem.

The province is short of nothing but money.

As long as it doesn't cost the province a lot of money, it's easy to handle.

I have no choice, I am really too poor, so poor that even the province wants to use one dollar as three dollars.

With the third-line construction coming to an end, this also means that it is no longer difficult for Yunnan Province to obtain large sums of funds.

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