Because Natasha successfully escaped from the Hydra secret base, and has been received.

So the system determined that the [Life and Death of Black Widow] task was completed, and the line-by-line system prompts were swiped in front of Leo.

[The "Life and Death of Black Widow" quest has been completed, the quest evaluation, excellent. 】

[The task reward is now settled, and the settlement is in progress...]

[You get the Black Widow character card x1, and you can also get a random skill or specialty of the Black Widow that is the target of the quest. 】

[The reward is randomized, please choose one of the following three options as a reward. 】

[1. Charge burst (active skill), you need to charge for two seconds when you use it, and the attack power will be doubled in the next attack, which will consume a lot of stamina each time. 】

[2. Advanced psychic resistance (specialty), Black Widow has developed a very strong psychic resistance in the process of receiving training, which can resist the negative effects of psychic skills. 】

[3. Serum transforms the body (specialty), Black Widow was transformed with serum by the former Soviet organization "Red Room", and her physical fitness was greatly improved. 】

Leo was overjoyed at first, and then fell into a tangle.

This is the first mission that Leo has completed, and he did not expect such a generous mission reward. Generously looks like a rookie spree!

All three options seemed so tempting that Leo wanted them all.

Since it is difficult to choose, Leo is not in a hurry to do multiple-choice questions. He pulled out the panel and looked at the so-called "Black Widow Character Card" first.

[Black Widow character card, use 1/1 times. After using this character card, the host can temporarily obtain the physical fitness of Black Widow for 60 minutes. 】

After Leo read the attributes of the Black Widow character card, he already had a mind. He made up his mind and chose [Advanced Mind Resistance].

Although the first active skill is very powerful, Leo's basic attack power is weak now, and he can't play the maximum effect of the skill.

The Black Widow character card can temporarily replace the third option, so Leo is not so urgent.

In contrast, Leo prefers the second option, because he has tasted the taste of being almost controlled by Black Widow, and now he is a little scared in retrospect.

In the Marvel Universe, there are many more abilities of mind control and mental shock. Leo felt that there was an ability to increase mental resistance, at least to be prepared.

When Leo made his choice, the system prompt in front of him turned into a light spot and dissipated. At the same time, a special force suddenly appeared in his body out of thin air and was transforming him.

Leo felt that his spiritual power was gradually becoming stronger, and a seemingly invisible barrier formed in his mind.

Surprisingly, with the growth of mental power, Leo felt that the mechanical force in his body was gradually becoming active, accelerating his physical fitness.

Yes! This is a real world, not a game. The formation of advanced psychic resistance must be because the individual possesses extremely strong mental power, which in turn affects the mysterious mechanical force in Leo.

Leo was feeling the mysterious and mysterious Mechanical Force in his body, and suddenly, a system prompt that he didn't expect was refreshed.

[It is detected that the host's mental strength has reached the minimum standard of "Mechanical Force Deduction-Inspiration", and "Mechanical Force Deduction-Inspiration" has been unlocked. 】

[Mechanical force deduction - a clever move (active skill), you can consume mechanical force and mental force, and deduce a mechanical blueprint, parts, etc. in your mind, there is a certain probability of generating whimsical ideas, such as the pen of God! 】

Seeing that he had acquired a new active skill, Leo was overjoyed.

He thought it was just a simple choice of a reward of [Advanced Mind Resistance], who knew that the surprises came one after another.

In general, the reward of a mission directly raised Leo's comprehensive strength by a notch.

He is not only full of expectations for the task of [Saving American Private, Bucky Barnes].

It looked like it took Leo a lot of time to settle the quest rewards, but it only took a few seconds. At this time, Orson had just run to Sienna.

He put the heavy machine gun on him, gave Sienna a salute and was about to speak, when suddenly, the communicator on his waist rang:

"Boss, they are attacking the transformers around the manor, and our people can't stop them..."

But before the agent on duty finished speaking, the base fell into darkness again, and then the emergency lighting devices turned on again.

Without the relay of the signal relays between the floors of the base, wireless signals could not be propagated in the metal base at all.

Bald-headed Orson suppressed the panic in his heart and said after calming down:

"Boss, as I said just now, the black widow has escaped, and the base is under attack now, please instruct."

"Now in the central control room, can you still see the surveillance video on the ground?"

With just a few words from the bald Orson, Sienna couldn't have much useful information at all, and she couldn't make a direct decision.

"The base has lost its power supply, and it should be impossible to see the surveillance outside. But before I came to find you, I have backed up a surveillance video on the ground."

The bald Orson hurriedly took out a portable player from his pocket.

"Boss, please see."

The content of this surveillance video is exactly the video clip of Hawkeye Barton responding to Black Widow.

As the leader of Hydra, of course Sienna recognized Agent Patton of S.H.I.E.L.D. After watching the video, she gritted her teeth bitterly and said:

"Damn! Black Widow turned out to be a person from S.H.I.E.L.D."

After listening to Dr. Orson and Dr. Zola, they exclaimed one after another.

"Miss Sienna, I suggest that the base enter a state of maximum emergency immediately."

Dr. Zola weighed the pros and cons and quickly gave the most appropriate opinion.

Sienna thought for a while, nodded, and agreed with Dr. Zola's proposal. Then he said:

"Orson, let me know, the base has entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and the emergency A plan will be implemented."

The bald Orson took the order and left in a hurry.

Emergency A plan, that is to pack up everything in the base and quickly evacuate.

After Siena waited until the bald Orson was far away, she glanced at Leo who was standing beside him and said:

"Leo, you go back up the important experimental data in the laboratory, destroy the original data, and then prepare to evacuate with the main force."

But after Leo listened to Siena's order, he stood still and didn't move, as if he didn't hear it.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I said?"

Seeing Leo ignoring her words, Sienna looked particularly angry.

At this time, Dr. Zola took a step forward, and the old man on the robot's chest supported the frame, looking particularly serious:

"Miss Sienna, Leo knows what we're going to do next, I told him in advance.

Leo is my student, and as his teacher I want to fight for his right to live.

Also, I don't think Leo's future achievements will be lower than mine, and the organization needs him. "

Sienna looked at Dr. Zora with anger in her eyes. But Dr. Zola stood straight and did not give in at all.

After a long time, Siena withdrew her gaze and said lightly:

"Since you insist, let him evacuate with us. But..."

As soon as the words fell, Siena suddenly raised her head to look at Leo, her long purple hair fluttering behind her as if alive.

Leo, who was standing silently, suddenly felt that his brain became dizzy, and an external spiritual force wanted to pierce into the depths of his brain like a needle.

At the same time, a line of blood-red system prompts was refreshed.

【System Warning! You are under powerful mind control from Sienna Schmidt. Judging... 】

PS1: The book has been signed today. In order to sign the contract, a new chapter will be added! Scatter flowers?.(*′▽`*)?.

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