The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 200 The proud Mr. President!

In the white-skinned conference room, Amanda's dark complexion is particularly conspicuous and extremely dazzling.

A few ministers who hated her unceremoniously gave her disgusting looks. The Minister of Defense and the two military generals also didn't look good. Amanda was a mastiff raised by them. The mastiff grew up but bit back. Master bite.

President Joel Nash took the lead in applauding and extended a warm welcome to Amanda's arrival. Under his leadership, the conference room burst into sparse applause.

It can be seen that among the more than 20 high-ranking officials present, few want to see her.

Amanda didn't change much, said a few polite words, and sat down at the seat at the end of the conference table.

Joel Nash coughed and said solemnly,

"The main purpose of today's meeting is the alien abduction case."

"This matter is very serious. It is not only related to the personal safety of everyone here, but also to the national security, and even the entire earth. We will never allow races from other galaxies to ignore the laws of the United States and act wantonly on our country."

"Everyone has seen the original plan. If you have any ideas, you can come up with it. If not, after the meeting, you need to fully cooperate with Amanda's work and capture the aliens as soon as possible according to the predetermined plan."

As soon as the voice fell, FBI Director Jack Harvey immediately stood up and pointed at Amanda at the end of the table, "Ms. Waller, as far as I know, you have an extraordinary personal relationship with the former Vice President Dick Cheney, Before Floyd Russell, he was the actual controller of the Sky Eye Society, and you got that alien corpse, didn't you?"

Amanda replied, "Director Harvey, I need to correct a few words from you: One, Mr. Cheney and I are only cooperative and have no personal dealings. If not, I would not have been swept out of the hospital bed;

Second, the Sky Eye Society was built by me. It is definitely not a private armed force. It is a special organization approved by the White House. It plays a huge role in fighting against superpowers, aliens, and supernatural events, and makes huge sacrifices. It's written in the plan, everyone has read it, I don't need to explain it, as for the alien corpse..."

Amanda smiled helplessly, and asked back, "Do you want to make it public that the United States obtained the corpses of aliens, and tell the intelligence agencies of China and Russia that we have first-hand information on aliens? Come and steal them quickly? "

Jack Harvey sneered, "So you concealed the news and only told the vice president." Then, he looked at Joel Nash lightly, his expression self-evident.

Joel Nash was not angry, but said, "Amanda's actions at the time were not wrong. Her immediate supervisor is Dick Cheney. Of course, if something goes wrong, she must report to Dick Cheney. Do you have to report to everyone here? There is a problem. It was Dick Cheney who hid the alien news from us."

Amanda glanced gratefully at the President, who continued,

"Any other questions?"

Marshall Warren of the Ministry of Justice stood up and said unceremoniously, "How do you explain what happened later, the attack on the Sky Eye Club base, the destruction of the Fourth Infantry Division, and the kidnapping of the Vice President of the United States in his official residence, these are all It's because of your concealment."

The Minister of Defense snorted coldly, his face very bad.

The Fourth Infantry Division is so useless, it hurts to think about it, that is the ace of the Army!

God damn it!

Damn Dick Cheney!

The purpose of Marshall's revisiting the old story is to intensify the contradiction. Obviously, she succeeded, and the military was extremely uncomfortable with one sentence.

Amanda is not a god and cannot control other people's thoughts, but she has her own way of doing things.

"Director Harvey, Mr. Warren, I want to ask a question, do you really understand what kind of existence we face?"

"Obviously, you don't know at all, but I understand,

I have dealt with them, and there have been conflicts. They are intelligent races from outer space, not Middle Eastern terrorists who can only ride camels. Their technological level is far beyond ours, hundreds of years, even thousands of years,

They can hack into our computer systems without leaving a trace, monitor our daily lives, get all the information we want to hide, and even control nuclear bombs. "

"Like this meeting, who can guarantee not to be monitored by them, even if they know they are being monitored, who has the ability to find out, and the former Vice President Dick Cheney, who was arrested in his own home, the Secret Service Guards can't do it. Any countermeasures, you really think that relying on the FBI, CIA, special soldiers outside can guarantee our life safety,

Stop dreaming, it's impossible, the red-skinned alien's abilities are far beyond our imagination. When he comes, no one can run away. "

After a while, the conference room fell into an eerie silence.

Amanda's words hit everyone's pain points.

Those who can attend the meeting are all powerful people in power who are good at threatening others and hate being threatened.

Now there is a knife around their necks, they can't do anything, and they don't even know who the owner of the knife is. This kind of feeling is uncomfortable to think about.

Joel Nash saw the changes in the crowd and couldn't help but give Amanda a thumbs up. It's not bad that he was the founder of the Sky Eye Club, and he did have a set.

Seeing that no one spoke, CIA Secretary Ted Lambert expressed his opinion, "The matter of aliens can be handled by a joint team established by the FBI, CIA, and Department of Defense. In the hands of people who do not know the relationship, that will only cause more trouble."

joint team?

Joel sneered in his heart, but his face did not change,

"This proposal is good. The three departments work together to solve the aliens, but there are a few questions I want to find out. Who is in charge of the joint team? How to allocate personnel? How to divide the powers? Which department is responsible for the problem? It is related to the three major departments and must be carefully considered. It is best to make a detailed plan. Are you prepared?"

Everyone looked at Ted Lambert subconsciously, who closed his eyes angrily: Look at what I'm doing, I just made a suggestion, and didn't say I was responsible.

Joel turned his attention to FBI Director Jack Harvey and the Secretary of Defense, both of whom were also silent.

What joint group? shit!

Seeing this, Joelton laughed and laughed very happily. He has been the president for so many years, and he has never raised his eyebrows like this today. Aren't you all crazy? It is majestic in the Middle East, and when it comes to aliens, all of them are soft eggs.

While mocking wildly in his heart, the eyes he looked at Amanda became more and more kind. This woman was simply his blessing.

"Ms. Waller, what else do you need about the plan of action, say it together."

Amanda stood up, pressed the table with both hands, and said very strongly,

"I assure you that the aliens will be resolved within seven days. If I can't do it, I am willing to take full responsibility."

"well said."

Joel applauded lightly and glanced at everyone in the room, "The plan is hereby set, and within seven days, you must fully cooperate with Amanda's work. If anyone or any department dares to disobey the order, I will jeopardize national security. To use presidential privilege in name and send those troublemakers to Arkham with their bosses."

"I am the President of the United States, and I have this right."

Everyone: "..."

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