The Era of Gods

Chapter 135 Special invitation and rejection

The acquaintance replied "wait a moment" for the time being. What he most wanted to see now was the private chat between these observers from different institutions of higher learning about what they wanted to do.

First of all, the first observer from the Tianqing Institute of Higher Education, as soon as he was connected, heard a voice of a burly man in his mind and said:

"Student Lin Xiao, after observing you, we believe that you are good enough to be worthy of our invitation. In the name of Tianqing University, we will send you a special invitation letter, please consider it carefully!"

"Hmm! Tianqing Institute of Higher Learning!"

A series of information immediately appeared in Lin Xiao's mind.

When he received the invitation letter for the super freshman summer camp, he had already recorded all the information of the summer camp organizer. Among the five super universities in Huaxia District and 133 key universities, the Tianqing Higher Education Institute ranked in the middle. .

In the main world, there are a total of 12 super universities and 800 institutions of higher learning, also called key universities and first-class universities.

Outside these 800 institutions of higher learning, there are ordinary institutions of higher learning. There are quite a lot of them, some strong and some weak. The strongest are not inferior to the lower-ranked institutions of higher learning, and some may even surpass the lower-ranked institutions of higher education. Schools, but in the end it belongs to ordinary schools.

There are five Huaxia Districts of twelve super universities, and more than 300 Huaxia Districts of 800 key universities.

The super freshman summer camp is the top freshman activity in China and even the main world jointly organized by five super colleges and 133 institutions of higher learning.

The purpose is not only to select some outstanding students through the summer camp, to see if there are any missing talents besides those who have become famous young talents, but also to increase the popularity of the school.

Although all institutions of higher learning can be held, there are so many institutions of higher learning in the main world, plus so many ordinary institutions of higher learning, among which there are some universities whose comprehensive strength exceeds that of ordinary institutions of higher education. If the school does not maintain its own reputation, it will be easily surpassed by others. .

The annual super freshman summer camp is one of the top freshman activities in the main world. Participating in the summer camp can well maintain the reputation of the school.

As for the selection of elite talents, it is also one of the main tasks.

Just like in the ancient Huaxia era before Lin Xiao passed through, many universities were keen to compete for the top spot in the college entrance examination, and they did not hesitate to use high scholarships to attract them.

In ancient times, the competition for genius was to increase the reputation of the school, but now the competition for genius is to actually enhance the foundation of the school.

In this super-fantasy age of gods, every student with great potential and strength is a god reserve, and training to become a true god will increase the academy's own heritage and real strength, and they can't help but fight.

It's a pity that Lin Xiao has no interest in this Tianqing Higher College.

It was definitely something he wanted to replace with someone else, but for him, the Tianqing Higher Education Institute, which was in the middle of the ranking of higher education institutions, was not very attractive to him.

It is not necessary to enter the five super universities in Huaxia District, but it is also the top 20 institutions of higher learning. The top 20 institutions of higher learning are all behemoths, and it is enough to have a big backer. It is not required to be specific. backing.

I really don't have much requirements for this Lin Xiao, but it doesn't mean that there are no requirements at all.

So he thought about it, and politely rejected the observer.

Soon, the observer of the Tianqing University of Higher Education sent another letter, asking again sincerely, and was willing to provide a scholarship.

But Lin Xiao politely refused.

The other party was helpless and did not continue to invite.

Anyway, higher education institutions also need face, and it is impossible to get together if they are not invited twice.

Then look at the second private letter, the special invitation letter from the Darkmoon Institute of higher learning, the content format is basically the same.

The ranking of the Dark Moon Higher Education Institute is not much higher than that of the Tianqing Higher Education Institute.

The third private message was from Wangu University of higher learning, which ranked 48th among the 800 institutions of higher learning. Lin Xiao thought about it and left this as a tentative decision.

Fourth private message, from

He saw the twenty-fourth private letter in one breath, and was also the last institution of higher learning willing to issue special invitation letters and scholarships. There were dozens of observers from institutions of higher learning watching the battle just now, and dozens of them sent private letters. But only twenty-four were willing to recruit him, and the rest only sent letters of intent.

To sum up, the rankings of the colleges that are willing to recruit him are not very high, and the highest is the Wangu Institute of Higher Education, which ranks 48th.

The ranking of the letters of intent is high. The highest one is from the fourth-ranked Eternal Will Institute of Higher Education, but I have not seen any super colleges. Well, there are no observers in the super colleges.

As the main organizers, the five super colleges have the right to choose first, and they can choose their favorite students first after the summer camp.

Generally speaking, if the five super universities send out special invitation letters, basically very few students will refuse the invitation, and Lin Xiao is no exception.

Finally, after reading all the private messages, Lin Xiao thought about it and rejected them all. For no other reason, he just didn't like it.

If you want the five super universities, or the top 20 institutions of higher learning to send special invitation letters, he doesn't have to consider agreeing, it's okay to be lower than this ranking, he is only a senior now, there is still a lot of time to grow, and there will be time in the future. pick.

After processing these private messages, he was free to check the messages sent by acquaintances.

The first thing I saw was Lin Xu's message. The little uncle didn't say anything, only sent a series of question marks.

He pinched his chin, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and replied:

"The previous elimination test in the team was a real invasion. I got a few big guys, which are very powerful."

But Lin Xu didn't respond, he looked up, good guy, he was being challenged by others and didn't have time to respond.

She shrugged and gave Shen Yuexin back again, for the same reason.

After he finished speaking, he closed the private chat because she was also challenging others.

Everyone is busy challenging or being challenged. Lin Xiao sees that he still needs to challenge two opponents or be challenged twice, but just now he defeated the silver player Li Xiangyang. Now it is estimated that no one will take the initiative to challenge him, he needs to take the initiative to challenge himself. , complete three challenges first.

According to the rules, if you win all three challenges, you can get a total of six mythical-quality cards, as well as an extra card slot and a chance to leapfrog challenge.

If the challenge is successful, you can get an ancient god card and an extra card.

This reward is very exciting, but it is not so easy to get it.

It is easy to win three times in a row. After all, his positioning is not high. At the same level, there are some silver players and some top-ranked bronze players, so it is not difficult to win.

But the leapfrog challenge is a bit troublesome. There are not many choices in front of him, and Shen Yuexin has to be eliminated. She is a top-tier silver player by each team. Although Gucheng is a silver player, she has not been identified as a silver player. The strongest first-order, and then get rid of the six gold players including Wu Zhonglin, there are few he can choose.

You must know that these are the ones who first sat on the golden throne, but were driven down by the six. This does not mean that they are weak, but the opponents are too strong, and it is this group that he wants to challenge.

His eyes swept across these players, and he was a little unsure which one to choose.

After hesitating for a moment, he turned his gaze back to look down.

If you can't make up your mind, don't think about it, and then finish the three challenges first.

Looking between the bronze and silver, he finally landed on an unchallenged player in the bronze layer and initiated a challenge application to the other party.

Persimmon, of course, is to pick up the soft pinching, steady!

As soon as the application was sent, it was obvious that the man was stunned for a moment, then turned his head sharply to see Lin Xiao, and his face immediately showed a helpless expression.

The challenge cannot be rejected. Although he is silver and the opponent is bronze, they are considered the same rank in the team division and cannot be rejected.

He was familiar with the challenge of entering the virtual plane. After Lin Xiao overlooked the opponent's troops from the plane dome, he felt relieved and let Slarda take full command.

The bronze player's strength is far lower than Li Xiangyang, so how could he be his opponent.

Just after the end of the round, the opponent directly conceded defeat and did not continue the second round.

But according to the rules, his seat also fell from the bronze layer to the black iron layer, moved the seat from the bronze layer to the black iron layer, and the seat material also changed from bronze to black iron.

At this stage, there is no longer a limit on the number of seats at all levels. For example, there are thirty-six seats in silver. If two silver players play against each other, one of them fails and falls to the bronze level, which is equivalent to thirty-six seats in silver. Thirty-five, seventy-two bronzes become seventy-three.

This kind of situation is being staged at different levels, and people are constantly falling from the upper level to the lower level, or different levels are reversed.

But most of them were players without seats who failed to challenge and were eliminated, and their figures disappeared directly from the hall.

Lin Xiao noticed that many acquaintances from Yunmeng Province were also eliminated one after another, including several acquaintances.

He can only express regret for this, and at this stage no one can help anyone.

After picking up his mood, he randomly picked another bronze player. This strength is not much different from the previous one. It also took only one round to make the opponent surrender. So far, the three challenges have been completed, and the six mythical cards and extra card slots are in hand. It's as fast as picking up money with a sack.

It is a pity that this experience of picking up money is over, and the next level challenge will be difficult.

The opponent must have been selected among the top silver seats. Forget the gold seats, that is too difficult, even if the three gold seats other than the six are not good ones.

Speaking of which, these six Lin Xiaos are not very familiar. Except for Wu Zhonglin, the other five do not know where they come from, and their specific strengths are unclear. They only know that they are very strong, very strong. Although they are not comparable to Wu Zhonglin, they are definitely He is a lot stronger than the strongest gold player on the field, and I don't know if he is the arrogant, peerless or outstanding player of the day.

It stands to reason that if you can come with Wu Zhonglin, there is a high probability that you will be a sub-list player.

Definitely not as good as Wu Zhonglin, I don't know if it's the 108th peerless sub-list or the 3,000 outstanding sub-list.

This kind of top master among his peers

To be honest, Lin Xiao really wanted to give them a try to see how far apart he was from them.

But this time is not suitable, he still wants to take the ancient card and the extra card slot, it is better to be stable.

It is a pity that the three challenge rewards are only settled after the end, the main reason is to prevent someone from completing the three levels first to quickly improve their strength and then challenge, otherwise he would like to get six Mythic cards first to improve his strength.

Lin Xiao was not very familiar with the strength of these top players, and did not spend much time thinking about it. He casually locked a silver player who had been eliminated from the gold level, and launched an application for a leapfrog challenge to the opponent.

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