The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 224 Treating Differently

The weather in Quannan at the end of April can reach 30 degrees in the afternoon, and the sun is very poisonous. When going out, Song Na wore a large knitted sun hat, a long-sleeved sweatshirt and sports trousers to cover her arms and long legs It's so tight that it doesn't give the sun a chance.

It's hot and the clothes are thin. Even though the purple lapel sweatshirt is loose, it still has a clear arc on Song Na's chest, pushing the Li-Ning logo to the front.

The dark blue sports trousers covered the curves of the legs, but they couldn't stop them from being slender and agile.

In college, many girls will go through a transformation.

Song Na came out of Qingzhao Mountain, got rid of the worries of tuition and living expenses, and began to pay attention to her own dressing.

Lu Dong, who was walking beside her, was also changing.

A white short-sleeved shirt, tucked into light blue slacks, and a pair of black leather shoes, look a little old-fashioned.

But since he is young, such a dress can make him appear mature.

In the social and business fields, immaturity is likely to bring out many problems and troubles. Many problems encountered by Lu Dong are not unrelated to age and immature face.

Despite the protection in place, Song Na was born at a disadvantage, and her skin color darkened slightly.

In contrast, Lu Dong's wind and frost brought about by his hard work are gradually receding.

No longer exposed to the wind and sun like before, even though the face is still dark, the skin is no longer rough, and the calluses on the hands are softening day by day.

However, when the two walked together, Lu Dong was still darker than Song Na.

After leaving the shop, Lu Dong asked, "Heidan, have you brought your pen and notebook?"

Song Na pointed to the backpack: "Don't worry, I've brought it."

Lu Dong reached out to take the small backpack on her shoulder, carried it on his shoulder, and glanced at Song Na: "Your hair seems to be longer than before."

Song Na wanted to roll her eyes helplessly: "Didn't you see it? My hairstyle has changed."

Lu Dong smiled embarrassedly, and quickly praised: "This hairstyle is better than before. Let me think about it, how should I describe it..."

The two walked south side by side, and Song Na was a little worried. The name Lu Kuisheng was first called. Others may not know it, but she knew it very well. Fourth girl?

Lu Dong's description seemed very weak: "Are you called a 28-point bob?"

"Hmm." Song Na replied.

No disappointment, no surprise, I can only say that it is Lu Dong.

The two walked through the crossroads, Lu Dong racked his brains, and finally remembered some words from the martial arts novels he had read, and put them together: "This hairstyle is very suitable for you, neat and capable, casual and free and easy, fresh and natural..."

Hearing a word, Song Na's smile deepened, and her smile was brighter than the sun above her head.

Lu Dong couldn't continue because he ran out of words.

Song Na grabbed Lu Dong's arm: "You can talk!"

Some people around cast curious eyes. After all, the man is tall and strong, and the woman is heroic and beautiful.

Song Na came from a conservative mountain village, so she subconsciously let go.

Lu Dong continued: "Hei Dan, I've heard people say that girls who dare to comb their forehead bangs to reveal their foreheads are very confident."

Song Na was surprised, and looked at Lu Dong curiously while walking: "Why are you so talkative today?"

Lu Dong smiled: "Just say what you think of."

The corners of Song Na's mouth turned up, and she pursed her pretty curves. Next to Lu Dong, she walked towards the teaching building along the asphalt road in the Provincial University.

Lu Dong thought of something: "Your store has been open for more than a month, how is the business? Forget it?"

"I calculated it in one month." Song Na said simply: "It's much more than what my parents earn in a year working in the village."

She laughed: "My parents are not arguing to go home to farm anymore, they care more about this store than I do."

Lu Dong told the truth: "Personal farming is not a good way out."

Not to mention paying public grain now, even if the agricultural tax is abolished, you can earn hundreds of dollars after a busy season.

Song Na said: "If you don't jump out of the mountain, your eyes will always be limited to the side of the mountain."

While talking, the two of them entered the teaching building, glanced at the layout plan, and quickly found a large lecture theater on the second floor. They came earlier, and there were many empty seats inside.

"Heidan, Dongzi!" Li Wenyue waved at the place five or six rows away from the podium: "This way."

Lu Dong and Song Na passed by, and Li Wenyue used books to help them occupy two seats.

There are many people doing this, and it is normal for one person to occupy seats for four or five people.

Lu Dong sat down next to Li Wenyue, and Song Na sat down next to Lu Dong. She took the backpack in Lu Dong's hand, and took out two notebooks with the same style and different cover colors. The dark brown one was for Lu Dong, and the light red one was for Lu Dong. Put it in front of yourself.

Li Wenyue looked closer and asked, "Hei Dan, don't you have mine?"

Song Na took out an ordinary white notebook and gave it to him, jokingly said, "This is your reward for helping to occupy the seat."

Li Wenyue took it over and muttered dissatisfiedly: "No cover, nigga, you treat it differently."

Song Na smiled, but didn't answer.

As time goes by, the number of people in the auditorium gradually increases, and there is a tendency to be full.

Li Wenyue said: "Professor Yang is very powerful. He is a leader in economics and business management in the province. Even Qingqi Group, Heavy Truck Group, and Luneng Group invite him to give lectures and do diagnosis and treatment."

Lu Dong was curious and asked, "The two companies in front are struggling?"

"Professor Yang raised his opinion two years ago, but no one listened to it." Li Wenyue obviously knew it specifically: "Professor Yang said that to really revitalize these two large state-owned enterprises, it is not up to personal strength."

Lu Dong roughly understood the meaning of this sentence, and Song Na answered, "I don't understand, like our Qingzhao, why... why are so many public factories closed?"

"This question is too profound." Li Wenyue smiled bitterly: "I won't be able to explain it clearly in a while."

Lu Dong simply said: "The system is rigid, the burden is heavy, and there is no sense of competition. These are all superficial factors. No matter how deep it is, I don't really understand it."

"It's not like someone has taken a fancy to the factory." A classmate in front of them heard their conversation and answered: "The factory where my father worked was very profitable the year before, but it lost money last year, and it went bankrupt this year..."

Lu Dong said softly, "Speak carefully."

People in this era have never experienced the fact that eating buns and giving bad reviews can make people call the police, and since they are in a university, they have no scruples about it.

The three of Lv Dong didn't speak at all, as if this matter had nothing to do with us.

Fortunately, the class bell rang quickly, and the auditorium gradually became quiet.

The huge lecture theater was not only full of people, but some people also brought their own stools and sat in the corridor. Professor Yang's class seemed to be particularly popular.

A short man in his fifties, wearing a half-worn white shirt, entered the classroom.

He glanced at it, seemed to be used to this kind of small scene, picked up the chalk and wrote five big characters on the blackboard-Enterprise Management and Survival!

Song Na touched Lu Dong with her arm, and Lu Dong turned to look at her, imitating her, picked up the ballpoint pen, and opened the notebook.

It feels very strange to be back in class as a student.

How long has it been since you took notes? Lu Dong thought about it carefully, but couldn't remember clearly.

Song Na reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't be distracted!"

Lu Dong came to his senses and began to invite Professor Yang to give lectures. Professor Yang didn't pay attention to classroom interaction, but the lectures were all about combining theory with practical cases.

Special mention is made of Qingqi Group, the first listed company in Quannan.

This industry-based company, not to mention the lack of technological innovation and market expansion in recent years, has instead focused on the stock market, speculating on its own Qingqi stock, and was fined a sky-high price of 100 million yuan.

Misfortunes never come singly, Qingqi has a mediocre relationship with the local government. Last year, Quannan Local Taxation seized 30,000 motorcycles that had just rolled off the production line of Qingqi Group to offset the 80 million tax arrears.

Professor Yang said bluntly that there was a big problem in the management of Qingqi Group, and the board of directors was superficial and had become a monologue. When a decision was made wrong, other people dared not raise it and were unable to raise their opinions.

If things go on like this, no matter whether Qingqi Group or the current leader, big problems will inevitably arise.

Lu Dong thought about it carefully, the workers who used to be Qingqi blocked the road, and it seemed that the leader went in?

When the decision makers of an enterprise go wrong, the enterprise is often in trouble.

This cognition also made Lu Dong more firm in his idea of ​​enriching himself.

Combining memory and listening to Professor Yang's lectures, it is not difficult to find that this person does have a few brushes.

Let Lu Dong sit here and do the work, he can stay there, and it is somewhat difficult to attend the class, Song Na kicks him from time to time to remind him to be serious.

While Professor Yang was drinking water, Song Na said softly, "How can such a big person look like a first-grade elementary school student?"

Lu Dong smiled, and listened patiently. When he heard something useful, he also took notes.

From junior high school to high school, he had never listened to a class so seriously.

It can only be said that supervision is effective.

get out of class is over, there are too many people, the three of you are not in a hurry to leave, and wait patiently for people to disperse.

Li Wenyue talked about something: "As I mentioned last time, Yuan Jing and I contacted nearly twenty people at the alumni gathering of our No. 1 Middle School in the university town, and everyone agreed to go back to school for the May Day holiday."

"Qingzhao No. 1 Middle School?" Lu Dong asked.

"Yes." The Lu Dong that Li Wenyue knew before didn't like No. 1 Middle School, so he said, "You guys have been away for a while, so I want to go back to my alma mater."

Song Na poked Lu Dong from behind: "Shall we go together?"

Lu Dong thought for a while, and there were people in charge of both stores, and said, "Okay, let's go back and have a look together."

"Seeing Guo Ying's bear son again, catch him and let him take off his pants and parade him!" Song Na showed her enthusiasm as a high school sports student: "Guo Ying can still fire us?"

Lu Dong was helpless: "Since when did you become a female hooligan?"

"I'll cover you from behind!" Song Na laughed: "You go with Wen Yue!"

Lu Dong said: "No need, that poor kid has scolded a few people? At our level, there are few people who don't want to beat him."

There were fewer people in the lecture theater, and the three of them picked up their things and went out. Li Wenyue insisted on inviting Lu Dong and Song Na to the canteen of the Provincial University, and Lu Dong simply followed them into the canteen.

Li Wenyue went to buy food and asked Lu Dong and Song Na to occupy a table alone.

Xu Man came over with a lunch box, and smiled crookedly: "Lu Dong, Song Na!" She looked around: "The King of Xiaoyao is not here?"

Song Na said: "Old Du has been busy with his thesis recently, what are you busy with?"

Xu Man sat across from Song Na: "Tell me about the student union, and I'll continue to work with you after I'm done."

Li Wenyue came over with a plate, and Lu Dong served the dishes with him.

The four of them ate together, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After dinner, Song Na and Lu Dong went back, and when they arrived at the Malatang shop, they saw Yang Guoqiang.

Yang Guoqiang was standing at the door, and he didn't know how long he had been waiting.

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