Chapter 081 The final battle is coming! (10/10)

Early the next morning, when the sky was still bright, the combined forces of Gondor and Rohan, a total of ten thousand men, led by Desenai and Théoden, left the capital and headed north toward Mordor.

The army passed through the swamp of death, and finally came to the Black Gate, ready to duel with the army of Mordor.

The entire Mordor was shrouded in the dark power of Sauron, and the sun was not seen all year round. The Doomsday Volcano often erupted with thick smoke. Sauron mixed his magic with the smoke to create a black cloud that would never disappear.

In the territory of Mordor, the Eye of Sauron constantly patrols, and any creature that appears in Mordor cannot escape Sauron's magic eye.

The Black Gate at the entrance of Mordor is the intersection of two giant mountain ranges. As an important place in the eastern part of Middle-earth, it is the junction of four roads from east, west, north and south. It is of great strategic significance and is one of the most important gateways to Mordor.

The Black Gate is the site of Gondor in the past, captured by the Nazgul and Orcs, and Sauron sent heavy troops to guard this place all the year round.

Now, the combined forces of Gondor and Rohan are here again, one is to completely destroy Sauron, and the other is to recapture the former homeland.

A day later, a 20,000-strong army led by Desenai and Theoden stopped at the entrance of Heimen Gorge.

Looking at the fortified city from afar, the leaders of the two kingdoms had solemn expressions on their faces. With a mere 20,000 troops, they would not be able to capture this city no matter what.

On the high city wall, the half-orc defenders also saw the combined forces of the two countries and immediately turned back to report.

In front of several horses, Desenai and Gandalf looked at each other and shouted loudly at the closed Black Gate fortress: "Let the Demon Lord Sauron come out, and today we will completely destroy him!"

Two hangings! Wrap hanging! Heavy hanging! The iron door slowly opened, and came out riding the mouth of Sauron, the black dream demon: "The rabble, my master Sauron, welcome your arrival!"

The Mouth of Sauron is a descendant of Numenor. Before long history, he took refuge with Sauron. With his treacherousness, cunning, and cruelty far beyond anyone else, he was appreciated by Sauron and was promoted to the adjutant of Mordor.

With the support of Sauron, he learned powerful black magic, and had a deep understanding of Sauron's mind.

Dressed in a black black robe and a visor, the whole body was covered up and down tightly, only one chin was exposed, and the interlaced fangs in the terrifyingly large mouth looked extremely disgusting, causing Desenai and Theoden to wrinkle. raised his eyebrows.

"The end of Sauron has come. If he is willing to capture him, I may intercede for him in front of the Valar gods and save him from death."

Gandalf strode forward, looking aloof.

Hearing this, Sauron's mouth was furious, and he pointed at Gandalf's nose, trembling with anger;

"Wizard in gray robe, who gave you the courage to say such a thing?"

Gandalf sighed, and said with a look of regret: "The strength that Morgoth has accumulated has been exhausted, if Sauron does not want to bring his own destruction, he will immediately disband the army of Mordor, bind his hands and return to the holy land of Oman, never again. Come back, otherwise, the coalition forces will surely burn him to ashes, and he will never be reborn."

"Haha, Gandalf, a mere grey robe, to be so outspoken."

Sauron laughed in a hurry: "The army of Mordor is here, and they are about to drive you to death. I want to see how you capture my greatest master!"


As soon as Sauron's voice fell, the giant scarlet eyes at the top of the Black Tower of Mordor suddenly opened, glaring at Gandalf.

"Morgoth will one day return to Middle-earth, and the gods of Aman will be at the knee of Lord Morgoth!"

The sound of thunderous ears sounded, rolling endlessly, spreading all over the sky and the earth.

Aman is another name for the Holy Land of Oman. For Sauron, he lost his body forever in that place, so he hated it very much!

Hearing Sauron's voice, Gandalf broke out in cold sweat from behind. Under Sauron's gaze, he felt the pressure exerted by Sauron, and his shoulders were like carrying mountains.

However, he naturally wouldn't show his weakness easily, and he reprimanded under the heavy pressure like a deep sea:

"You are stubborn, and now you are at the end of the road. If you don't surrender, death will be your final end!"

"Kill him! Kill this Damn it grey Maya!"

The sound of thunder resounded, and Sauron was so furious that he directly ordered Gandalf to be executed in front of the black gate.


La! Oh!! Huh!

Hearing Sauron's roar, Sauron's army, who was ambushing in the mountains around Hei Siweimen, rushed out, and the dense orc army poured out from the tunnels and caves, more than ten times more than the combined forces of the two countries.

"Bold warriors, warriors of Rohan, my brothers! My people!"

Desenai held high the banner of Gondor: "Destroy the darkness today, hold the weapons in your hands, and spread the glory all over this land, the age of mankind is coming!"

...for flowers,

Hearing Desenai's chanting, Gandalf immediately activated the Ring of Fire, blessing everyone with courage and fearlessness.

"Long live mankind! Long live Gondor!"

"Long live mankind! Long live Rohan!"

"Kill! Destroy Mordor, kill Sauron!"

"Kill! Destroy Mordor, kill Sauron!

With the encouragement of Dessenay and the blessing of Gandalf, the horn of the allied army sounded, all the soldiers charged forward with weapons in hand, and the two armies were about to face each other!

Zhou Yang and Gandalf acted as the last barrier to prevent Sauron from jumping over the wall.

"Gandalf, when he was in the dark forest, didn't he agree to let Celeborn and Galadriel block Sauron? What about them?"

Zhou Yang looked at Gandalf in a leisurely manner and questioned with bright eyes.

"They only promised to resist Sauron's attack, and they did not say that Mordor would besiege Sauron."

Gandalf excused calmly.

"So, the two of them just stay leisurely in Rose Lorien, and let us fight to death here?"

Zhou Yang asked in dissatisfaction.

Gandalf was silent, unwilling to answer the question.

"The dark power of Morgoth's overflowing seal has been defeated. What are these two elves thinking?"

Zhou Yang continued to ask.

"Zhou Yang, I'm not an elves, I really don't know about their concerns."

Gandalf opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but Zhou Yang's meaning was very clear, the two elves were still hesitant, and obviously still wanted to bet on both ends.

But he, Galadriel and Celeborn were comrades-in-arms for many years, and the Ring of Fire in his hand was made by Celeborn himself. For thousands of years, I don't know how much I owe, so I instinctively defended the two elves. .

"Hmph, since they are unwilling to contribute to Middle-earth, they are naturally ineligible to enjoy the respect of Middle-earth in the future. Gandalf, after this battle, I will get the Ring of Water. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Zhou Yang said indifferently, and then he kicked Smaug, who became more than two meters tall, and said:

Wait a minute "When you see your former comrade-in-arms, remember not to keep your hands." B.

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