Chapter 080 Counterattack Mordor! (9/10)

Desenai led the defenders out of the city and began to hunt down Sauron's army.

And in the northern part of the Palanno Plain, the densely packed Rohan cavalry just arrived.

Seeing the disintegrated Sauron army, Theoden pulled up the sword of king and shouted: "Kill!"

The Rohan cavalry remained silent, quickly lined up in formation, and the moment they mounted their horses, they rushed towards the disintegrating dark army.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

The horn of the charge blew, and the cavalry divided into three routes, surrounded and killed!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

With their backs to the scorching sun, their bodies covered in rays of light, their hooves fell and shook the earth, turning into a swift torrent and rushing into the battlefield!

Where the blade was directed, countless orc corpses remained on the plains of Palano forever!

After a while, the city guards and Rohan cavalry stepped on the corpse of the enemy and stood on the plain.

What caught my eye were countless black corpses everywhere, blood pooling, soaking the mud on the plains, and when the horses stepped on it, they could press out red sewage.

"King Theoden, here you are!

Gandalf walked out of the royal city and greeted him with a smile.

"Yes, here I am!"

Theoden frowned, looked at Gandalf, and after seeing that the gray wizard robe on his body was in tatters, he asked worriedly, "Gandalf, are you injured?"

This was the first time Théoden saw Gandalf with a wound!

Gandalf shook his head:

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. I received a minor injury when fighting the Nazgul."

Theoden heard the words and nodded: "It turned out to be the Nazgul, I understand.

Gandalf ended the thread by saying:

"It's time to start a counter-offensive, let's talk about it in the royal city first."

The Royal City Council!

Most of the main generals of Gondor and Rohan gathered here.

The moderator of the meeting was Gandalf, and with his status and status, it was the most suitable.

Zhou Yang sat in the upper hand position. After all, this battle could be won, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was alone.

"Cough cough!"

Gandalf coughed lightly, and after everyone's eyes were on him, he slowly opened his mouth:

"Everyone, we have won the battle of Palano Plain, but this is not the final victory, the real test begins now!"

Hearing Gandalf's speech, the members of the council nodded their heads one after another. They knew that the threat of war could come at any time if the mill was not destroyed for a day.

"Sauron failed in this battle, and he will definitely not let it go. I can feel that behind the walls of Mordor, the enemy is regrouping the army.

Mordor is vast, and if Gondor and Rohan are taken out alone, neither population nor land can be compared with Mordor. What's more, in this battle, more than 20,000 Mordor troops fled back.

"Gandalf, what do you mean?"

The Prime Minister of Gondor, Dessenay, looked at Gandalf and asked in a solemn tone.

"I mean, Mordor must be counterattacked, and the army of darkness must be wiped out."

After speaking, Gandalf glanced at everyone and continued:

"Gondor, Rohan and Mordor are separated by a mountain. In order to realize his ambition to conquer Middle-earth, Sauron will continue to send troops to us until we are completely wiped out. If we can't counterattack Mordor now, the elves will be in the future. Going to the holy land of Oman, the dwarves have never cared about war, we are alone and helpless, and then we will inevitably end up with the end of the country and the genocide!"

"It's just elves and dwarves, it doesn't matter if there is him or not.

A Gondor general looked indifferent.

"That's right, we once wiped out the army of Mordor by our own strength. We succeeded this time, and it will be no exception in the future."

"That's right, as long as the two countries work together and rely on the strong city wall, it is possible to block Sauron's minions from the door of the house."

"The city wall of the royal capital has been destroyed, and it can't stop Sauron's army at all.

"Just rebuild it. The dwarves are the best at this. As long as you give money, the city walls will have as many (bgbb) as you want!"

"Fart, offense is the best defense. This time there is Lord Dragon Knight, otherwise we will die miserably."

"Then you mean to attack Mordor? Don't you know that Mordor is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the number of defenders is several times that of ours. How to attack and what to attack?"

"But if you keep defending, you will be consumed by Mordor one day!"

The generals of the two countries quarreled and were roughly divided into two camps, one of which insisted on a defensive strategy, and the other who believed that it was time to pursue the victory.

"Quiet me all, this is the conference hall of the Royal Capital, don't make any noise."

Diesel slapped the table with a slap, instantly making everyone quiet.

"Theoden, what is your opinion?"

Desenai turned to look at King Rohan.

Theoden frowned, and if he gave up the attack, the Kingdom of Rohan would have a chance to recuperate, which was very rare.

But that will leave troubles later, and it is not the best way for Theoden, who is very talented.

After thinking about it, Theodon said:

"If I give up this great opportunity, then I will forever lose the opportunity to destroy the darkness, but I will take the initiative to attack Mordor, and the chance of success is extremely slim. In my opinion, it is better for us to find the One Ring that Sauron lost. , destroy it, as long as Sauron is dead, Mordor will not be defeated.

The Lord of the Rings!

Hearing this word, there was a sudden heavy breathing in the discussion hall, and greed appeared on everyone's face.

Gandalf sighed in disappointment, then he drew his long sword and slammed it on the table, waking everyone up.

Humans are the most greedy of the three races. Gandalf didn't say much. He waved most of them out of the council hall, leaving only Zhou Yang, Dessery, Theoden and others.

"Destroying the Lord of the Rings is indeed a good way, but the Lord of the Rings has been lost for thousands of years, and there is no way to find it.

After a slight pause, Gandalf continued:

"And even if we find the Lord of the Rings, if we want to destroy it, we can only go to the Doomsday Volcano where the Lord of the Rings was forged. However, the Eye of Sauron is constantly monitoring the entire Mordor. If the Lord of the Rings falls into the hands of Sauron, Middle-earth is truly over."

"Then Gandalf, do you still insist on attacking Mordor?

A gloomy color flashed in Desser's eyes. After struggling for a while, he finally suppressed the gloomy color and questioned Gandalf.

"Yes, now is the weakest time for Sauron. He has just returned to Guangduo, and he has not completely stabilized his spiritual body. Now attacking Mordor is done once and for all."

Gandalf continued to persuade.

Desenai and Theoden looked at each other and nodded at last.

"Then listen to Gandalf, King Theoden, what do you mean?"

"I have no objection, the cavalry of the Kingdom of Rohan can leave at any time.

The actual masters of Gondor and Rohan finally make up their minds, support Gandalf's choice, and prepare to attack Mordor!

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